Friday, April 16, 2021

Questions Apr 20

 Ch 2

  • Have you ever experienced "anhedonia"? How did you respond? 42
  • Do you think the world is "fated" and not "Panglossian"? 43
  • Have you ever experienced "second wind" or had a Muir moment? 45
  • Have you ever "survived dying"? 46
  • Do you like Renouvier's definition of free will? 47-9
  • Do you think adulthood requires "selling your soul"? 49
  • Does feeling good ever make you feel bad? 51
  • Do you agree that "minds are not computers (and) bloodless calculators"? 54
  • If/when you propose marriage will you also give "arguments against accepting"? 58
  • Was Pascal right about the "heart" and its reasons? 60
  • Should we "always look of the bright side"? 62
  • Is there wisdom in "fake it 'til you make it"? 64
  • Do you know the "felt experience of taking meaningful and novel action"? 66
FL 41-42
  • Are you afraid of GMOs or vaccines?
  • Do you trust people who say they got their information from "the University of Google"? 378
  • Do you understand the concept of "herd immunity"? Do most Americans? 379
  • Did you play with guns, as a child? 381
  • Do you own a gun? Why?
  • Do you think most mass killers are paranoid schizophrenics or psychotics? 383
  • Why is there so much confusion about the second amendment? 386
  • Why do so many people think the government is going to confiscate their guns? Should it (like Australia)? 
  • Why didn't Sandy Hook change everything? 


  1. Section 4

    Is there wisdom in "fake it till you make it"

    I do think there is a slight wisdom in "fake it till you make it". I always use this phrase when I try to fake confidence in a new situation. If you act confident you will eventually feel confident. I also do this when I am feeling sad and I don't want to, I fake a smile for about 10-15 seconds and I suddenly feel a little better. If you try to pretend to be someone you are not you will eventually become them.

    Does feeling good ever make you feel bad?

    I would say it does because I am a born over-thinker. Whenever I am happy I can never enjoy it in the moment because I am more worried if others are happy too. I also have a habit of forgetting so I try to take photos of everything and often don't enjoy the moment because I am trying to capture that moment! It is ironic...

    1. I'm also an overthinker and I totally sympathize with the worrying if others are happy too bit. It can be so exhausting.

    2. If this "fake it" (etc.) strategy works for you, thank William James and his philosophy of "as if"...

    3. I too am an over thinker,but I do think we are too caught up in what if and the future rather than living in the present.

  2. Section 7

    Is there wisdom in "fake it 'til you make it"? 64

    I read a study once where people who fake smiled immediately felt happier so I think it could work.

    Are you afraid of GMOs or vaccines?

    I am not. I’ve already had my first shot and will be getting my second next week. I also know that without GMOs, a lot of foods would not be safe to eat.

    Do you own a gun? Why?

    I don’t own a gun. I also don’t think anyone should be allowed to own them. Unfortunately, my dad owns two, but luckily he has never taken them out of the gun safe which does make me wonder what the point of spending 5k on them was.

    Why didn't Sandy Hook change everything?

    I think it is because the republicans are willing to pay the price of “personal freedoms” for the sake of murdered children.

    -Replied to Joshua Flowers on 3/25 post
    -Replied to Pai Shan Ning on 3/25 post
    -Replied to Jacob Malugin on 3/30 post
    -Replied to Caitlin Warner on 3/30 post
    -Replied Chloe Guzowski on 3/30 post
    -Replied to Janai Blackemore on 4/1 post
    -Replied to Austin Duncan on 4/1 post
    -Replied to Marim Sameer on 4/6 post
    -Replied to Jacob Malugin on 4/6 post
    -Replied to Caitlin Warner on 4/8 post
    -Replied to Jacob Malugin on 4/13 post
    -Replied to Aalayis Suggs on 4/13 post
    -Replied to Marim Sameer on 4/13 post
    -Replied to Austin Duncan on 4/13 post
    -Replied to Caitlin Warner on 4/13 post
    -Replied to Austin Duncan on 4/15 post
    -Replied to Joshua Flowers on 4/15 post
    -Replied to Janai Blakemore on 4/15 post
    -Replied to Chloe Guzowski on 4/20 post

