Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Questions Apr 8

 FL 35-36
  • Is there something self-contradictory about being a "committed relativist," if all knowledge claims are "self-serving opinions or myths"? 308
  • Have you had any "nonjudgmental Squishie" teachers who taught that reason was not for everyone, or that "someone's capacity to experience the supernatural" depends on their "willingness to see more than is materially present"? 308 
  • What do you think of Schwartz's "synchronicities"? 310
  • What do you think of Jodi Dean's defense of UFO "abductees"? 311
  • What do you think of "the boy who came back from heaven," etc.? 314
  • Have you had any textbooks similar to Responsive Ed's science texts? 315
  • Will COVID give survivalism more momentum? (317) Will it boost alternative medicine? 318
  • Are Survivalists and Preppers "wacky and sad"? 319 Why is this such an American phenomenon?
  • Do you agree with Jefferson's statement about freedom of and from religion? 320
  • COMMENT, in light of recent events?: "Some American fantasies have become weaponized, literally." 321 
  • Do you agree "that so many of our neighbors are saying so many loony things [and Kurt Andersen wrote that before the Q-Anon conspiracy loonies surfaced, and before January 6] is doing us real injury"? 322  


  • Was Locke's "sweet" labor theory of value invalidated by the invention of money? 166
  • Do we have a duty to our own humanity to work? 167
  • Was Arendt correct about the distinction between labor and work, and about their rootedness  in natality? 168-9
  • Was Rousseau right about the value of learning to work with your hands, particularly carpentry?  172
  • Do you worry, as Paul Goodman did, that there may be "no decent work to grow up for"? 173
  • Is it a "travesty" to call people who work in advertising "creatives"? 175
  • Is consumer capitalism infantilizing?
  • Do you regularly discard "unfashionable" clothes or other goods before they wear out or break down? Should you? 179
  • Do you want to produce something of value? Why? 181
  • Do you expect to find meaning in your work? If not, where will you find it? 185


  1. Section 7
    Do you want to produce something of value? Why?

    To produce something of value means to produce something that is going to be worth it to more than just yourself. I feel that if you live in a society and not in isolation this has crossed your mind several times before. In my personal case I have not figured out what valuable product I would materialize in the world that we live in. I believe that the value that I offer right now is more of a mental stimulation than a physical means. Reason being, I mentor people who are interested in learning how to trade currencies and make money from doing so. There is value in knowing that I don't have to work for "x" amount of hours to make "x" amount of dollars because the foreign exchange market is made up of over 7.7 trillion dollars. That makes an hourly exchange for a dollar value significantly less desirable than having the ability to multiply and compound my income daily, never working for a single man, women, or corporation if I choose that I do not want to do that with my time. That is the value that I currently bring to the world in my immediate presence or community of people I interact with daily.

    1. I agree, there's great value in presence and in being there for the people in your life. And indeed, as Arendt suggests, those who fulfill that role create something that survives themselves. It doesn't have to be an inanimate object like her ubiquitous tables, it can be a quality of character that gets emulated by our children and theirs.

  2. Section 7.

    Regarding the clothes thing: To each their own (as most things,) however I feel one should use/wear something until you're unable to. Or, at minimum, get from it its value. I wear pretty much the same rotation of clothes most days and I am fine with that. Sometimes I'll wear a nice button up compared to the others, but it's largely the same. As for "trendy" items, I wear for comfort. Jeans and cowboy boots or what I find comfort in wearing (I've never been a gucci person.) Again, to each their own.
    For me, I find meaning in sports. Playing or coaching, it's always an enjoyable time. When I play, I represent my community on the leaderboards. When I coach, I am able to help young kids find a passion for the game. That's more valuable to me than anything, and provides for me a sense of pride and accomplishment. As for my work, I am not quite there yet, but I would also hope to find meaning in whatever STEM work I take up.

    1. I'm definitely with you, on the "clothes thing": nobody ever accused me of being a slave to fashion!

      Sports is meaningless at one level (as is life itself, if you're a certain sort of existentialist), but at the level of interaction, teamwork, self-sacrifice for a goal that serves interests beyond one's own narrow success, etc., commitment, passion, etc., it can be golden. It can be a template for meaning in work and life.

      On the other hand, I'd steer clear of sports-talk radio and the like, that really does seem like the epitome of meaningless chatter.

