Thursday, April 1, 2021

Questions Apr 6


  • What do you think of Marianne Williamson's "basic idea"? 295 Would she have made a good president?
  • Does Oprah live in Fantasyland? 296
  • Is Dr. Oz reliable? 301
  • Is "alternative medicine" respectable? 302
  • Is "the placebo effect" an example of the "law of attraction" in action? 304

  • What are some other signs of being grown-up, besides the ability to think for yourself? 123
  • Should corporations like Coca-Cola be allowed to have "pouring rights" in public schools? 132
  • "You must take your education into your own hands as soon as possible." Did you? How? 140
  • Should the age of legal maturity be raised to match the age of brain maturity? 140
  • Are you willing to go a month without internet? 148
  • Were Augustine and Rousseau right about travel? 150-51
  • Do you hope to live and work one day in another culture for at least a year? Do you think it will contribute to your maturity? 162-3


  1. Marim Sameer (4/1)
    Section 7
    Discussion answer/ weekly essay
    Are you willing to go a month without internet? 14
    I am willing to go a month without internet. If you think about it, the internet is what is running our lives especially the children of this generation. It has gotten to the point where we are constantly checking our phones and wanting to constantly be up to date with the drama. It has also affected adults. Most adult’s jobs have something to do with the internet. They are constantly checking up on work weather that is via a coworker, emails, or even by phone even when they are off from work. I feel like a month without internet would help me with disconnecting from the world. Help me think for myself and help me see the world from an outside perspective and truly get to know myself more. I feel like at some point I have to act a certain way in public or Infront of a certain group that I am around for so long that I lose sight of who I really am with no filter. It is important for me to know who I am exactly and what makes me happy and how I can make myself happy without any external factors such as the internet. If I disconnect, myself I will eventually become the main character of myself rather than having so many external factors worrying me or bringing me down.

    1. Pai Shan Ning,
      Section 8

      I agree with you. I think I will be able to get more things done if I go without internet, even for a week. Though, it is almost impossible today since everything basically depends on the availability of internet, like you mentioned.

    2. I agree, I could go without internet. It isn't everything, just a common pasttime. However, I'd like something to keep me occupied, like the presence of others or something along the lines. I couldn't sit there and stare at a wall for a month with nothing to do, but internet isn't everything, it simply fills my free time.

    3. I would also love to go a month without internet, however it just doesn't seem possible when work and school require me to have it.

  2. Section 4

    What are some other signs of being grown-up, besides the ability to think for yourself?

    Being able to think for yourself is a great lesson you learn when you become an adult but I think it is more than that. It is the ability to make sacrifices and carry out responsibilities. It is the ability to know what is right and wrong and being able to balance. I think I finally turned an adult when I started thinking like my parents which I think happened a little bit before I turned 18. Even though I have all this freedom in college, I know how to probably use it. Yeah sure I don't have many classes but when I am not in class I am either making sure my homework is done on time or working. My younger sister (16) I don't think would make these same conclusions.

    1. I agree that sacrifice is a huge one. as kids we are more selfish, but as we grow up we start to make decisions that are for the greater good rather than just our own.

  3. Pai Shan Ning
    Section 8

    Is "the placebo effect" an example of the "law of attraction" in action? 304

    Honestly, yes. The law attraction says, "all thoughts are turned into reality eventually," and if you surround yourself with positive thoughts, you attract positive things to yourself; negative things if you surround yourself with negative thoughts. Placebo effect is basically bring that thought into reality. It may work for people who genuinely believe, not for people like me, who are pretty skeptical of anything that can't be scientifically proven.

    Should the age of legal maturity be raised to match the age of brain maturity? 140

    No, because maturity doesn't depend on age. Sure you will gain more experiences as you grow, but maturity doesn't really have anything to do with age. To me, maturity means to able to take on responsibilities of an adult in daily life. Some people who grew up poor, having to help their parents with financial stuffs and business, will be very mature even at a young age. Life isn't the same for everyone. Some people mature at a very young age because life showed them the worst of it early. So, no.

  4. Section #4

    Is "alternative medicine" respectable?