    -Answered questions on 1/28 post
    -Answered questions on 2/2 post
    -Weekly Essay on 2/4 post
    -Answered questions on 2/18 post
    -Answered questions on 2/24 post
    -Answered questions on 3/4 post
    -Answered questions on 3/9 post
    -Answered questions on 3/25 post
    -Posted Midterm summary on 3/29
    -Answered questions on 3/30 post
    -Answered questions on 4/1 post
    -Answered questions on 4/6 post
    -Answered questions on 4/8 post
    -Answered questions on 4/13 post
    -Answered questions on 4/15 post
    -Answered questions on 4/20 post
    -Posted final midterm report on 4/18

    1. If the problem is that the GOP is in the pocket of the NRA, the solution to gun violence is to not vote GOP.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Section 7

    1. Do you think adulthood requires "selling your soul"? 49
    - No, I don’t. It can seem that way because you have to find a career, get the education required, and then begin working. However, hopefully you are able to find a career that you’re passionate about and enjoy doing. Don’t mistake maturing for selling your soul.

    2. Does feeling good ever make you feel bad? 51
    - I had just experienced this feeling recently. I had a close friend pass away suddenly before the beginning of this semester. His wife was a friend of mine back in high school, and I remember feeling guilty/bad for laughing, smiling, and being happy when people I care about are suffering. I would say that that is about the only time I feel bad for feeling good, is when I know of others who are truly struggling.

    3. Should we "always look of the bright side"? 62
    - In most situations, yes you should. It’s so easy to hyper focus on the negative things. Some instances it might be hard to do so, and when/if you’re in that situation I think it’s crucial to allow yourself to feel those emotions. However, at some point you have to move on, and try to see the silver lining.

    1. Did you play with guns, as a child? 381
    - I played with nerf guns growing up, yes. However, I remember being taught proper gun safety from a very young age.

    2. Do you own a gun? Why?
    - Yes, I do, but it is locked in a safe near by bed. I have a gun for self-protection, and my husband considers guns to be a hobby.

    Answered/Responded to questions: 1/28, 2/2, 2/4, 2/9, 2/11, 2/16, 2/18, 2/25, 3/2, 3/9, 3/25, 3/30, 4/1, 4/6, 4/8, 4/13
    Presented Midterm:3/11
    Posted Midterm essay: 3/11

    1. Someone somewhere is always suffering, if we only allow ourselves to feel good when everyone does we never will.

      "Always look on the bright side," as in the Life of Brian conclusion, can seem shallow and insensitive. But as a life-philosophy, you could do worse.

      The NRA was originally a gun-hobbyist organization, before it got politicized.

  5. Section 7.

    I haven't had my own Muir moment yet, nor have I survived dying either. Maybe I'm not taking enough risks to open the opportunity. Knowing my luck though, I believe it safer than to put myself in a possible Muir moment.
    I'll take a lot of flak for this, but I don't think every situation demands "looking on the bright side." Some situations are hopeless and that's just a fact. I'm not advocating pessimism, but sometimes you can let yourself down if you look on the bright side of things. Sometimes, it's okay to be real. I can see why people do it, but it's just not for me.
    I ever played with guns as a kid, we weren't really a gun owning family. Dad bought a gun he keeps in his car, and I have one I keep in my car/the house for myself, and aside the casual shooting range visit, that's as far as it goes. We both desired a method of effective self defense and I suppose you can't beat that. (without looking at research & statistics) I don't necessarily think every mass murderer is mentally ill -- some people are simply evil to the core, to an unimaginable amount. To end, the confusion from all amendments arise from a) they were written in a different time and b) different interpretations, just like religious texts. We'll never truly know what they meant or what vision they had when they wrote the early amendments, but it is our job to do our best.

    1. Jan 28: Responded to questions
      Feb 2-4: Responded to questions
      Feb 9: Responded to questions
      Feb 11: Responded to questions
      Feb 16: Responded to questions
      Feb 18: Responded to questions
      Feb 25: Responded to questions
      Mar 2: Responded to questions
      Mar 4: Responded to questions
      Mar 9: Responded to questions
      Mar 11: Responded to questions
      Mar 23: Responded to questions
      Mar 25: Responded to questions, comments
      Apr 1: Responded to questions
      Apr 6: Responded to questions, comments
      Apr 8: Responded to questions
      Apr 13: Responded to questions, comments
      Apr 15: Responded to questions
      Apr 20: Responded to questions

    2. "it is our job to do our best" - exactly. Our job, our best, our time, our circumstances, our epidemic of gun violence etc.

