Looking forward to seeing you all on January 21. I'll tell you then why I prefer to call this course CoPhilosophy, why I call myself (and encourage you all to become) Peripatetic, and why I sometimes introduce this course on Opening Day with references to Monty Python's Argument Clinic, Brian Cohen, and Douglas Adams's whale, POV gun, and answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything. Extra (moral) credit to anyone who can translate and explain the philosophical significance of the Latin phrases Solvitur Ambulando and Sapere Aude, and who can find first base on a baseball scorecard (or diamond).
I'm also teaching Bioethics this semester, if you're considering a future in the life sciences or medicine or health-related fields, or if you're just interested in the ethics of life, you should consider taking it at some point.
We mostly will NOT use D2L for online discussion and course support. We WILL use this site (this very site).. where you'll find the syllabus, texts (required and recommended), and other information and resources.
Before first coming to class (if you happen to have read your email and found this page before Tuesday), click on the comments tab below and introduce yourself. Tell us who you are, why you're here (in class, at school, on planet earth...), what you understand by "philosophy," if you have a favorite philosopher or a concise personal philosophy, and anything else by way of introduction you'd care to share (Include your section #: #5-9:40; #6-1 pm; #7-2:40 pm.)
That'll get us started, before we dive into Little History of Philosophy and our other texts.
My intro, if you're interested, is in the right sidebar under "JPO bio"- Scroll down 'til you see it.
(Dr. Oliver)
Hey guys! My name is Tyler Raiman and I am a freshman here at MTSU in the #6 - 1 pm section / class. I chose MTSU because I enjoyed the feel of a smaller campus as well as the fact that the location of the school was so close to Nashville. I am mainly taking this class because of my interest in different ways of thinking. Because of this, I decided that an intro to philosophy class would be one of the best ways to dive into the subject. As far as why we exist on planet earth, I do believe God placed us here to build a relationship with him as well as to develop positive connections with the people who surround us.
ReplyDeleteIn my eyes, philosophy is critically examining and questioning basic thoughts and ideas while exploring new perspectives and viewpoints. I think when broken down into a basic idea, philosophy is the process of asking "why" to many questions and ideas. My favorite philosopher is Marcus Aurelius and my personal favorite concept in philosophy is stoicism. Stoicism, just from what I have learned, is understanding you only have control of your own thoughts and actions, not outside circumstances.
I am really looking forward to this class and can't wait to meet everyone!
"a smaller campus"-smaller than UT, you mean? At last count we had more undergrads than they did. Or do you mean geographically? But it takes me a good 45 minutes to circle it, more if you include the remote parking lot and that part of the university formerly occupied by the hospital and med center.
DeleteI too am a Marcus Aurelius fan, even though the internet frequently attributes statement to him he never made. I used to think he was the author of my morning mantra but it turns out to have been an odd fellow called Elbert Hubbard. (See the sidebar of my dawn blog, linked in the scroll atop this page.) He was a wise old emperor/stoic though, in any case.
Hey! My name is Mac McDaries. I'm taking a couple gen eds here at MTSU this semester, and then in May I am moving to Mississippi to go to Ole Miss. I am taking this class because I needed a humanities credit, and philosophy was quite intriguing to me! I like to ponder on the matters of life, so I thought this class would be a good fit for me. As for why I was placed on planet earth, I believe God put me here to love Him and love others.
ReplyDeleteI personally define philosophy as questioning all aspects of this life in order to find the most fulfilling way to live, while also learning more about others and their opinions. I don't reckon I have a favorite philosopher because I'm not well-versed on many, but from what I've read so far in Warburton's "A Little History of Philosophy", I'd say I like the ideologies of Aristotle and of St. Augustine.
I'm in section 006. I am excited to learn more about this subject matter and get to connect with other individuals interested in this topic.
So far section 6 is the most vocal, it would appear...
DeleteFor those who think (with Augustine, Anselm, Aquinas et al, discussed in our Little History of Philosophy) that God put them here: we'll encounter philosophers and theologians who agree AND others (like me) who do not. I assume the same will be true of ourselves, collectively. Should lead to some interesting and CIVIL exchanges of view.
Aristotle's god, btw, was impersonal: the Unmoved Mover. Spinoza's was the universe itself, also impersonal except insofar as it includes the likes of you and me. Again, fodder for interesting conversations. We can connect over our interestingly diverse differences, even if many in contemporary society prefer to be divided by them.
I think there must be as much to you as to anyone, and probably more than to most. You're the first student I can recall ever mentioning Lucretius before (and maybe after) Opening Day. He said “To fear death, then, is foolish, since death is the final and complete annihilation of personal identity, the ultimate release from anxiety and pain.”
“All religions are equally sublime to the ignorant, useful to the politician, and ridiculous to the philosopher.” That's not entirely true, but there's more than a grain of insight in it.
Hi everyone!! My name is Nergiz Jasim. I am in section 006 and I am excited for this course. I am taking CoPhi this semester as an elective because it sounded the most interesting. I'm a biology major so anytime I get a chance to stray away from all the labs I definitely do so. I am here at MTSU in hopes to earn my B.S in Biology and hopefully get into PA school.