    Yes its believe its respectable in that it is for many people a part of their rich culture and history. Many groups of people have used alternative means to heal injured and sick and I believe that it is just a different approach to the same problem many western medicines take. I do have a problem with it if it causes more harm than good, such as alternative medicines that would see mutilation used for example. I can still respect the cultural significance of it and if the sick person agrees to it then that is their choice. However, from a medical and healing standpoint I cannot agree to all forms as respectable.

    What are some other signs of being grown-up, besides the ability to think for yourself?

    As stated in the book, some people are able to move out, establish themselves and start a family without having reached a real mental maturity. So I think a sign of growing up is when you stop doing things because you have to or someone made you but instead when you understand why something must be done and just put your head down and do it like going to school because you need it for a dream job. Perhaps maybe you don't want your bills to become overdue, so you go to work constantly. I feel a key sign of maturity is when you no longer have to be told or coerced into doing something but instead just do it.

    1. I think that is probably the best sign that someone is mature-when they do thing without having to be told.

  5. By taking my education into my own hands, I assumed complete responsibility of it. I decided to care and give effort. It no longer became a teacher issue if I failed a topic, but a learner issue. Assuming total responsibility allowed me to mature and control my education, allowing for greater achievements.
    I would love to work in and around another culture. I personally enjoy learning about others and other cultures, it's fascinating to me. While also allowing me to mature in different ways, it would let me have an even more open mind. Seeing how others live their lives and take on their days is fascinating. It's almost as if you were getting different opinions on different topics. It would open a person's mind to the world, and how everyone is different. I almost feel everyone should be able to experience other cultures for a brief period in their lifetime. It would allow us as humans to understand each other better, and possibly change everyone's perspective on the world.

    1. Jan 28: Responded to questions
      Feb 2-4: Responded to questions
      Feb 9: Responded to questions
      Feb 11: Responded to questions
      Feb 16: Responded to questions
      Feb 18: Responded to questions
      Feb 25: Responded to questions
      Mar 2: Responded to questions
      Mar 4: Responded to questions
      Mar 9: Responded to questions
      Mar 11: Responded to questions
      Mar 23: Responded to questions
      Mar 25: Responded to questions, comments
      Apr 1: Responded to questions
      Apr 6: Responded to questions, comments

  6. Section 8

    You must take your education into your own hands as soon as possible." Did you? How? 140

    I have taken my education into my hands. I do my best to seek many good resources, and I try to constantly be learning outside of a "classroom." It is something I have to continue to remind myself of though, sometimes it is easy to sit back and wait for a teacher or someone to teach you everything you need to know. It's tempting to just accept that I don't know this or that, but I try to gain more understanding on things I'm genuinely interested in. The majority of learning I'll do in this life is going to come from exploring things I'm interested in. I am musician, and I have amazing teachers. However, if I don't take the different things I've learned and skills I've acquired and go deeper with them I will not grow. This is how you take your education into your own hands. You take what you're being taught, what you're interested in, what you don't know, whatever it is and you seek out reliable resources to learn these things. There's tons out there in our information driven world so there really is no excuse for not learning something new daily even if it's small.

    Replied to a comment for Jan 28
    Responded to questions for Jan 28
    Responded to questions for Feb 2nd
    Responded to questions for Feb 4th
    Responded to questions for Feb 9th
    Responded to questions for Feb 11th
    Responded to questions for Feb 16th
    Responded to questions for Feb 18th
    Responded to questions for Feb 25th
    Responded to questions for March 2nd
    Responded to questions for March 4th
    Responded to questions for March 9th
    Responded to questions for March 11th
    Responded to questions for March 25th
    Responded to questions for March 30th
    Responded to questions for April 1st
    Responded to questions for April 6th

  7. Jones section#4
    What do you think of Marianne Williamson's "basic idea"? 295 Would she have made a good president?
    No She should not be President. I didn’t believe anything she said. Her Ideas are outrageous She appears to believe that physical existence is an illusions.

    Does Oprah live in Fantasyland? 296

    Is Dr. Oz reliable? 301
    Not sure, but it would be instructing to know if he took the covid vaccine.

    Is "alternative medicine" respectable? 302

    Probably for some people.

    Is "the placebo effect" an example of the "law of attraction" in action? 304
    perhaps “the placebo” could be the catalyst that tricks the mind into doing was it does best, and that is mental healing.