  6. Prophetess Turner, Section 4:

    Does feeling good ever make you feel bad?

    All the time. Especially when I buy expensive things. There is always a part of me that feels as if I don't deserve what is making me happy or that I have not worked hard enough for it.

    1. Responded to questions:
      February 2
      February 4
      February 9
      February 11
      February 16
      February 18
      February 23
      February 25
      March 2
      March 4
      March 9
      March 11
      March 23
      March 25
      March 30
      April 2
      April 6
      April 8
      April 13
      April 15
      April 20

      Posted Philosophy midterm in the comments section on March 11.

    2. Everyone deserves to be happy. But maybe we'd all be happier if we depended less on things, to make us happy.

  7. Q: Did you play with guns, as a child? 381
    No, but I grew up visiting family members that live in the south of Alabama, where many kids received rifles as 4-6 years old. By the time they reached high school, they had AR-15s in their pickup trucks. It was scary seeing short-tempered children become short-tempered adults but with a gun on their hip.
    Q: Do you own a gun? Why?
    No, I own a taser and pepper spray. I don’t wish to own one.
    Q: Do you think most mass killers are paranoid schizophrenics or psychotics? 383
    No, but in a way, I do believe that people who purposefully hurt other people (mass shootings, homicides, etc…) do have a sense of anger or hurt that resonates with people who are mentally ill.
    Q: Why is there so much confusion about the second amendment? 386
    Because there is an apart that says “well regulated” that many people use to justify having an unhealthy amount of guns. If you trust and support your local police force so much why do you have to protect yourself with an unnecessary amount of force?
    Q: Why do so many people think the government is going to confiscate their guns? Should it (like Australia)?
    Because there has never been a gun reform movement before. If the police get $4.3 billion ( 2020 stats) then there should be an approachable movement that combines answers from both sides. But no trans people playing in sports is occupying government time.
    Q: Why didn't Sandy Hook change everything?
    Sandy Hook SHOULD HAVE changed everything but it didn’t, because No gun control measures were passed by Congress. And many states passed laws restricting access to guns, more states actually made it easier to buy weapons. Our leaders want guns to fight more guns, sound familiar to anything? ( literally every war the U.S has been involved in)

    1. "AR-15s in their pickup trucks" - wow. "Ain't that America..."

      People who want to hurt other people probably ARE mentally ill - all the more reason to address the problem of too many weapons in circulation, in a society with too little regulation of weaponry. There actually has been gun safety regulation in just about every other society than ours.

  8. Section 8

    If/when you propose marriage will you also give "arguments against accepting"? 58
    --- If I proposed marriage, I wouldn’t give “arguments against accepting” because if I were getting married, I would have already told my fiance everything he needs to know about me. He should already know what I’m like.

    Are you afraid of GMOs or vaccines?
    --- I’m not, but I’m also not surprised that a lot of people are. There are tons of misinformed articles on the internet.

    Do you trust people who say they got their information from "the University of Google"? 378
    --- I don’t. I think there’s a great amount of information that you can get from the internet, but if someone says “google” instead citing a study or a reputable website, I don’t think the information is trustworthy.

    Responded to questions for 01/28/21
    Responded to questions for 02/02/21
    Responded to questions for 02/09/21
    Responded to questions for 02/11/21
    Responded to questions for 02/23/21 (which is 02/16/21 and 02/18/21)
    Responded to questions for 02/25/21
    Responded to questions for 03/04/21
    Responded to questions for 03/09/21
    Responded to questions for 03/11/21
    Responded to questions for 03/23/21
    Responded to questions for 04/06/21
    Responded to questions for 04/08/21
    Responded to questions for 04/13/21
    Responded to questions for 04/20/21

  9. The University of Google is unaccredited. That's not to say that you can't learn a lot, on the Internet. But to learn effectively, you need first to learn HOW to learn.

