Friday, April 9, 2021

Questions Apr 13


  • "Children make more compliant subjects and consumers." 193 Are we a nation of children, in this sense? 
  • Do you know any adults who never grew up, or who say they admire Peter Pan, or who are "young at heart" and "open to the world"? 194 Or any young people who missed out on the joys of childhood? 
  • Do you wish you looked older than you do? Why?
  • Is life like a journey in Neurath's boat? 196
  • "Maturity cannot be commanded, it must be desired." 198 Do you desire it?
  • "I wish I'd known enough to ask my teachers the right questions before they died." 198 Do you (now) have questions for people it's too late to ask? 
  • "Most people grow happier as they grow older." 198 Does this surprise you?
  • "Growing up means realizing that no time of one's life is the best one," just as each season of the year brings its own unique joys. 202 "To be interested in the changing seasons is, in this middling zone, a happier state of mind than to be hopelessly in love with spring." (George Santayana) Do you agree?
  • Do you understand what Kant meant by saying you have duties to yourself? 203
  • Have you yet discovered the pleasures of generativity and generosity? 204
  • Do you know anyone who treats people as means to their own ends? 206 Do you want to?
  • Did you grow up in "a home filled with good books and articulate people"? 209 Do you intend to provide such a home for your children? 
  • If musicians and bilingual speakers have more neural connections than others, why aren't music and languages more heavily emphasized in our schools? 210
  • Do you see college as an opportunity to "expand your judgment and enlarge your mind"? 213
  • Is "think for yourself" necessarily vague? 215
  • Are you glad you didn't live before the Enlightenment, when your life would have been largely determined by your father's (and his, and his...)? 216
  • Do you agree with Leibniz, that most people would choose on their deathbed to live their lives again only on the condition that they would be different next time? 
  • Do you prefer Nietzsche's version of eternal recurrence (220), or Bill Murray's in Groundhog Day, or Hume's preference for the next ten years and not the last (221), or none of the above? 
  • Do you enjoy the music of any older popular musicians (Dylan, Springsteen...)? 225
  • "The fear of growing up is less a fear of dying than a fear of life itself." 230 Agree?
  • Was Shakespeare really saying life sucks and then you die? Or was he mocking that view?



  • If/when you become a parent, will you be "anxious, frightened, overprotective" and constantly worried about the threat of child-napping? 326
  • What do you think of "the message of The Courage to Heal"? 328
  • What accounts for the "rising chorus of panicky Christian crazy talk"? 330
  • Do you know any real "Devil worshippers"? Do you believe devils exist? Why? 334
  • What do you think of Bakersfield's "big outbreak" and LA County's "Satanic Panic"? 337
  • "Younger people know nothing about [our Satanic Panic of just a generation ago], and almost nobody is aware of its scale and duration and damage." True? 340
  • What's the harm of obsessing about flying saucers etc.? 345
  • Do you know anyone who believes that "everybody has been in on" a one-world government conspiracy orchestrated by space aliens? 347-8
  • Were the Branch Davidians fundamentally different from mainstream Protestantism? 350
  • What do you think of The X-Files? 354


  1. Do you know any adults who never grew up, or who say they admire Peter Pan, or who are "young at heart" and "open to the world"? 194 Or any young people who missed out on the joys of childhood?

    I know of a few people in my life that never grew up in one sense or another. A personal friend of mine is finishing her last year of medical school and is one of the hardest working people I know. But outside of school or work she is almost like a child in how care free and easy going she is. I believe its a good thing for her as the stress of medical school could make anyone really down but whenever she isn't there she told me how she just shuts off that part of her brain and almost become a kid again. As in the simplest things amuse her or she can find joy for hours by simply playing with her dog. So id say she is still a child at heart which I think is a good thing since it helps with the struggles of adulthood.

    "The fear of growing up is less a fear of dying than a fear of life itself." 230 Agree?

    I completely agree, as I see it we all will die someday and dying is a relatively simple thing to do. Living is much harder and longer and will cause a lot of strife during your time on this earth. but you shouldn't be afraid of life but should try and make the most of it while you are here and its never to late to make the most of it. like this quote "If you set your goals ridiculously high and it's a failure, you will fail above everyone else's success." -James Cameron. So in my own personal saying that is similar to Neil Armstrong's, shoot for the stars but be happy if you even make it off the ground. So life is difficult and full of fear and adversity but if you set your goals high you will live a life worth living and still be successful in the end.

