Saturday, April 17, 2021

An urgent need

"'There is an urgent need today for the citizens of a democracy to think well.' These words, which could have been written yesterday, come from Thinking to Some Purpose, a popular book by the British philosopher Susan Stebbing, first published in 1939 in the Penguin 'Pelican' books series, with that familiar blue-and-white cover. This little book, which could easily be slipped into a pocket and read on the train, in a lunch hour, or at a bus stop, was pitched at the intelligent general reader. In Thinking to Some Purpose, Stebbing took on the task of showing the relevance of logic to ordinary life, and she did so with a sense of urgency, well aware of the gathering storm clouds over Europe..."

The philosopher Susan Stebbing who wrote Thinking to Some Purpose gets left out of many discussions of women philosophers. It's not clear why. Read this ⁦@aeonmag⁩ by ⁦@PeterWest23⁩ to get a sense of her importance as a public philosopher.

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