  10. Is there wisdom in "fake it 'til you make it"? 64

    To some extent maybe, but for the most part I think it is critical to examine your current state. For example, if you're having a bad day or you're struggling with certain things, I think it's important to address those things. I think saying you're not ok is completely healthy cause you're addressing the problem. I don't think it's as healthy to "fake it." I also think it is healthy to affirm yourself and speak different affirmations in order to help you get out of whatever mindset you're stuck in. Telling yourself positive things that you don't feel in that moment, but that are true is healthy. I wouldn't call that faking it though. I think it's important to address whatever it is, determine a way to breakthrough it, and then get to the other side. Then you wouldn't be faking it, it would be real and authentic.

    Does feeling good ever make you feel bad? 51

    Sometimes I feel guilty for feeling good. This typically happens when I know someone in my family or someone else close to me is struggling or feeling down.

    Replied to a comment for Jan 28
    Responded to questions for Jan 28
    Responded to questions for Feb 2nd
    Responded to questions for Feb 4th
    Responded to questions for Feb 9th
    Responded to questions for Feb 11th
    Responded to questions for Feb 16th
    Responded to questions for Feb 18th
    Responded to questions for Feb 25th
    Responded to questions for March 2nd
    Responded to questions for March 4th
    Responded to questions for March 9th
    Responded to questions for March 11th
    Responded to questions for March 25th
    Responded to questions for March 30th
    Responded to questions for April 1st
    Responded to questions for April 6th
    Responded to questions for April 8th
    Responded to questions for April 13th
    Responded to questions for April 15th
    Responded to questions for April 20th

    1. "Fake" has taken on more negative connotations lately, hasn't it? But "will yourself to act in a certain manner" until you don't have to try so hard seems less objectionable. People really do become happier, eventually, when first they force a smile. That smile wasn't "fake," it just wasn't fully felt. Yet.

  11. Pai Shan Ning
    Section 8
    Weekly essays

    Should we "always look of the bright side"? 62
    It says, "Acting as if the world is a welcoming and tender place occasionally has the effect of making it more so," (SSHM 62) and I agree with the statement. However, it is best to note the word "occasionally" which means not always. Nothing good will come from always being optimistic or pessimistic. There are sometimes when you need to hope for the best, and sometimes the worst. To me, everything depends on the situation you're in. Though, I almost always expect the worst of everything just so I don't get hurt when things don't turn out the way I want them to. It works sometimes, and sometimes, it makes me feel worse so, I wouldn't really recommend doing that. You don't always need to look on the bright side because there's no bright side to some things.

    1. Responded to questions for February 4th
      Responded to questions for March 25th
      Responded to questions for March 30th
      Responded to questions for April 6th
      Responded to questions for April 13th
      Responded to questions for April 20th

    2. Always looking on the bright side, as in the preposterous conclusion of "Life of Brian," is indeed over-the-top... in the same way I think Leibniz/Pangloss are over-the-top. Extreme optimism AND extreme pessimism, the ideas (respectively) that things couldn't be better and couldn't be worse, miss the point. "Occasionally," as you say, and maybe even frequently, bad things can be improved. Of course good things can also be worsened, if we don't take care. And THAT's the point. Sometimes you have to look hard at the dark side, to see the light.

  12. Jones section #4
    Fantasy Land

    Are you afraid of GMOs or vaccines?

    No, I am not afraid of GMOs or vaccines. I do limit the amount of GMO’s that I consume. I prefer organic and natural foods, because I feel that they are more healthy. I am not afraid of vaccines. My parents like this author, lived during the years when thousands of American children died from polio every year, and thousands more were permanently paralyzed. The epidemic killed seventy thousands people in the United States, and every year thousands of American kids died from diphtheria, tetanus, and whooping cough. Several hundred were dying every year from measles, and this disease rendered many hundreds more death or mentally disabled.
    During the early 1950’s and “60s” vaccines appeared that prevented all those diseases, and every kid got them. There was no anti-vaccine movement. I was among those kids who got these vaccinations, and that is why I am not afraid of vaccines.

    Jones section#4
    Sick Souls, Heathy Minds

    Is there wisdom in “fake it till you make it”?

    No, there is not much wisdom in “fake it till you make it.” I think one must be always true to his or her own feelings. If you are not true to yourself, why would you be true to anyone else?