  8. Response to questions for April 6

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Section 7

    1. Is Dr. Oz reliable? 301
    - If you had asked me a year ago if I thought Dr. Oz was reliable my answer would have been “no”. However, I did write a paper on Dr. Oz and my perspective changed slightly. He is a cardiothoracic surgeon and graduated from Columbia University. However, whether he is a practicing cardiothoracic surgeon is unknown to me. He has qualities that make him reliable, and qualities that don’t (tv personality).

    2. Is "alternative medicine" respectable? 302
    - Personally, I believe that alternative medicine is respectable. I also have noticed a change in our society on how we view these alternative medicines now.

    1. Should the age of legal maturity be raised to match the age of brain maturity? 140
    - I am shocked that legal maturity isn’t already matched with the age that the brain is fully developed. So, in short, I do believe that it should be raised.

    2. Are you willing to go a month without internet? 148
    - I’ve done it several times and I’d have no issue doing it again. There were many times while I was serving in the USAF that I wasn’t allowed basic internet access, and I came to notice that I was more at peace with myself without it. I try to limit myself however I will not lie and say that it is not difficult.

    Responded to questions on 1/28, 2/2, 2/4, 2/9, 2/11, 2/16, 2/18,2/25, 3/2, 3/9, 3/25, 3/30, 4/1
    Presented on 3/11 and posted essay on 3/11

  11. Keylee Crutcher section 8

    Is Dr. Oz reliable? 301
    --No, not if he's pushing things like it sys in the book, it means he doesn't listen to research or factual science at all. Him spreading information like that, on TV, in scrubs, should not be allowed. There should at least be warnings on the screen saying "this is not backed by scientists" or "this has no factual evidence to back it up" or something when he's talking about these things.

    Is "alternative medicine" respectable? 302
    --Things like yoga and old medicines and remedies that have scientific proof to back them up are respectable. Anything else isn't necessarily respectable, especially if science has proven that it's wrong or false information.

    Posted my introduction on Jan 28th
    Responded to questions for Jan 28
    Responded to questions for Feb 2nd
    Responded to questions for Feb 4th
    Responded to questions for Feb 9th
    Responded to questions for Feb 11th
    Responded to questions for Feb 16th
    Responded to questions for Feb 18th
    Responded to questions for Feb 25th
    Responded to questions for March 2nd
    Responded to questions for March 4th
    Responded to questions for March 9th
    Posted my Midterm summary under Questions March 11th
    Responded to questions for March 23rd
    Responded to questions for March 25th
    Responded to questions for March 30th
    Responded to questions for April 1st
    Responded to questions for April 6th

  12. Section 8

    Is Dr. Oz reliable?

    I don't think Dr. Oz is reliable. Less than half of his advice is given any actual supportive evidence. Pushing anything as a "miracle elixir" is absurd.

    Do you hope to live and work one day in another culture for at least a year? Do you think it will contribute to your maturity?

    I would really like to experience a different culture and would be beneficial to me. I would think it would contribute to my maturity as you become a more well-rounded person in my eyes. You're able to have different experiences that may give you a different perspective to things in your life.

  13. Section 7
    I believe that it is important to take your education into your own hands as soon as possible, to an extent. You should be able to learn about the things you want to learn about. But, I also believe that it is important to learn about things that you aren't necessarily interested in, because this will help make you a more well-rounded individual. I believe the current education system in the US is on the right track, but it would be beneficial to let students in the higher levels of high school choose more classes that interest them, which would in turn give them more control over their education. This could also help students stay away from the stereotypical "senioritus" that makes them lose the drive to finish school.
    Posted my introduction on Jan 28th
    Responded to questions for Jan 28
    Responded to questions for Feb 2nd
    Responded to questions for Feb 4th
    Responded to questions for Feb 9th
    Responded to questions for Feb 11th
    Responded to questions for Feb 16th
    Responded to questions for Feb 18th
    Responded to questions for Feb 25th
    Responded to questions for March 2nd
    Responded to questions for March 4th
    Responded to questions for March 9th
    Responded to questions for March 23rd
    Responded to questions for March 25th
    Responded to questions for March 30th
    Responded to questions for April 6th

  14. Section 7

    Are you willing to go a month without internet?