  3. Jan 28: Responded to questions
    Feb 2-4: Responded to questions
    Feb 9: Responded to questions
    Feb 11: Responded to questions
    Feb 16: Responded to questions
    Feb 18: Responded to questions
    Feb 25: Responded to questions
    Mar 2: Responded to questions
    Mar 4: Responded to questions
    Mar 9: Responded to questions
    Mar 11: Responded to questions
    Mar 23: Responded to questions
    Mar 25: Responded to questions, comments
    Apr 1: Responded to questions
    Apr 6: Responded to questions, comments
    Apr 8: Responded to questions

  4. Are Survivalists and Preppers "wacky and sad"?

    I wouldn't say they are wacky or sad but in most cases since they don't hurt anyone, id say there different. There different in that they believe in many cases that something will happen that can revert society back to a basic level. If they choose to operate off the grid and stockpile food but they don't hurt anyone I don't see how there obsession is any different than that of someone who constantly watch the lives of a favorite tv star or celerity. However, like any obsession once you get to a point where it consumes your whole life and everything you do then id say it is sad, and when they intentionally harm others because of that obsession then I would call it wacky. However, if they "prep" in moderation and continue to be a productive member of society and do no harm, then who am I to judge them and say your weird because you think the world will end. When in reality, there have been 5 great extinction events on earth so there belief is not as far fetched as some may believe.

    Do you regularly discard "unfashionable" clothes or other goods before they wear out or break down? Should you?

    No I regular will keep things until the wheels fall off per say and get the most out of my purchase. However, that is me as I am a penny pincher and hate wasting things but if someone has the money to do that then by all means get something else if whatever you have no longer suits you. I mean consumerism is the basis for our modern economy so that regular purchase must be maintained to support economic growth. Should individuals wait until something is worn out before replacing it? Yes I believe it would help a lot people financial as it would allow them to save money but again to each their own.

    1. "in most cases since they don't hurt anyone" --Andersen suggests, and I agree, that lately such people ARE "picking our pockets and breaking our legs" (see his concluding remarks in that chapter)... January 6 being only the latest and most glaring example.

  5. Section 7

    1. Do you regularly discard "unfashionable" clothes or other goods before they wear out or break down? Should you? 179
    - I wouldn’t say I get rid of clothes when their unfashionable in societies terms, but I do get rid of clothes when I feel as though I grew out of them (either in size or by age). There are plenty of clothes that I wore when I was in my teens that I would never wear now in my late 20’s. It makes sense to get rid of clothes you no longer like, but to get rid of them because they’re “unfashionable” is a waste!

    2. Do you want to produce something of value? Why? 181
    - I wouldn’t say that I want to be produce something of value, but that I want to be doing some of value. I want to make a difference in peoples lives, that my main goal in life.

    3. Do you expect to find meaning in your work? If not, where will you find it? 185
    - To a certain degree yes, or at least I hope so. I think most people start their adult life out hoping and/or expecting to find meaning in their work just to discover there is none. However, I believe most people find their meaning in life when they have a family of their own.

    Responded to questions on 1/28, 2/2, 2/4, 2/9, 2/11, 2/16, 2/18, 2/25, 3/2, 3/9, 3/25, 3/30, 4/1, 4,6
    Presented on 3/11 and posted essay on 3/11

    1. Yes, the "work" of raising a family can be profoundly meaningful. We make a mistake if we define work as only those activities for which someone gives us a paycheck.

    2. what is the point of getting more items when the ones you already have are not used to their full potential?

    3. Marim Sameer,

      I'm not sure what you're getting at.

    4. I also think to get rid of them if they're not trendy anymore is a really stupid thing to do. Trends come and go so fast, it will just be expensive over the long run and not ever let you figure out your own fashion style

  6. Section 4

    FL q’s: Are Survivalists and Preppers "wacky and sad"? Pg 139

    Survivalists and Preppers are wacky within reason. I think it is somewhat ridiculous that some people are so obsessed and afraid of the world ending that they make it their entire life trying to craft a whole new life. When in reality we don’t know how the world is gonna end. It could be a disease, a bomb, or even a star bursting in a galaxy far far away. I wonder if these people all believe it will be a missile or a war. I do think it’s sad that they prepare and are so scared things are gonna end that they build a whole new life with their bare hands.

    1. "wacky within reason"? I would have said without, or beyond... Many of them are delusional, and many are destructive. The more extreme anti-government types actually WANT the apocalpyse to come. They are the enemy within.

