Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Last "w" Withdrawal day

 A note from One Stop: 

Good morning, all! Today is the last day that students can withdraw on Pipeline with a grade of W.


Please see procedures below for those students that may need assistance beginning tomorrow until the end of the semester.


·        Students wishing to withdraw from individual courses must obtain a signed drop form (signed by instructor and department) and bring that to the One Stop for processing. The last day for forms is December 5th.

·        Students wishing to withdraw from all courses at this point will fall into two categories:

o   Those with documentation of an extenuating circumstance can submit that information to my office for review. If the documentation is dated within the term and is appropriate, I can withdraw with a grade of W through December 5th without a drop form.

o   Those with no documentation can withdraw on Pipeline (via Add/Drop Classes, Withdraw link) through December 6th with a grade of W/F, meaning the instructors will have the option to assign either a W or an F at the end of the semester. They MUST complete the form provided in that link. I will process and send them a confirmation email.

·        Students asking to withdraw from anything between December 6th and December 13th must provide both a signed drop form and documentation of an extenuating circumstance to my office.

·        Any requests to drop/withdraw after December 13th will be classified and treated as a retroactive withdrawal request.


If you have questions, let me know. I just thought it might be helpful for you to know the procedures we are communicating to students from here till the end of the term. As always, if in doubt, give us a call and/or send the student over. You can also direct them to withdraw@mtsu.edu. We’re happy to help!


Becca Seul, CFLE

MT One Stop- Associate Director
Middle Tennessee State University

SSAC 210

615-494-8910 (o)

615-904-8423 (f)

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