    If people went longer periods of time without internet they would quickly find out the value of the human mind. Internet in this day in age has become the biggest brain washing tool we have ever invented as a human society. The sheer fact that internet exist is why we are dealing with a lot of the issues we see in the present day. This is the cost of complacency. Much like humans pollute the water that we thrive off of daily at dangerous rates we constantly release new forms of radio waves that damage the quality of the gas that we breath in. This much like poison water fish has dramatic effects of us as humans. One month of no internet is enough for people to see our planet change a lot in such short time.

  15. Section 8

    What do you think of Marianne Williamson's "basic idea"? 295 Would she have made a good president?
    --- I agree with her basic idea. I don’t know much about her, so I can’t say if she would be a good president or not. But I think someone with her ideas would make a better president than someone who believes the world is what it is and that no one can change it.

    Does Oprah live in Fantasyland? 296
    --- If by saying Oprah lives in Fantasy land means that she’s wrong, I disagree. I believe that Oprah has some “New Age” beliefs, but because she doesn’t believe everything in the “New Age” category, she rejects the title, especially because those beliefs get such negative representation.

    Is Dr. Oz reliable? 301
    --- I don’t think that Dr. Oz is reliable because it seems like everything he does is for entertainment or to get attention. By labeling the things on his show as “magic” or a “miracle” he ruins the credibility of the products.

    Is "alternative medicine" respectable? 302
    ---I don’t know too much about alternative medicines, but if they work, they work. I don’t argue against them, but it seems like some people refuse to believe anything they don’t understand and won’t even give it a shot or have an open mind.

    Is "the placebo effect" an example of the "law of attraction" in action? 304
    --- It is. The placebo effect is believing something and manifesting the physical result. The fact that it’s a “placebo” shows that it’s not anything chemical that produced a change in someone’s body, it was their thoughts/beliefs about it that caused the change.

  16. There are many signs that a person is grown-up, but the efficacy of any one set of signs being determinative of whether one is grown up, is somewhat disputed. One universally agreed sign of being grown-up is the ability to think for yourself. Tangentially, assuming we are not conflating the terms grown-up and maturity, being considered an adult should require that we can also collectively engage in civil discourse on complex issues.
    Tying into the education section of the text, which accurately highlights the pitfalls of the education systems today, an ability to use logic and sound reasoning to defend your position civilly in debate is hardly observed. The lack of educating students in Latin and formal logic has created a society in which hardly a soul knows how to think critically and even more rarely, can one defend those beliefs. Effective self-government requires its citizens to have these skills. While progress is necessary and requires change, progress is stimmed when civil discourse is replaced with enflamed passions based on straw principles. It has become increasingly more common to hear broad sweeping claims that are assumed true without even a glance in the direction of proper logic.
    Without real formal education, no one can truly be grown up.

    Christopher Hall Section 7

  17. Matthew Wells
    Section 8

    Is "alternative medicine" respectable? 302

    I'm not someone who believes in alternative medicine nor would I seek it out as my first option, but I believe that any technique of medicine that works for someone is respectable, so long as the treatment isn't making the patient ignore serious core problems they need to go to the hospital for. As an example, I wouldn't be okay with a chiropractor making someone feel better if it made them not want to get the spine/back surgery they need as the permanent solution.

    Are you willing to go a month without internet? 148

    Absolutely not, especially given the our current situation. Even outside of relying on the internet for work, I basically use it as my only source of entertainment every day and I'm willing to admit it's essentially an addiction. The internet's just too useful to me.

  18. Section 7

    Does Oprah live in Fantasyland? 296

    I think Oprah lives in rich land. It is easy to be happy when you have millions in the bank.

    "You must take your education into your own hands as soon as possible." Did you? How? 140

    I think that I did. I taught myself how to code in high school and the head start has helped immensely in computer science now. I also read a lot of books when I was young. The last thing I did was travel. I grew up all over the world. Being able to experience new people and cultures is probably the biggest thing that made me who I am today.