  7. Section 8

    Have you had any "nonjudgmental Squishie" teachers who taught that reason was not for everyone, or that "someone's capacity to experience the supernatural" depends on their "willingness to see more than is materially present"? 308
    --- I haven’t, and I think this might be because I have had very little conversation with teachers about topics like this. I don’t think that the second point is wrong though.

    Have you had any textbooks similar to Responsive Ed's science texts? 315
    --- I haven’t, and I didn’t know that these existed. I’m a bit surprised that it was actually published, but it makes sense because most homeschooling has a creationist component. I’ve only been in public schools, so that’s probably why my textbooks haven’t covered “biology” like this.

    Are Survivalists and Preppers "wacky and sad"? 319
    --- They’re not. There are many situations and natural disasters in which they may need those things. I’m not a survivalist or prepper, but I have watched some youtube videos of a few of them, and they were cool and entertaining. What they’re doing could turn out to be very useful.

    Do you agree "that so many of our neighbors are saying so many loony things [and Kurt Andersen wrote that before the Q-Anon conspiracy loonies surfaced] is doing us real injury"? 322
    --- I agree that some of them are bad for our society, like not getting vaccinated or not believing in climate change because these are things that only work if everyone agrees to behave in ways that are better for the whole population.

    Responded to questions for 01/28/21
    Responded to questions for 02/02/21
    Responded to questions for 02/09/21
    Responded to questions for 02/11/21
    Responded to questions for 02/23/21 (which is 02/16/21 and 02/18/21)
    Responded to questions for 02/25/21
    Responded to questions for 03/04/21
    Responded to questions for 03/09/21
    Responded to questions for 03/11/21
    Responded to questions for 03/23/21
    Responded to questions for 04/06/21
    Responded to questions for 04/08/21

    1. "I don’t think that the second point is wrong though" -- Do you mean you think it is possible "to see what is not materially present"? As in ghosts etc.? I'm going to have to be skeptical about that. It goes back to the incoherence of Descartes's dualism: how can there be genuine interaction better material and immaterial substances? I don't think anybody's given a plausible account of that yet.

  8. Do you agree with Jefferson's statement about freedom of and from religion? 320

    I am a Christian and I believe that Jesus is the way to finding your true identity and purpose in this life. I believe Jesus is the truth. I know that controversial and many disagree. I understand there are many people who don't believe that way and believe something totally different. Even still I respect and love them as a person. Christianity is a religion, but I am more focused on walking with Jesus than getting caught up in a "religion." America has indeed shifted Christianity to fit a white American agenda and that is something that I do not co-sign. So I actually agree with Jefferson. In this country, pushing American Christianity is not biblical Christianity or Christianity at all. The history of Christianity that Kurt Andersen provides in this text is sadly true and accurate. The teachings of the Bible were used to overtake people groups and oppress people of color. That idea of Christianity needs to be banned because it does not show Jesus.

    With all that being said, yes I agree. People should be free to believe what they want to believe. They should be free to worship who they want to worship because we were given free will, and we live in a country where everyone is supposed to have the same freedoms. Like I said, I believe Jesus is the way the truth and the life. However, all people should have the freedom to think differently and believe differently. That frees people up to find the truth instead of being forced to believe something. Who knows, through search for meaning and truth you might Jesus when you thought you never would. Simply because you were given the freedom to do so. Either way He loves you.

    Replied to a comment for Jan 28
    Responded to questions for Jan 28
    Responded to questions for Feb 2nd
    Responded to questions for Feb 4th
    Responded to questions for Feb 9th
    Responded to questions for Feb 11th
    Responded to questions for Feb 16th
    Responded to questions for Feb 18th
    Responded to questions for Feb 25th
    Responded to questions for March 2nd
    Responded to questions for March 4th
    Responded to questions for March 9th
    Responded to questions for March 11th
    Responded to questions for March 25th
    Responded to questions for March 30th
    Responded to questions for April 1st
    Responded to questions for April 6th
    Responded to questions for April 8th

    1. "all people should have the freedom to think differently and believe differently" -- What a world it would be, if only everyone (religious and otherwise) affirmed this freedom!

  9. Section 8

    Is Dr. Oz reliable? 301 I don’t think he is very reliable, they fact checked him and less than half had reliable information. I do think making a profit is more important than whether or not a product actually works. People always want a quick solution for their problems. They want to be fulfilled with fantasy because it is better than the truth.

