Sunday, December 10, 2023

Fantasyland Chapter 45 and 46

 The last two chapters of "Fantasyland" by Kurt Andersen focus on how the populace of America is being manipulated by certain celebrities by the media. Donald Trump is his main spectacle he uses to illustrate how America has started to turn to the flashiest, loudest, and most captivating speaker regardless of what they are saying. Trump rose in the spotlight demanding the attention of the audience with his choice of words, mannerism, and preposterous accusations. This was not hard for him to do considering he had been a showman for most of his life. Being a businessman and owning multiple franchises, it was second nature for him to know how to get the most publicity. He had been using the same tactics all throughout his career as illustrated HERE on FT news which shows how he used his influence to get what he wanted and helped boost his publicity for the presidential polls. His exotic personality was and always has been just a way to get his words and ideas broadcasted more than his opponents. When people hear one person's opinion over and over without a contradictory viewpoint, it becomes natural to start to believe the one they hear more often explained on NBC news. As discussed in the book, there were over a million radio shows discussing Trump's opinion and future policies only, showing that many people believed him just because he stole the light and talked the most. This tactic is not leaving anytime soon either. He is constantly interviewed due to his wild conspiracy theories, one of the most recent being that the 2020 election was rigged. Spreading propaganda not only catches the ears of listeners, but also serves as a fuel to fire a retaliation for the next four years. People often believe what they want to so when a public figure head tells them exactly that, it's essentially giving the green light to fully commit to the belief. He has been making such preposterous claims for many years according to ABC News solely to be heard and further divide uncertain parties.

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