    -Replied to Joshua Flowers on 3/25 post
    -Replied to Pai Shan Ning on 3/25 post
    -Replied to Jacob Malugin on 3/30 post
    -Replied to Caitlin Warner on 3/30 post
    -Replied Chloe Guzowski on 3/30 post
    -Replied to Janai Blackemore on 4/1 post
    -Replied to Austin Duncan on 4/1 post
    -Replied to Marim Sameer on 4/6 post
    -Replied to Jacob Malugin on 4/6 post

    -Answered questions on 1/28 post
    -Answered questions on 2/2 post
    -Weekly Essay on 2/4 post
    -Answered questions on 2/18 post
    -Answered questions on 2/24 post
    -Answered questions on 3/4 post
    -Answered questions on 3/9 post
    -Answered questions on 3/25 post
    -Posted Midterm summary on 3/29
    -Answered questions on 3/30 post
    -Answered questions on 4/1 post
    -Answered questions on 4/6 post

  19. Prophetess Turner, Section 4:

    Are you willing to go a month without internet? 148

    Yes. When I was younger, I read majority of the time because my parents took their time in allowing us access to electronics. When I finally got a phone, I grew obsessed with it. Now all I want to do is unplug. I feel that the older we get, the romanticism that once revolved around the internet and electronics start to fade and we realize how toxic they really are. Plus, after spending two semesters online and my days in front of a computer screen, I would love an extended time no where near them.

  20. Section 7
    Are you willing to go a month without the internet? 148
    Yes, for my person my age in the times we are in right now I am hardly ever on my phone, now since coming to college I have definitely had to use the internet more for different things, but other than that the only thing I really need is music to be content. If I had to sit on the beach for a month straight with only earbuds and some of my friends I would, or to even go back to going to school in person again with paper, that would be amazing.

  21. Should the age of legal maturity be raised to match the age of brain maturity? 140
    I think the age of legal maturity should be raised to match the age of brain maturity. For the U.S., 21 is the last age of any legal maturity, and for me, that age seems too low. People that age have probably just finished college, and now are looking for a job; they have not gone out into the real world and learned its ways. By age 25, most people have understood how the world runs and have garnered experience, and know how to cope with situations. The ages to receive certain things are too low; like driver's licenses in Tennessee, you can get one at 16, but what's not to say that teenagers won't speed on the road if their friend challenges them to a street race. Can they make the decision to not participate in dangerous activities like that? So yes, I think the legal maturity age should be raised to match the brain's maturity age.

    Are you willing to go a month without internet? 148
    Yes, I can definitely willing to go a month without the internet. Back then when I was younger, I wanted to have all the newest electronics and watch nonsensical videos all day. But honestly now, all this technology is so draining to me. I would love nothing more to go on a trip somewhere and bring books as entertainment. Technology is constantly envolving, and we as a society have become really dependent on it, so if I could go a month without any connection to the internet, I would 100% be willing to disconnect and refresh my brain.


  22. "You must take your education into your own hands as soon as possible." Did you? How? 140
    I like to think that I am in control of my education right now. I don’t think I was able to be in control before I started college because I had no say in where I received my education. However, I was still able to take charge of how well I did in school. I could have easily failed my classes, but I knew I wanted a good future, so I chose to focus on my grades. As of now, I had a decent say in where I chose to attend college, and I still choose to put my grades first.

    Are you willing to go a month without the internet? 148
    Yes, I am willing to go a month without the internet. Unfortunately, I think it would be one of the hardest things ever. I know this sounds dramatic, but it’s true. My generation grew up in the age of technology. I use technology in almost every aspect of my social life. I text my friends, use apps like TikTok and YouTube to entertain myself and keep up with my friends. I even use audiobooks at times if I do not have a hardcopy of a book. I think it would be possible, but extremely difficult.

    Section 4

  23. Section 4
    What are some other signs of being grown-up, besides the ability to think for yourself?
    For me growing up is the ability to do what you want to do and to strive for the goals that you have set for yourself. Another thing is to not be dependent on family to help you out at every turn of your life.
    Are you willing to go a month without internet?
    I would be able to but it would be really hard for me as I am now. Mainly this would be hard because most of today requires internet to do anything whether it be job related, education, or just keeping in touch with family.
    Do you hope to live and work one day in another culture for at least a year? Do you think it will contribute to your maturity?
    I would love to do that and have actually done some volunteer work already in Costa Rica. I feel like the experience I had their while it was short helped to mature me while I was still growing up and if it was an entire year it would help even more.

  24. What are some other signs of being grown-up, besides the ability to think for yourself?
    One of the biggest signs that showed me I was growing up was taking responsibilities on for myself. For example, I know that it is my responsibility to take care of my car, get all my schoolwork done, and go to work without anyone telling or reminding me. I also think self-control is a big one because it shows maturity and is usually shown in older people.
