Tuesday, April 27, 2021

The Law of Attraction

 Definition of the Law of Attraction

 The Law of Attraction is a universal Law that says, “That which is like unto itself, is drawn.” - Abraham Hicks

 This is further explained in the book The Law of Attraction (by Esther and Jerry Hicks) with 

“When you say, ‘Birds of a feather flock together,’ you are actually talking about the Law of Attraction. You see it evidenced when you wake up feeling unhappy, and then throughout the day things get worse and worse, and at the end of the day you say, ‘I shouldn’t have gotten out of bed.’ You see the Law of Attraction evidenced in your society when you see that the one who speaks most about illness has illness; when you see that the one who speaks most about prosperity has prosperity. The Law of Attraction is evident when you set your radio dial on 630AM and you expect to receive the broadcast from the transmitting tower of 630AM, because you understand that the radio signals between the transmitting tower and your receiver must match.

To better understand the Law of Attraction, see yourself as a magnet attracting unto you the essence of that which you are thinking and feeling. And so, if you are feeling fat, you cannot attract thin. If you feel poor, you cannot attract prosperity, and so on. It defies Law.”

Everything Is Energy & Everything Is a Manifestation

To fully understand the Law of Attraction you have to know that everything is made of energy and everything in your life is a manifestation. When you hear, you are translating energy vibration into sound, when you see, you are translating light waves into different colors, and so on. Even your thoughts are energy. The other important concept to nail down is that EVERYTHING is a manifestation. The Law of Attraction is not a process you apply when trying to achieve a goal. It is a Law that applies itself to everything at all times. What you want to do is alter your thoughts so that the Law of Attraction works in your favor.

Because the Law of Attraction applies itself to everything, you don’t only have to think about its effects in abstracts or extremes like world peace, winning the lottery, or war. You can look at your own life: How is your health? How is your timing? How do strangers treat you? How are your relationships? This, along with your emotions, tell you about your “vibrational set-point,” as Abraham Hicks calls it. Your vibrational set-point is the signal or energetic frequency that you are sending out, which the law of attraction responds to. This comes from the essence of your thoughts. It’s important to remember that the Law of Attraction is responding to your vibration, not the words you speak. You can shout “I am rich!” from the rooftops, but if you don’t feel it and believe it, it won’t come to you. 

How do thoughts turn to things?

The Law of Attraction gathers things of the same vibration. So your vibration attracts a thought, which attracts another thought, which leads to an impulse, to an action, and on and on and on. Other people are attracted to you, and you create things and situations together. For another short explanation, watch from 1:06-2:16 of this video of the Teachings of Abraham Hicks. Heads up: They talk a bit fast.

This Part of “New Age” Is Not New

Although the Law of Attraction is considered a part of the “New Age” movement, it has been written and spoken about for a long time. Some of the concepts are even seen in the Bible. People such as Ralph Waldo Emerson, born in 1803, and William James, born in 1842 are mentioned in Joseph Murphy’s book The Power of Your Subconscious Mind. He explains the meaning and language behind many Bible quotes throughout his book. An example of one of the Bible stories that Joseph Murphy covered is Matthew 9:28-30. In the English Standard Version of the Bible, it reads: 

“When he [Jesus] entered the house, the blind men came to him, and Jesus said to them, “Do you believe that I am able to do this?” They said to him, “Yes, Lord.” Then he touched their eyes, saying, “According to your faith be it done to you.” And their eyes were opened. And Jesus sternly warned them, “See that no one knows about it.”

Jesus’s warning to the healed blind men was to keep what happened to themself because he knew that if they told others, the other people would most likely doubt and subsequently lead the healed men to doubt, which could reverse the healing that was done by their faith.

Abraham Hicks

At Abraham-hicks.com, the first thing you see is a picture of the interpreter Esther Hicks and text that says, 

        “IT ALL STARTED HERE: This is the original source material for the current Law of Attraction              wave that is sweeping the world, and it is the 21st century inspiration for thousands of books, films, essays and lectures that are responsible for the current paradigm shift in consciousness.

Here you will find accurate clarification of the basics of the Law of Attraction and practical applications as well as up-to-the moment leading-edge expanding information regarding the Law of Attraction. (Also known as ‘The Teachings of Abraham’) This is the fountainhead of the information upon which the hit movie, ‘The Secret’ was based.”

The Teachings of Abraham are the clearest, most straightforward sources of information and answers your questions about the Law of Attraction, for the source of the information is Abraham, a non-physical consciousness, who is spoken for by Esther. Click here for a 10-minute introduction to Abraham-Hicks video.

Practical Applications

You may be wondering, How do I work with the Law of Attraction to achieve what I desire?

The most useful book I could recommend is Ask and It is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks. It covers the Law of Attraction, the basis of life, gives over twenty-two processes to improve what you are manifesting, and answers many introductory and frequently asked questions. But it’s a lot to ask that you read an entire book.

So, to start your journey, here are two videos, one consisting of Neville Goddard’s teachings and the other of the “5 lessons to live by” from Dr. Wayne W. Dyer.

Neville Goddard

Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

RESOURCES to Explore

The Law of Attraction by Esther and Jerry Hicks

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Dr. Joseph Murphy

The Teachings of:       Neville Goddard

Alan Watts

Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Louise Hay

Dr. Joe Dispenza

Aalayis Suggs, Section 8, Final Blog Post
Total of Posts for the Semester: 19 (17 discussion posts, midterm summary comment, final blog post)

1 comment:

  1. "it’s a lot to ask that you read an entire book" - Not if it's a good book! ;)

    I'll have to get back to you on that...

    As for the "law," faith healing, manifesting, etc. etc., it won't surprise you I'm sure that I'm highly skeptical. On the other hand, I'm a pragmatist: if it "works" for you, then so long as you're doing no harm and getting some good from the idea I say run with it. Good luck.