    1. Your friend sounds very sane to me. And so was Neil Armstrong. "Keep your feet on the ground, and keep reaching for the stars" -Casey Kasem

    2. I think that is a good philosphy to follow of trying to do the hardest possible thing and at least accomplishing something close to that.

  2. Section 8

    Have you yet discovered the pleasures of generativity and generosity? 204
    --- I have. As a child I learned to share the good things I received, and if I said something like “I like her shoes.” My mom would tell me to go tell her because it could make her day.

    Do you enjoy the music of any older popular musicians (Dylan, Springsteen...)? 225
    --- I enjoy many types of music, as I think most people do. I think there’s good music in almost every genre (not hard rock).

    If/when you become a parent, will you be "anxious, frightened, overprotective" and constantly worried about the threat of child-napping? 326
    --- I won’t, as I’ll be actively trying not to be. My mom was overprotective when raising my siblings and I, and I tend to be even more overprotective with my niece and nephew, so I’m working on that.

    Do you know any real "Devil worshippers"? Do you believe devils exist? Why? 334
    --- I don’t know any personally, but in Spanish class, I did a presentation about a hispanic holiday in which they worshiped the devil out of fear because they didn’t want retribution. I don’t believe in devils because they don’t make sense/seem logical in my world view.

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    Responded to questions for 04/13/21

    1. I grew up with an overprotective parent as well, however as I grew up I started to see why they did what they did and I started to appreciate them more. it is just the way they reflect their care that differs.

    2. Younger Daughter does that too, tells random strangers she likes their clothes or hair or whatever, and they just light up.

      Define "hard rock"...

      I think the world would be a happier, less fearful place if people renounced the ancient superstitious belief in demons. "The devil made me do it" is also an excuse for not growing up.

    3. My mom is also pretty overprotective and I'm worried I will be like that too if I have kids.

  3. "Growing up means realizing that no time of one's life is the best one," just as each season of the year brings its own unique joys. 202 "To be interested in the changing seasons is, in this middling zone, a happier state of mind than to be hopelessly in love with spring." (George Santayana) Do you agree?

    I love this quote and I think there is a lot truth to the statement. People often think that their best days are behind them or ahead of them when in fact your best day is today. It is the time you have been given in this moment. Tomorrow is not promised and there's no going back to yesterday, so it is so important to see the value of each and every day. It is so important to see the beauty of each day even days that are "bad" days. They are necessary and it is all apart of your life story. For me, I am trying my best to make the most of wherever God has me in this moment. It is important to have goals and vision for your life, but it is detrimental to be so focused on tomorrow that you missed today. The best time of my life is indeed right now because that's all I know. There will be challenges, hardships, and pain in every part of life. There is no perfect stage of life so make the most of this moment.

    Do you enjoy the music of any older popular musicians (Dylan, Springsteen...)? 225

    I enjoy plenty of music from the past. I am a pianist, composer, and overall lover of music so I listen to all kinds of things. My favorite pop musician from decades ago who is still alive today is Stevie Wonder. His ability as a vocalist, songwriter, composer, arranger, pianist, etc... is just so inspiring to me. His sound is versatile and he is such a gifted storyteller. His music has been extremely impactful in my life, and Stevie Wonder will always be one of my favorite artists of all time.

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    Responded to questions for April 8th
    Responded to questions for April 13th

    1. Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the "present.” -- Who did the Kung Fu Panda get that from? It's wise, in the spirit of the Santayana statement.

      I agree, Stevie Wonder's music is pure joy.

  4. Marim Sameer (4/8)
    Section 7
    Discussion answer/ weekly essay

    If/when you become a parent, will you be "anxious, frightened, overprotective" and constantly worried about the threat of child-napping? 326
    Yes, I will be "anxious, frightened, overprotective" at the thought of my child possibly being taken or harmed. I would always want to ensure that my kids are safe at all times as well as cared for. There is a fine line of over protectiveness that I would not like to reach with my child just because I know what it is like. I want them to feel like I trust them, but also know that I am merely worried about the. In today's time I am constantly scared of being alone and what possibilities there are out there. Just imagining how that would progress during my child's time amazes me. I will be even more afraid and protective for them. I would not be able to live with myself know I did not do all I can to keep my child safe even if I did it in ways that they do not understand from a young age.
    Have you yet discovered the pleasures of generativity and generosity? 204
    Yes I have. Growing up my parents thought that was a huge concept for me to grasp from a young age. We would always clean our closets at least once a year and give the things we do not want or use anymore away to those who would need it and appreciate it more than we would.