  13. Jones section#4
    Comment on April 1 why grow up.
    Comment on April 1 Fantasyland
    Comment on April 8 Fantasyland

    Comment on April 13 Why Grow Up

    Fantasy Land April 20

    Sick Souls, Healthy Minds April 20

  14. Section 8

    Is there wisdom in "fake it 'til you make it"? 64

    Yes I think there is wisdom in fake it till you make it. You can control your reality by controlling your thoughts, thus controlling your actions. If you tell yourself, I am going to have a good day tomorrow and you truly believe it your brain will pay attention to the things that would make you have a good day and focus on that. If you can affect your life by thinking negatively then you must be able to affect your life by thinking positively. Faking it till you make it.

    Responded questions for Jan 28
    Responded questions for Feb 2
    Responded questions for Feb 4
    Responded questions for Feb 9
    Responded questions for Feb 11
    Responded questions for Feb 16
    Responded questions for Mar 4
    Responded questions for Mar 9
    Responded questions for Mar 11
    Responded questions for Mar 23
    Responded questions for Mar 25
    Responded questions for Mar 30
    Responded questions for Apr 1
    Responded questions for Apr 6
    Responded questions for Apr 8
    Responded questions Apr 13
    Responded questions Apr 15
    Responded questions Apr 20

  15. Keylee Crutcher Section 8

    • Do you like Renouvier's definition of free will? 47-9

    No, I believe that after the one thing that started everything (the unmoved mover or whatever you want to call it) that everything is just a trickled down direct effect of that. I’m typing this because of what happened in my life that led me here and what happened in my mother’s life to give birth to me exactly when she did, and the list goes on all the way back to that first unmoved mover. The fact that I’m writing this exactly how I am and sitting exactly where I am, wearing exactly what I am is all because of that. I don’t think our decisions are already chose for us technically, we just don’t have the option to anything besides what we do because were exactly how we are because everything else is exactly how it is. I just used this as an excuse to rant about my view on free will but overall, I don’t agree with Renouvier's definition.

    • Is there wisdom in "fake it 'til you make it"? 64

    There’s science behind smiling even when your sad actually causing you to feel happier. If you act confident for long enough, even when your not, it’ll eventually at least make you think about yourself differently. Of course certain things just don’t work with this, at least most of the time, like love.

    • Are you afraid of GMOs or vaccines?

    Honestly, I am kind of afraid of GMO’s because we never had the opportunity to see the effects of them decades down the line. But we can’t do anything, even if something says it’s non-GMO it has still been effected by GMO foods. In some of my classes, I've read things about how children reach puberty earlier now than in past decades and that it's most likely caused by the stuff in our food.

    Posted my introduction on Jan 28th
    Responded to questions for Jan 28
    Responded to questions for Feb 2nd
    Responded to questions for Feb 4th
    Responded to questions for Feb 9th
    Responded to questions for Feb 11th
    Responded to questions for Feb 16th
    Responded to questions for Feb 18th
    Responded to questions for Feb 25th
    Responded to questions for March 2nd
    Responded to questions for March 4th
    Responded to questions for March 9th
    Posted my Midterm summary under Questions March 11th
    Responded to questions for March 23rd
    Responded to questions for March 25th
    Responded to questions for March 30th
    Responded to questions for April 1st
    Responded to questions for April 6th
    Responded to questions for April 8th
    Responded to questions for April 13th
    Responded to questions for April 15th
    Responded to questions for April 20th

  16. Section 8

    Is there wisdom in "fake it 'til you make it?"

    Is think there is some wisdom in it. I've heard if a person has issues with confidence they should simply fake having confidence and eventually they'll actually have it. I've also heard of if you're feeling sad you can try smiling for a while and you'll feel better. However, I don't think you should necessarily fake everything or act differently all the time.

    Do you understand the concept of "herd immunity?" Do most Americans?

    I pretty sure I understand herd immunity. When the majority of a population is immune to something they act as a wall against the sickness to those that are not immune. This is why some people can go on without being vaccinated and not feel like vaccines are a waste. They don't realize that if more and more people no longer take vaccines then they'll be a lot more likely to actually catch whatever sickness vaccines are trying to prevent. I think the majority of people understand herd immunity.

