Thursday, February 2, 2023

Podcast: The Teenager Leading the Smartphone Liberation Movement

"…Lane started questioning whether living a life of constant connection was actually a good thing and made the decision to ditch her smartphone altogether. She began assembling a "Luddite Club" — a group of teenagers who reject technology and its creeping hold on all our lives."
The Teenager Leading the Smartphone Liberation Movement

1 comment:

  1. I agree with this movement, to an extent. I absolutely do believe that technology is ruining us as humans, but I also believe that it helps us in more ways than ever before. I believe that the more sinister being at play here is social media. It has never hurt anyone to be able to look up a tutorial on how to do something or the answer to a question that they need to know, but the negative impact of being on social media all the time is widely known. Social media, at least in my opinion, has proven to do much more harm than good. For people born before social media, it would seem that the prospect of having a life online doesn't mean as much to them, or it at least doesn't have as much sway on their real day to day life. But people born after the internet, and that have grown up only knowing the internet and social media, it would seem that they live in a fantasy land dictated by the rules of the internet, rather than the way world really works. Kind of like the saying "It sounds good on paper, but not in practice.'' To end off, I don't think boycotting technology as a whole is the solution. I would more so say that cutting ties with social media would lead to better outcomes.