    1. My wife always walked right up to that line, when our girls were young. And she still always rehearses the worst-case-scenario of any situation in which they might be at some risk. But the older children get, the more a wise parent understands how much of anyone's fate is beyond control. Teach them well, and trust them. That's all we can ultimately do as parents.

    2. Marim,

      I grew up with a very overprotective parent as well, and as much as I hated it I can completely understand where my mother was coming from. I too would be unable to live with myself knowing that I could have done more to protect my child's life.

    3. My mom is also overprotective and it annyoyed me when I was young, but now I understand it is just because she wants me to be safe.

  5. Pai Shan Ning
    Section 8
    Weekly essay

    If/when you become a parent, will you be "anxious, frightened, overprotective" and constantly worried about the threat of child-napping? 326

    Well, according to the text, The kidnapping wasn't as alarming and frightening as it first sounded. If I ever had a child, I will for sure be protective, but never overly. I personally think overprotective parents raise rebellious children. My parents aren't overprotective, and they actually let me make my own decisions, and I grew up just fine. If you show your kids that your trust their decisions, and set expectations for them to meet, they will grow up to be their best selves. I wouldn't be anxious or constantly worried because I know it wouldn't do me any good. I am the oldest of four, and I constantly have to keep an eye on my younger siblings, but not to the point where I don't let them make their own decisions. Then again, I've never been a parent, so I wouldn't really know about the real struggles.

    Responded to questions for February 4th
    Responded to questions for March 25th
    Responded to questions for March 30th
    Responded to questions for April 6th
    Responded to questions for April 13th

    1. I'd agree, strict parents are rough and generally relaxed and comfortable parents produce lax kids. Although indeed, we're not parents, so we wouldn't know.

    2. It's a cliche, but true: becoming a parent changes just about everything. I wouldn't have missed it for the world.

  6. Surprised that as you get older you generally get happier? Not really. I feel as you age, you figure your life out more and more, and contempt begins to flow in. I could understand it.
    College is very much an opportunity to expand your thinking. Coming from a small town, everyone is the same. Now at college, I'm meeting different people and I am in a different environment. It's a nice refresher from what I've been around for 18 years. Being exposed to new people and a new environment has definitely allowed me to broaden my experience as someone who is still learning.
    I find no harm in being interested over conspiracies and other things, however being obsessive can have a negative impact. You can possibly become to be absorbed into what you believe and quite possibly go crazy. The odds of that I suppose aren't the highest, but indeed there is a chance. A soft dabble is indeed fun, but with everything, it is dangerous to obsess and absorb.

    1. Jan 28: Responded to questions
      Feb 2-4: Responded to questions
      Feb 9: Responded to questions
      Feb 11: Responded to questions
      Feb 16: Responded to questions
      Feb 18: Responded to questions
      Feb 25: Responded to questions
      Mar 2: Responded to questions
      Mar 4: Responded to questions
      Mar 9: Responded to questions
      Mar 11: Responded to questions
      Mar 23: Responded to questions
      Mar 25: Responded to questions, comments
      Apr 1: Responded to questions
      Apr 6: Responded to questions, comments
      Apr 8: Responded to questions
      Apr 13: Responded to questions, comments

    2. "A soft dabble" - that's a nice expression.

    3. I agree that everything in moderation is fine.

  7. Jones Section #4

    Children make more compliant subjects and consumers." 193 Are we a nation of children, in this sense? 

    Yes, everybody seems to want things their way, while no one seems to want to compromise.

    Do you know any adults who never grew up, or who say they admire Peter Pan, or who are "young at heart" and "open to the world"? 194 Or any young people who missed out on the joys of childhood?

    Yes, I know one person that seems to still be living in the past when we were teenager. They still dress same way and have the same mannerisms. I have at times wondered about their mental health.
    I also have known people who have taken jobs and adult responsibilities too early in their life for example, taking care of their younger siblings and just trying to survive has never afforded them the opportunity to enjoy life as a child.

    Is life like a journey in Neurath's boat? 196

    Response: Yes, that is the reason I think it is best to live one day at a time, and not try to “Build Rome in a Day”

    Do you see college as an opportunity to "expand your judgment and enlarge your mind"? 213


    Absolutely, college is an opportunity to expand your mind, but college is just part of the equation, life experiences is the other part.

