Monday, February 20, 2023

Philosophy Classes for Fall 2023

Phil 1030 – Introduction to Philosophy

3 credit hours Basic philosophical problems suggested by everyday

experience integrated into a coherent philosophy of life through

comparison with solutions offered by prominent philosophers.

Phil 2110 – Elementary Logic & Critical Thinking

3 credit hours. Principles of deductive and inductive reasoning,

problem solving, and the analysis of arguments in everyday language.

PHIL 3150 - Ethics

3 credit hours. Examines major ethical theories, the moral nature of

human beings, and the meaning of good and right and applies ethical

theories to resolving moral problems in personal and professional lives.

PHIL 3160 – Philosophy of Happiness

3 credit hours. Examines the concept of human happiness and its application

in everyday living as discussed since antiquity by philosophers,

psychologists, writers, spiritual leaders, and contributors to popular culture.

PHIL 3170 - Ethics and Computing Technology

3 credit hours. Exposes students to the fundamentals of ethical theory

and familiarizes them with some of the practical, ethical, and legal

issues with which they would have to deal as computer scientists.

PHIL 4010 – History of Ancient & Medieval Philosophy

3 credit hours. Prerequisite: PHIL 1030 or permission of instructor.

The development of philosophical thought from Thales to Occam.

Offered fall only.

PHIL 4200 - Existentialism

3 credit hours. The nature, significance, and application of the

teachings of several outstanding existential thinkers.

PHIL 4400 - Analytic Philosophy

3 credit hours. Examines twentieth-century analytic movement

including logical atomism, logical positivism, indeterminacy

semantics, ordinary language philosophy.

PHIL 4560 – Philosophy of Music

3 credit hours. Examines issues in both traditional philosophies of

music and contemporary philosophies of music making and musical


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