    Do you agree "that so many of our neighbors are saying so many loony things [and Kurt Andersen wrote that before the Q-Anon conspiracy loonies surfaced] is doing us real injury"? 322

    I think it is more power to you if they are believing looney things, what are you supposed to do? Waste your time trying to change their beliefs? Even if you get them to agree on the spot they still might not truly believe you.

    Responded questions for Jan 28
    Responded questions for Feb 2
    Responded questions for Feb 4
    Responded questions for Feb 9
    Responded questions for Feb 11
    Responded questions for Feb 16
    Responded questions for Mar 4
    Responded questions for Mar 9
    Responded questions for Mar 11
    Responded questions for Mar 23
    Responded questions for Mar 25
    Responded questions for Mar 30
    Responded questions for Apr 1
    Responded questions for Apr 6
    Responded questions for Apr 8

    1. "what are you supposed to do" -- No, I wouldn't waste my time trying to change their delusional beliefs. But it's not a waste of time to call out the delusion, and try to counter rampant conspiracy-mongering by teaching the skills of critical thinking. Silence in the face of lies is a form of acquiescence.

  10. Have you had any "nonjudgmental Squishie" teachers who taught that reason was not for everyone, or that "someone's capacity to experience the supernatural" depends on their "willingness to see more than is materially present"? 308 


    NO, I personally believe that everyone was created as individuals and are unique in personality and thought. Therefore we all are designed to be independent thinkers.

    What do you think of Jodi Dean's defense of UFO "abductees"? 311

    I think one can be highly educated and yet not completely rational.

    Do you agree "that so many of our neighbors are saying so many loony things [and Kurt Andersen wrote that before the Q-Anon conspiracy loonies surfaced] is doing us real injury"? 322



    1. "we all are designed to be independent thinkers" -- I'm reminded of Monty Python's "Life of Brian": "You're all individuals..." --"I'm not."

  11. Keylee Crutcher Section 8

    What do you think of Jodi Dean's defense of UFO "abductees"? 311

    ---I feel that it’s good to not just discredit others and look down on them, but believing everything like that is not the way to go. A society can’t progressively get better if everyone starts thinking like that. Saying that the meaning of “belief” and “real” aren’t clear is not an effective of efficient mindset; I believe in almost all cases it would hold us back.

    Do you agree "that so many of our neighbors are saying so many loony things [and Kurt Andersen wrote that before the Q-Anon conspiracy loonies surfaced, and before January 6] is doing us real injury"? 322

    ---Absolutely, I’ve seen it first-hand. People hear something absurd on the internet or from their friend who heard it on the internet and for some reason they believe it. I heard someone say that ‘insurance wasn’t going to cover if you die from the covid vaccine since it's still in an experimental stage, they won’t give out life insurance’. I told them to call their insurance and ask, only then did they realize how absurd they sounded.

    Posted my introduction on Jan 28th
    Responded to questions for Jan 28
    Responded to questions for Feb 2nd
    Responded to questions for Feb 4th
    Responded to questions for Feb 9th
    Responded to questions for Feb 11th
    Responded to questions for Feb 16th
    Responded to questions for Feb 18th
    Responded to questions for Feb 25th
    Responded to questions for March 2nd
    Responded to questions for March 4th
    Responded to questions for March 9th
    Posted my Midterm summary under Questions March 11th
    Responded to questions for March 23rd
    Responded to questions for March 25th
    Responded to questions for March 30th
    Responded to questions for April 1st
    Responded to questions for April 6th
    Responded to questions for April 8th

  12. Do you expect to find meaning in your work? If not, where will you find it? 185

    Response: I do believe I will find meaning in my chosen profession. I didn't always think like that. It took my brilliant girlfriend, who has already earned a degree herself, tell me that I should use my GI Bill to go to school. I laughed and said school wasn't for me. She convinced me that if I go to school I can go for anything I want and that I don't have to work a laborious dead-end job until I am old and gray. Now I am looking forward to using my degree to work in national and state parks. Hopefully some day I can be a tour guide and teach people the importance of our environment and how necessary nature is for humans to exist!