  8. Section 7
    1. Do you know any adults who never grew up, or who say they admire Peter Pan, or who are "young at heart" and "open to the world"? 194 Or any young people who missed out on the joys of childhood?
    - Actually, yes, I do. My husband and father-in-law actually are both “young at heart”. My father-in-law is in his 70’s and still acts like a high schooler. I am jealous of those who are young at heart and do not seem to take life so seriously like the rest of adults.
    2. Do you wish you looked older than you do? Why?
    - Yes! I am 27 years old and there are some people who assume that I am a high school student still. Although it is nice to think that when I am older, I will still look young. However, it’s been something I’ve been insecure about my whole life.
    3. "Most people grow happier as they grow older." 198 Does this surprise you?
    - This doesn’t surprise me, because I believe as you get older the less you care about other people’s opinions about you and/or what you are choosing to do with your life. I can personally say that I have noticed over the years that I care less and less, so I’m hopeful this continues!
    4. Did you grow up in "a home filled with good books and articulate people"? 209 Do you intend to provide such a home for your children?
    - I most definitely did. My mother would read to us at least one book a night before bed. It helped my mother and I to develop a bond, and I would love to provide the same thing for my children. To show them how fun it is to read and learn.
    5. Do you enjoy the music of any older popular musicians (Dylan, Springsteen...)? 225
    - That is actually all I listen to these days (not a fan of todays ‘hits’). I grew up hearing ACDC, Led Zeppelin, Stevie nicks, Eagles, Boston, and so on.

    1. If/when you become a parent, will you be "anxious, frightened, overprotective" and constantly worried about the threat of child-napping? 326
    - Sadly, I think so. I am already a very anxious and overprotective person so I can only imagine it will continue into parenthood, and probably even be worse! I do think that being a “helicopter parent” isn’t all bad, but it does tend to push your ids away.

    Responded to questions on 1/28, 2/2, 2/4, 2/9, 2/11, 2/16, 2/18, 2/25, 3/2, 3/9, 3/25, 3/30, 4/1, 4/6, 4/8
    Presented on 3/11 and posted essay on 3/11

    1. Led Zeppelin is my favorte band!! And yeah, I am also jealous of people who live life very carefree with no stress.

  9. Keylee Crutcher Section 8

    "Growing up means realizing that no time of one's life is the best one," just as each season of the year brings its own unique joys. 202 "To be interested in the changing seasons is, in this middling zone, a happier state of mind than to be hopelessly in love with spring." (George Santayana) Do you agree?

    --Completely. There's a quote from a song I like called Paradise and it translates to "Your dream is actually baggage, if only the future could be a dream." This song isn't trying to tell you to not have a dream, it's just saying that that shouldn't be the only thing driving you and the only thing you look forward to (like Spring in this context). Just living should be considered a dream/ give you happiness and fulfillment.

    Do you wish you looked older than you do? Why?

    -- No I don't. I feel like I look a year or two younger than my age and that's fine. Soon I'll be at the ages where I think that's better than looking older. I also don't think it really matters that much though, you can't control it enough to really change how you look anyways.

    "Most people grow happier as they grow older." 198 Does this surprise you?

    --No, if it wasn't like this I'd be scared honestly. What's the point of growing older and living life and learning things if it doesn't make you happier?

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    Responded to questions for April 13th

  10. Q: Do you know any adults who never grew up, or who say they admire Peter Pan, or who are "young at heart" and "open to the world"? 194 Or any young people who missed out on the joys of childhood?
    My father has a very childlike wonder to him. He grew up in some ways but he always believed in many myths and legends like Atlantis, Bigfoot, and the loch ness monster. He always planned adventures and treasure map huntings for me when I was growing up. But sadly I had to grow up quickly due to family issues but I still treasure the joys and time I had back then.

    responded: 4/13 4/7 3/9 3/3 2/10 Presented on 4/9

  11. Section 8
    -If/when you become a parent, will you be "anxious, frightened, overprotective" and constantly worried about the threat of child-napping? 326

    I do intend on becoming a parent someday, and the thought of my child being kidnapped is a scary concept but that is something that you cannot let control raising your child. I get the feeling that many parents today think that the threat of their child being harmed or taken overwhelms them and effect their parenting of their children. Keeping kids inside and playing on their iPads and phones instead of interacting with other children and being active outside is not good for a child health. It may keep the parents mind at ease but what long term effects of sheltering has yet to be fully seen as these children are just not coming into maturity. I'm not saying that allowing children to play video games every once in a while is a bad thing, but not letting a child go out and explore on their own (to an extent) could actually cause them to develop psychological issues when it comes time for them to branch out on their own causing them to develop anxiety and prevent them from going out and taking part in new experiences. Overall I think that kind of mindset will hinder the growth of children and it is unhealthy.