ReplyDeleteI am very new to the study of philosophy and not familiar with many philosophers, but my favorite has to be Ibn Sina. I really enjoyed learning about his contributions to medicine and philosophy. My knowledge on the subject is very vague, but I hope that changes in this course.
My daughter graduated from here in '21 with a biology degree, went to work in a lab, and didn't much like it. She's come back to school for an accounting degree. Just goes to show: it's okay to improvise a new plan B, if A wasn't all you'd hoped for. Be flexible.
DeleteIbn Sina, known in the west as Avicenna... He said “The world is divided into men who have wit and no religion and men who have religion and no wit." Well, if humanism counts then I hope I have both.
He also said: “Anyone who denies the law of non-contradiction should be beaten and burned until he admits that to be beaten is not the same as not to be beaten, and to be burned is not the same as not to be burned.” I hope he was speaking figuratively.
DeleteAnd: “I would rather have a short life with width rather than a narrow one with length.” Again, I want both. I want it all.
I am NOT "anonymous"... Guess I confused blogger by switching machines and forgetting to switch the toggle.
DeleteHello everyone! My name is Benji and I'm a Freshman here at MTSU. Although I'm planning on transferring next semester, I'm excited to be here. I'm in section 006. I choose this class because it intrigued me the most. I've never been one to actively read a lot of philosophy but it has always been a topic I've wanted to explore more deeply. I understand philosophy as a lens to explain the nuances and meaning behind human life in a way that physical science cannot explain. I don't really have a favorite philosopher or philosophical belief but I'm always open to viewpoints other than my own. Other than that, I'm very excited to explore all the readings this course has to offer.
ReplyDeleteBe here now, as the zen masters say.
DeleteI wouldn't say philosophy is competing with science, but my own philosophy--rooted in the American tradition of pragmatism--holds that we must take our experience seriously and not try to explain it away as a "mere" residue of physics. So in that sense it does go beyond physics (which is the literal meaning of "metaphysics").
Hello! My name is Nad Briseno and I am in section 005. I am taking this course this semester as a gen ed, and believed it to be interesting to have alongside my history class. I don't have a favorite philosopher, neither do i know much about the topic, but I find it very interesting to dive deeper into thoughts that aren't your usual day to day ideas, but rather ideas that can lead you to an existential crisis if you aren't careful haha. I'm very excited for this course and to meet everyone.
ReplyDeleteAt last, proof that section #5 exists!
DeleteSome people do seem to fear philosophy and an "existential crisis" but I think the only thing we have to fear is what FDR said. And I think such a crisis is more likely to come to those who are afraid to confront their questions. That was Socrates's position... though of course it got him into a crisis of his own.
(#5) Hi everyone! My name is Abigail Willis, and I am a freshman at MTSU this year. I am currently pursuing a degree in International Relations with the hopes of entering the Intel community. Prior to this class, I had taken a number of history classes, in which different philosophies and ideologies were explored. Already having an interest in these subjects, I decided to take philosophy to satisfy one of my credits.
ReplyDeleteI see philosphy as a way in which humans seek to explain and justify the seen and unseen forces behind human thought and motivation. I do not have a particular philsopher that I favor. However, I have always loved the quote by Socrates, "To know, is to know that you know nothing. That is the true meaning of knowledge."
My wife and I have been binge-re-watching Madam Secretary, she began in intel.
DeleteWe don't KNOW that Socrates said that, since he didn't write anything down himself. And we might fairly ask how he knows he doesn't know. But I hope the average CIA operative is as humble and self-scrutinizing.
Hey, my name is Magnifique Ishimwe I’m in section 007, and I’m from Congo raised in Kenya move to Tennessee in 2014. I transferred from Nashville state to MTSU to continue my studies in social work, and it’s been a great fit for me. I’m really passionate about helping people and understanding how society affects individuals, so social work seemed like the perfect path.
ReplyDeleteAs for philosophy, I have to admit, I don’t know much about it yet. This is my first class on the subject, and I’m excited to see what it’s all about. I understand philosophy as the study of big questions about life, existence, knowledge, and morality. It’s about asking why things are the way they are and trying to make sense of the world around us.
I haven’t had a chance to really dive into any philosophers just yet, but I think I’d like to learn more about thinkers who question society and ethics, since those ideas seem to tie into my major. If I had to pick, I think someone like Socrates might be interesting—he’s known for his method of questioning everything, which feels like something I could apply to my own work in social work, where asking the right questions can make a big difference in understanding people’s needs.
I’m really looking forward to learning more about philosophy and how it might intersect with social work and my own beliefs about how people should be treated in society.
At last, #7... and what a magnificent name!
DeleteMy sister is a social worker. It's a noble profession, devoted to helping people.
Hello my name is Sidney Shaw and I am a sophomore here at MTSU. This is my second semester as a sophomore and I'm in section 007. I originally from Smyrna which is why I decided to attend MTSU. It was affordable and close so it was the most logical choice for me. I'll be honest and say I've never really had an interest in philosophy, its not that I don't respect it or understand it's importance in society, I've just never looked to much into it. However, I am always up for learning about new topics and pouring myself into areas I have the greatest opportunity to discover.
