Thursday, April 29, 2021

 Final Blog Post - Gracie Sizemore



I did my project on the Viral Shopping Cart theory.  It was fun and exciting. I sent out a questionnaire to the college students in my surrounding area and MTSU.

( I have posted comments on Feb 10, March 9, April 7th,  April 13th, and April 20th. I can't remember when I posted my midterm project but it was around March 20-30th)

1 comment:

  1. It's never occurred to me to do anything with a shopping cart except return it. Homeless people do other things with them, I'd assumed.

    I don't quite get the trolley problem connection, I'd find it helpful if you'd add an actual blogpost addressing that and drawing out the larger conclusion(s) about human nature, irresponsibility, etc. I appreciate the work you've put into creating your slideshow, but that format is really better suited to a live and interactive presentation.

    And say a bit more about "self-government" in the larger context. You didn't want to take a position on democracy vs. monarchy etc., but that's ultimately the more crucial question. Democracy MEANS collective (not just personal) self-government, and it depends on citizens choosing to behave responsibly and educate themselves about the issues that impact other people's lives as well as their own.

    Having just taught a course on the challenges to democracy in America and around the world, I'm a little unsettled by the thought that younger people might actually be so little invested in it.