  12. Section 8

    What do you think of "the message of The Courage to Heal"? 328

    I think there can be some memories that you repress, possibly to save you grief, but it sounds like “The courage to Heal” could have been used when it wasn’t the answer. It states that even if the the patient doubts it, the authors would advise the counselors and therapists to believe the client was abused because what they believed was always true.

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    Responded questions for Apr 6
    Responded questions for Apr 8
    Responded questions for Apr 13

  13. Section 4

    I would like to think that I will be more relaxed than my parents (mainly my mother), but since I am not in their shoes, I truly have no idea how I will be as a parent. My mother constantly tracks my location and calls me whenever I leave campus or if I am not in my dorm room at night. I understand her concern and I understand that underneath how crazy it seems she is looking out for my safety but I think it is a little extreme. Because she does this, I am often scared to go to places or over to a friend's house because I fear the repercussions. She says I have taken my new freedom "too literally".

    I of course would like to keep an eye on my child when I am older, but I want them to know they absolutely have freedom unlike how I do. I am very anxious person (which is something I got from my mother) and I always assume the worst in situations, but I hope to build a better trust bond between my children than I have with my parents.

    Jan 28 introduction
    Jan 28 questions
    Feb 2 questions
    Feb 4 questions
    Feb 9 questions
    Feb 11 questions
    Feb 16 questions
    Feb 18 questions
    Feb 23 questions
    Feb 25 questions
    Mar 2 questions
    Mar 4 questions
    Mar 9 questions
    Mar 11 questions
    Mar 23 Midterm
    Mar 23 questions
    Mar 25 questions
    Mar 30 questions
    Apr 1 questions
    Apr 6 questions
    Apr 8 questions
    Apr 13 questions

  14. section 7

    Do you wish you looked older than you do? Why?
    No, I think I look my age and don't really desire to look older.
    "Maturity cannot be commanded, it must be desired." 198 Do you desire it?
    I wouldn't say that maturity is something that I desire, but I'm mature when it matters. I think what they were saying was that to be mature, you really have to work for it and change, it can't just appear out of nowhere.
    "Most people grow happier as they grow older." 198 Does this surprise you?
    No, it doesn't surprise me because you have so much more freedom as an adult. You do have more responsibilities, but it must be freeing to be able to pursue whatever you want.

    responded to questions on:
    jan 28
    feb 11
    feb 18
    feb 25
    march 2
    march 9
    march 23
    march 25
    march 30
    april 1
    april 13
    midterm blogpost posted april 30

  15. Section 7

    "Most people grow happier as they grow older." 198 Does this surprise you?

    It does not surprise me. I think people get more confident as they grow older. I also think as people become more secure with a steady job and family, it takes away a lot of the stress they would have had when they were young.

    Do you enjoy the music of any older popular musicians (Dylan, Springsteen...)? 225
    Yes, most of my favorite artists are from the older generations. I also play guitar and learning their songs really makes me appreciate how beautiful and complex they are in contrast to computer-produced music today.

    -Replied to Joshua Flowers on 3/25 post
    -Replied to Pai Shan Ning on 3/25 post
    -Replied to Jacob Malugin on 3/30 post
    -Replied to Caitlin Warner on 3/30 post
    -Replied Chloe Guzowski on 3/30 post
    -Replied to Janai Blackemore on 4/1 post
    -Replied to Austin Duncan on 4/1 post
    -Replied to Marim Sameer on 4/6 post
    -Replied to Jacob Malugin on 4/6 post
    -Replied to Caitlin Warner on 4/8 post
    -Replied to Jacob Malugin on 4/13 post
    -Replied to Aalayis Suggs on 4/13 post
    -Replied to Marim Sameer on 4/13 post
    -Replied to Austin Duncan on 4/13 post
    -Replied to Caitlin Warner on 4/13 post

    -Answered questions on 1/28 post
    -Answered questions on 2/2 post
    -Weekly Essay on 2/4 post
    -Answered questions on 2/18 post
    -Answered questions on 2/24 post
    -Answered questions on 3/4 post
    -Answered questions on 3/9 post
    -Answered questions on 3/25 post
    -Posted Midterm summary on 3/29
    -Answered questions on 3/30 post
    -Answered questions on 4/1 post
    -Answered questions on 4/6 post
    -Answered questions on 4/8 post
    -Answered questions on 4/13 post

  16. Prophetess Turner, Section 4:

    Did you grow up in "a home filled with good books and articulate people"? 209 Do you intend to provide such a home for your children?

