Up@dawn 2.0 (blogger)

Delight Springs

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

College Students Need to Grow Up. Schools Need to Let Them.

We should look at this later this semester, when we read Why Grow Up by Susan Neiman.

"… the majority of college students — 84 percent, according to one study — don't view themselves as full adults, nor do their parents…"


1 comment:

  1. This statement is pretty accurate considering our education system in my opinion. Many young students are thrown into college without a real clue of what happens around them, next to that the immense amount of debt young people pile up can be very overwhelming for young people. On the other hand, there is many many student lectures especially in the first and second semester where students get treated like little children, if it is due date extensions, absences, test replacements, or extra credit work that is too lenient, students need to be taught responsibility early on during college which again is a different topic than the financial burden of college debt as a young student.