  17. Section #8
    Q 7 pg.51 - The closest I have experienced myself to self deceptive and circular reasoning, is when I am having a temporarily good time. About half way through I realize that the fun must come to an end. Fun that cannot last forever. Breaks from school are meant for relaxation and are mainly stress free from the deadlines and workload, but the idea that I must go back taints the second half. The dread, I feel, comes from my own head. It is not until I remind myself that the environment will not be the same, and I can enjoy the difference while it lasts.
    Q 9 pg. 58 - William James argues against his own proposal. I do not understand why he would do this even though SSHM states he had to prove she was willing rather than forced. John Kaag describes love as a will of meeting halfway in the establishment and maintenance of a relationship. To propose to someone, I personally hope both parties understand and realize the other's efficacy to reach that stage. To me, William James must have been very off putting during or after the proposal to Alice.
    Q 12 pg. 64 - There is most certainly wisdom in “fake it ‘til you make it.” The phrase suggests eventually, no telling how long, things or the situation will come around in your favor. I think in most cases this is true. May it be a petty boss or an awkward misunderstanding, the longer you tolerate and put forth effort to the situation, the more likely it is to change. For John Kaag, he dubbed himself an awkward child with no friends. It wasn’t until he “faked it” and started socializing with other kids during recess that he “made it” into some successful friendships.I on the other hand, have always struggled with writing. It wasn’t until late middle school and early high school that I was able to write extensively. Through a “fake it ‘til you make it” mentality, I gradually turned my fluffy writing to indispensable works.

  18. section #8

    Have you ever experienced "anhedonia"? How did you respond? 42

    Absolutely. I've had waves of on and off depression (particularly in the winter/spring seasons) throughout all of college where I start to feel apathetic towards everything and spiral into hating myself for not being a better and more productive person. I used to respond in really unhealthy ways where I wouldn't leave my room or house for days at a time, sometimes not even eating. Now that I'm getting a better grasp on it, I'm learning how to focus on the work that needs to get done and stop delving deeper into the things that used to make me happy. What usually ends up happening is that I keep trying to do things that make me happy for longer and longer periods of time, but nowadays I try to do those things in moderation and I end up getting more enjoyment from the balanced lifestyle.

    Are you afraid of GMOs or vaccines?

    Not at all! Science isn't something that should be feared; a lot of science takes lengthy research before it can reach the public. GMOs in particular is just controlled manipulation of our food so that it can be used more effectively. Vaccines like the COVID vaccine (while developed very quickly) are extensively tested for safety and effectiveness and are statistically very unlikely to be bad for your body in any way.

    Do you understand the concept of "herd immunity"? Do most Americans? 379

    Yes; herd immunity is the capacity of people we need vaccinated for the spread of a disease to die out. What many people in the public (particularly anti-vaxxers) do with this information is decide that "well, enough people will get vaccinated anyway, so I don't have to", which is the exact opposite message you should take away from this concept. We use herd immunity to protect the immunocompromised, not to let some people be selfish.

  19. Marim Sameer (4/20)
    Section 7
    Discussion answer/ weekly essay

    Does feeling good ever make you feel bad? 51
    I would say it does. I always think to myself at what cost did it take for me to be happy. I feel like in order to be happy those around me won't be as happy merely because I'm so used to putting myself aside to help others and make sure their happy. If I'm not doing that who is going to take care of them? I also feel guilty for being happy sometimes. I feel like I do not deserve it. I am too hard on myself. I am constantly pushing myself to the point where I would feel guilty for wasting my time to take a break and actually enjoy what is Infront of me.
    Should we "always look of the bright side"? 62
    I do not think that is always the best way to go about situations. I feel like if something happened, we must give ourselves time to process what just happened even if it is a simple act that made you upset. Say for example you are in a relationship and your significant other cheated on you. If you were to “look at the bright side” you would be thankful it happened because it saved you a lifetime with someone who lied to you and was not loyal, but that still does not dismiss the fact that you would be upset about iy. I feel like it would be important for you to process your feelings and go through whatever you need to just so you can get over it better.

  20. section 7
    Have you ever "survived dying"? 46
    Yes, I drove through a tornado once with my mom.

    Do you think adulthood requires "selling your soul"? 49
    To some extent, yes. To be an adult typically requires working a day job, and I consider labor to be a very soul draining thing. To sell the best years of your life for money is depressing to think about. That's on the bad end though, because you can find a career that makes you happy. I don't plan on giving up daydreaming as an adult.
    Responded to question on Jan 1
    Responded to question on Jan 28
    Responded to question on Feb 11
    Responded to question on Feb 18
    Responded to question on Feb 25
    Responded to question on March 2
    Responded to question on March 9
    Responded to question on March 23
    Responded to question on March 25
    Responded to question on March 30
    Responded to question on April 1
    Responded to question on April 13
    Responded to question on April 15
    Responded to question on April 20
    midterm blogpost posted april 30

  21. Section 7
    Why do so many people think the government is going to confiscate their guns? Should it (like Australia)?