    I did grow up in this kind of household and (if I ever change my mind and decide to have children) I will do the same for them. I believe that reading is essential. It opens up new worlds and theres so much of myself that I have found through books.

  17. Do you wish you looked older than you do? Why?

    No, I do not wish to look older than I already look because I already do look older than I already look. I had something weird happen to me the other day. I coach my little sister in softball, and I was talking to the parents in the stands, while I was wearing a Batting Practice top from my hometown high school. One of the parents asked me if I still attended that high school, I told her no that I was a freshman in college. Another mom turned and looked at me then said, "A freshman in college?" I told her yes she proceeded to to me she thought I was in my mid-twenties, and after she said that all the parents shook their heads in agreeing.

  18. Do you wish you looked older than you do? Why?
    Maybe in the eighties this would’ve made a difference to the world but right now in this day in age, looking older is literally what it is spelled out to be. There is no real concrete benefit that comes from looking like you are physically older than most. In todays age looking older doesn’t exactly make you any more intelligent or experienced than the next. People generally don’t form respect from age now, compared to how things used to be done in the 20th century. Things are different now, to be put clearly, looking older than you are is not a social or economic advantage.

    Completion Log:
    Question answered on Feb.4th
    Question answered on Feb.9th
    Question answered on Feb.11th
    Question answered on Feb.16th
    Question answered on Feb18th
    Question answered on Feb 25th
    Question answered on March 4th
    Question answered on March 9th
    Reply to questions on March 11th
    Posted my Midterm summary under Questions March 11th
    Question answered on March 23rd
    Question answered on March 25th
    Question answered on March 30th
    Question answered on April 6th
    Question answered on April 13th

  19. Do you wish you looked older than you do? Why?

    No, I don't wish that I look older than I do. I've been told from a young age that I looked mature for my age. Back then, I took that as a compliment; an egotistical boost for me because I was considered better than my peers. I realized that I didn't want to look older, when one day I picked my sister from church, and somebody thought I looked like my sister's mother. From that day onwards, I decided I wanted to look younger. Plus, looking younger is a gift; you see men and especially women who age is high, but they don't look a day over 30 or 40. Plus youth is always strived for, nobody really wants to be old. So no, I don't want to look older than my age.

    Do you agree with Leibniz, that most people would choose on their deathbed to live their lives again only on the condition that they would be different next time?
    Yes, I'm not on my deathbed, and sometimes I wish I could redo my life so I could do something differently. I definitely know that if I could redo my life, the person I am today would be somebody different. Most people have regrets on their deathbed, and so it's common to wish for a rebirth and change their lives. Another wish I have seen people wish for,is to live a little bit longer. Most people aren't ready to accept the concept of death, and they want to prolong it as long as possible, so they could do more things, and experience life somemore.
    If musicians and bilingual speakers have more neural connections than others, why aren't music and languages more heavily emphasized in our schools? 210
    I think it may have to do with education funding overall. I am a big supporter of a second language being taught in elementary schools. I have been to Germany and have met a German person who says that they learn English since their primary years. And I'm really regretting that I had to learn a second language towards the end of my school career. Elementary school age is the perfect time to introduce a second language, because the students are a sponge in their time of learning. It would be extremely beneficial to them in their later part of their lives. When it boils down to it, I think there is probably not enough funds to support it.

  20. Ash Warner Section 7
    Do you see college as an opportunity to "expand your judgment and enlarge your mind"?
    I believe apart of college is becoming more of an adult and starting to think like one and approach life like one. I believe in college you should learn what you feel like will most prepare you for the real world. Whatever knowledge you want to utilize and try to bring into the world or help the world in some way with that knowledge should absolutely be done. In college as well you should read as much and try to learn as much with all the resources the school offers you because you’re getting the most out of your tuition.

  21. April 13
    Do you see college as an opportunity to "expand your judgment and enlarge your mind"?
    I do see college as an opportunity to expand my judgment and gain a lot of information along the way because during my time in college I have learned so much and not only in the classroom. It certainly has taught me a lot about decision making and has expanded the way I think. The environment in college is different because everyone is there for the same reason, to get an education, and while I’m usually on campus I feel like my mind is working more than at home for example.
