Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Alan Watts, Epicurean

Alan Watts on Death, in a Beautiful Animated Short Film

What's it gonna be like, dying? To go to sleep and never, never, never wake up.

Well, a lot of things it's not gonna be like. It's not going to be like being buried alive. It's not going to be like being in the darkness forever.

I tell you what — it's going to be as if you never had existed at all. Not only you, but everything else as well. That just there was never anything, there's no one to regret it — and there's no problem.

1 comment:

  1. I love Alan Watts as a writer. I've read The way of Zen and Ego. I used to be big into learning about eastern beliefs and philosphies. Any time someone asks me for an author to better understand these topics, I always suggest Watts.