    I think both sides over exaggerate about both sides, but it has always been that way and I believe it will always be that way. If there were to come a day were, somehow on another planet, then it would actually put more people at risk. The reason it would do this is because even though something is illegal, does not mean people will not get their hands on it, and everyone knows that.

  22. Are you afraid of GMOs or vaccines?
    If it doesn’t come from a wholistic place in nature and it used for the purpose of healing an individual there will without a dough be issues that follow and history has proven this time and time again. You can be a product of nature or be a product of history.

    Do you own a gun? Why?
    Yes. I own a gun for the same reason people own kitchen equipment or a screw driver. These things all fall in the same category of a tools to be taken care of and utilized for a very specific purpose. A skillet is used to prepare food, a hammer or screw driver are used to repair damages, a gun is used to protect myself and my family from harms way. Also because is it my right as an American citizen to bear arms.

    Completion Log:
    Question answered on Feb.4th
    Question answered on Feb.9th
    Question answered on Feb.11th
    Question answered on Feb.16th
    Question answered on Feb18th
    Question answered on Feb 25th
    Question answered on March 4th
    Question answered on March 9th
    Reply to questions on March 11th
    Posted my Midterm summary under Questions March 11th
    Question answered on March 23rd
    Question answered on March 25th
    Question answered on March 30th
    Question answered on April 6th
    Question answered on April 13th
    Question answered on April 15th
    Question answered on April 15th
    Question answered on April 20th
    Question answered on April 20th

  23. Does feeling good ever make you feel bad? 51
    For me, I rarely enjoy being happy because I have this fear that I think something wrong is going to happen and take this happiness from me. I try to enjoy it, but I feel like the happier I am, the harder something will affect me.

    Did you play with guns, as a child? 381
    No, my parents were and are still strict parents. They believe that guns bring violence, and they wouldn't allow me to play with toys guns. Another thing they wouldn't allow me to play is violent video games; they think that violent video games can influence a person's behavior so they wouldn't allow me to play them.

    Do you own a gun? Why?
    No, I share my parents beliefs that guns can bring violence. I know it's a American's right to bear arms, but I honestly see no real point in having a gun. Anyone can access one really easily and that worries me. I know it may not be possible to revoke the second amendment, but it should more difficult to acquire one. I believe that a person should pass multiple gun safety tests, and submit a document proving clear psychological clarity of the mind in order to carry a gun. But no, I don't have a gun and I don't want one.

  24. Ash Warner Section 7
    Did you play with guns, as a child?
    Yes me and my dad used to go to the range all the time when I was younger. I wouldn’t say we played with guns but I was taught basic gun safety and how to shoot.
    Do you own a gun? Why?
    I do own a gun yes and that’s because I believe every American if they so choose to should use their 2nd amendment rights. I also believe it is good for home protection in case of a worst case scenario.

  25. Section 4
    Do you think adulthood requires "selling your soul"?
    No I don't think that adulthood requires you to sell your soul. I feel like some people end up doing this mainly cause they end up with a job they despise when their goals are something else that aren't job related.
    Did you play with guns, as a child?
    No my parents don't really believe in having guns and will probably never get one. As far as I know of none of family owns a gun. My parents blame guns for all the gun violence in America and don't even want me to own a gun.
    Why do so many people think the government is going to confiscate their guns? Should it (like Australia)?
    Mainly the reason why I believe that they think they will confiscate guns are that their were a lot of talks of doing exactly that. Along with that they believe that confiscating guns will help reduce all the crime that happens with guns. Personally I don't think they should because if guns are confiscated then it'll just switch to something else or even create a bigger underground market for guns and they'll still have them in either situation.

  26. Have you ever experienced "second wind" or had a Muir moment?
    I have experienced second wind before and even multiple times. I used to run for my old school’s cross-country team and on different occasions I was able to surpass my limits because of this. At the time I didn’t really understand it but I felt this push within that made me forget about the exhaustion and just keep going. It was like getting a random shot of energy towards exhaustion.
