Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Kaag and Setiya

Our lat two authors (once we've finished LHP, HWT, and WGU) appeared together recently:

John Kaag (Sick Souls, Healthy Minds: How William James Can Save Your Life) delivering this year's William James Lecture at Harvard:


  1. 007 Jordan Martin
    8. What 1755 catastrophe deeply influenced Voltaire's philosophy? Do you have a philosophical perspective on natural catastrophes that makes rational and moral sense of them?
    - The Lisbon Earthquake was the disaster that influenced Voltaire's philosophy a great deal. Personally, I don't think natural disasters "care" in a sense when, who, or how they happen and hurt humans. I think the Earth is in a continuous state of change especially with how humans have treated it, and it is adjusting as best it can. I don't think natural catastrophes have anything to do with God, and if they do I would argue that he doesn't have everyones best interest at heart.

    1. You meant to post this under Questions Feb 16, I think.