    1. I also need admin rights for the CoPhi website please!

      Email: avy2c@mtmail.mtsu.edu

  13. Will COVID give survivalism more momentum? (317) Will it boost alternative medicine? 318
    - I definitely believe that because of Covid there will be a huge increase in survivalism, in that more people are going to start taking advantage of going out and being not cooped up once the virus is under more control. I think people being forced to stay indoors and not be around other people has really shown us how much we need to socialize and be outdoors to help boost our moods. I can say from my own experience, being stuck at home and not seeing my friends at school or being able to go out anywhere has definitely taken a huge drain on my mental health (which now that im vaccinated as well as my friend group things have gotten to be more "normal"). As far as alternative medicine, there's always going to be people that fight modern medicine and go about their own ways. I think alternative medicine might see a slight boost but nothing too crazy, i think people will be more open to self care after this pandemic and might seek other medicine types but i can't say for sure, as for myself i have not sought out alternative medicine, however i do have a lot of friends who have gotten into doing more yoga or have gone to see acupuncturists or of the likes.

  14. Section 4

    Do you regularly discard "unfashionable" clothes or other goods before they wear out or break down? Should you?

    I never throw out clothes until they absolutely cannot fit me and even then I try to reuse them or repurpose them into another outfit. Sometimes I may even give them to my younger sister or a younger neighbor. I never really throw out anything in general! Unless of course it is broken and depending on what the item is I may still even keep! I never get rid of anything though just because it is "unfashionable". I see that term as objective because I don't like the same style that others do. I don't think you SHOULD throw it out because you spent money and it has value and you should get a full use out of it, but to each their own.

  15. Section 7
    Do you want to produce something of value? Why? 181
    Value is very discretionary. My goal would be to produce valuable things that are valuable to the people that I value. Everything that we do has a reason whether we can identify those or not and all of these are not selfish reason. Somethings that we do are motivated by others whether it's to prove yourself or just to make someone proud. So, it would be my goal to produce things that were valuable to the people I value in my life.

  16. Marim Sameer (4/8)
    Section 7
    Discussion answer/ weekly essay
    Do you regularly discard "unfashionable" clothes or other goods before they wear out or break down? Should you? 179
    I personally do not believe that someone should discard an item just because it is no longer in style/ fashionable. Clothes are made to be worn and to help protect your body. We as a generation started to stress the idea of continuously wanting to be up to date with the latest styles and trends that we start to lose focus for the purpose of the item. We start to lose that focus to the point in which we discard the item before it is actually used to its fullest potential. At some point if you continuously buy items just to stay in style you are essentially wasting your money on something that is not that important. I do get that people want to buy items before the one the already have is worn out and that is understandable to a certain extent. If you are aware that you have had an item for so long and feel as though you have used it to its full potential, by all means go get more. I just do not think that we should be buying so many things just to have them and then to never actually use them for their full potential. My parents taught me this at a very young age. Therefore, we kept the tradition of if we have had any items from when we were kids that is still in good shape, we would give it for our kids and so on.

  17. Section 7

    Will COVID give survivalism more momentum? (317) Will it boost alternative medicine? 318

    I think it will actually do the opposite. The fact that they were able to produce a 90% effective vaccine in such a short amount of time is amazing and I think will really help boost faith in actual, real science instead.

    Do you worry, as Paul Goodman did, that there may be "no decent work to grow up for"? 173

    I think that there will be a ton of tech and science jobs in the future. Mundane jobs like fast-food workers will be replaced by robots. I think it will give people a chance to do what they really want to do like pursue art, fashion, or music.

    -Replied to Joshua Flowers on 3/25 post
    -Replied to Pai Shan Ning on 3/25 post
    -Replied to Jacob Malugin on 3/30 post
    -Replied to Caitlin Warner on 3/30 post
    -Replied Chloe Guzowski on 3/30 post
    -Replied to Janai Blackemore on 4/1 post
    -Replied to Austin Duncan on 4/1 post
    -Replied to Marim Sameer on 4/6 post
    -Replied to Jacob Malugin on 4/6 post
    -Replied to Caitlin Warner on 4/8 post

    -Answered questions on 1/28 post
    -Answered questions on 2/2 post
    -Weekly Essay on 2/4 post
    -Answered questions on 2/18 post
    -Answered questions on 2/24 post
    -Answered questions on 3/4 post
    -Answered questions on 3/9 post
    -Answered questions on 3/25 post
    -Posted Midterm summary on 3/29
    -Answered questions on 3/30 post
    -Answered questions on 4/1 post
    -Answered questions on 4/6 post
    -Answered questions on 4/8 post

  18. Prophetess Turner, Section 4:

    Do you want to produce something of value? Why? 181

    Personally, I do want to create something of value. When I think of valuable things, I automatically associate them with how helpful they are. Whether its a piece of art thats encouraging or an app that helps with tedious tasks, I hope to one day contribute to something of value because of what it will be able to do for others.

  19. Do you agree with Jefferson's statement about freedom of and from religion? 320

    I believe that in America, yes everyone should have the right to practice any religion they want to. There is actually a guy back in my hometown who owns a store, and has a room in the back where is bedroom is. Since he lived there he practiced his religion throughout the day. People will walk in during the day and he will be sitting on the ground behind the counter on a rug practicing whatever his religion is, and when people see it they realize and instantly quit talking and allow him to finish. Once he is done he just gets up and asks how you are, or if you need anything then continues on with his day.

  20. What do you think of "the boy who came back from heaven," etc.? 314
    I remember watching his testimony on T.V. and believing that he really went to Heaven. But then later when I was reflecting on his testimony, there were certain things that seemed a little bizarre.He was describing certain things a little too in detail, and normally I wouldn't have a problem with that, but the way he was talking was not like that of his age. This boy is already young in age, and he says he "went" to Heaven when he was younger, so this description is a little out of touch of his age. I would say that his parents coached him on what to say. It wasn't until later, I saw on the news that my theory was confirmed; the boy said he made it all up and his dad was the one who made him tell this story. I wasn't surprised, but I wouldn't say just because of one bad testimony, it made me stop believing in Heaven.

    1. Do you expect to find meaning in your work? If not, where will you find it? 185

      I do expect to find meaning in my work. Otherwise, it can take a toll on a person, if they are not doing something they enjoy. It will probably become something that a person dislikes or hates very much because they are not putting their 100% into it. To find meaning in someone's work, they should try to apply their interests into it; it could make the job a little more meaningful to them. Otherwise, they should quit what they are doing and find something more suited to their tastes.
      Do you regularly discard "unfashionable" clothes or other goods before they wear out or break down? Should you? 179
      When I was younger in middle/high school, I would have the habit of discarding my unfashionable clothes. I would go and try to buy the newest thing to impress others and try to keep with the trends. But now, I see that was a waste of time and energy, I keep all my clothes, and I wear most of them. I just typically go to school and work, so I don't really care what I wear as long as I look decent. Plus discarding clothes just because they are "out" is a huge waste. Apparently, fashion is 5% of the world's pollution, and they aren't torn/worn down; it's from people discarding them

  21. What do you think of "the boy who came back from heaven," etc.? 314
    I grew up in a very Christian household, so I was forced to read and watch these types of books and movies. I can recall my mother reading Heaven Is for Real to me at night before bed when I was a child. This was ordinary behavior in my family. My parents thought it was crucial for me to learn that children like me have seen God and know he is real. I guess I believed it. Up until reading this portion of FantasyLand, I had no idea that the book regarding the boy who came back from heaven was all a hoax. I mean I can’t say I’m too surprised as people will buy into just about anything if you make it believable enough. I think it is wrong to con people like this family did, especially when religion is involved.

    Do you regularly discard "unfashionable" clothes or other goods before they wear out or break down? Should you? 179
    Unfortunately, I am very guilty of this. I am very conscious of what I wear and if it is in style or not, so if I have an item of clothing that is in good condition but no longer fits into current fashion guidelines, I will toss it. However, I do have some decency. I will always try and donate them before I either sell or discard them. If I’m being completely honest with myself, half the clothes in my dresser are in great condition but are collecting dust because they are no longer in style. I sometimes despise myself for this because there are people in less fortunate areas that beg for clothing. It does not matter how old or out of style it may be. I’m not sure I will ever stop getting rid of unfashionable clothing, but at least I can rest assured that I am donating them to those in need.

    Section 4

  22. Ash Warner Section 7
    Is consumer capitalism infantilizing?
    To an extent I would say yes. With most products they basically give a brief summary of what it is and what it does and possible benefits as a selling tool. The go way too quickly explain certain medicines and how they work is like explaining some to a child, very simple breakdown and minimal details for simplicity purposes. So yes, consumer capitalism is infantilizing because the way they pitch certain products and medicine to us is similar to the way you’d approach a child.

  23. Do you want to produce something of value? Why?
    I would love to produce something of value in this world so that I can know I made a difference in the world. Leaving a real impact on the world has always been a life goal of mine because I want to be remembered for the good I did. Producing such a thing is intensely laborious and won’t happen easily but until then I will continue to keep pushing forward and searching.