ReplyDeleteLike I said though since I've never really looked into the teachings of philosophy I don't have a favorite philosopher of my own. But I'm sure while taking this class I'll be able to find one that I enjoy reading about. I'm a VFP major who is very much interested in screenwriting so I also think this class will help me communicate better and improve my writing skills in a number of ways. I am very excited for this class and think it'll will be an interesting semester.
I had to look up VFP: video and film production (or veterans for peace, or Vols for partying?)...
DeleteHello everyone, my name is Ethan and I'm a sophomore (Section #5). I'm here at MTSU to obtain a finance degree and have fun doing it. If your question is why I'm here on earth, the only idea I have is that God put me here to spread his Gospel. As far as understanding philosophy goes, I feel like its a bit of an oxymoron, but can be summed up as mankind's attempt to understand what cannot be interpreted by logic.
ReplyDeleteWell as I said in reply an earlier comment, there are other ideas about why we're here than that we were placed by a supernatural deity. We'll talk about it.
DeleteUnderstanding philosophy ("love of wisdom") is definitely not an oxymoron, except perhaps for oxen and morons. But I don't know any oxen, so maybe not for them either.
Hello everyone! My name is Autumn and I am in section 007. I am a transfer student from GA and this will be my first semester at MTSU as a sophomore.
ReplyDeleteI am majoring in integrated studies and still trying to figure out quite what pathway I want to pursue, but for the time being I am aiming towards medicine and public health. Philosophy has always intrigued me and I was advised that philosophy is a great field of study for my future goals so I initially scheduled for Bioethics, but I managed to squeeze into this class last minute so I can also fulfill my core requirements.
As far as the concept of philosophy itself, I predominately see it as a school of thought and an entryway into seeing how different people view the world. Philosophy branches into so many sectors of life and often roots itself in an individuals ideals regarding how to live and what life is in itself. Most of my experience with philosophy entails my personal musings and conversations that Ive had with friends so this will be my first time truly studying it. I dont have a favorite philosopher, but I am intrigued by concepts in Eastern philosophy as well as work by Nietzsche and Epictetus. I look forward to learning more and discussing with everyone!
I was about to say you should take Bioethics...
DeletePhilosophy is many schools, and some philosophers are like Groucho Marx: they don't want to belong to any club that would have someone like themselves for members. Personally I claim membership is the empiricist, pragmatic, and peripatetic schools. And I'm slightly partial to Epictetus and Aurelius, so I sometimes call myself a stoic pragmatist. I used to be intrigued by Nietzsche but finally concluded he was too misanthropic and anti-social.
Hello! I am Sophia Emmanuel and I am in section 005. This is my second semester as a sophomore here at MTSU. I am here specifically because both financially and geographically it made the most sense to come here.
ReplyDeleteI am a video and film major and obviously I love movies... and while I am here mostly to study about filmmaking I also want to learn about things that can be personally enriching. To me philosophy is the way one decides to understand the world and the things that happen around them, or just an overall outlook on the universe and why things are the way they are. While David Lynch isn't a philosopher in the regular sense of the word, the way he viewed the world (rest in peace) was very inspirational and the way he put that into his films always touched me even if it wasn't easy to understand. But to mention an actual philosopher I would have to mention Albert Camus. Absurdism as a whole has always been very interesting and personal to me and if I had to say that I had a philosophy it would probably be that everything is irrational and meaningless but that that isn't such a bad thing. We have to make our own purpose and meaning and revolt against nihilism and not be afraid to be absurd.
Our older daughter was a film major, now living in Pasadena and doing something or other (and thankfully was not singed by the fires, but did have to evacuate for a time).
DeleteCamus's Myth of Sisyphus is one of the most profound short statements of how humans can acknowledge and yet transcend irrationality and meaninglessness. I'm looking forward to discussing him and others next semester in the Existentiallism course.
Hey everyone! I am McKinlsey. I am a freshman majoring in pre-vet. Yes, I know it is not related to philosophy, but I am very eager to learn more. I would say that philosophy is a good way for me to better understand critical thinking skills, analyzing complex concepts, and understanding different perspectives.
ReplyDeletesection 5
DeleteMy dad was a veterinarian. Good vets are compassionate and empathetic towards their inarticulate patients, which-- reflecting deep wisdom about life, suffering, and healing-- in my book is very much related to philosophy.
DeleteHello, my name is Taniya Bryant and I am in section 006. I am a freshman at MTSU, and I am here because it's close to home (a little too close) and it was financially beneficial. I'm majoring in Middle-Level Education with a concentration in English in the hopes to teach middle school ELA when I graduate.
ReplyDeleteThe reason I choose this class is because I have a slight interest in philosophy, but I've never known where to start. One of my favorite pass times is having debate-like conversations with people on various topics (religion, the purpose of life, etc.). It's intriguing seeing how different everyone's mind is and hearing their journey to how they came to the conclusion of living out in those ideas.
I also feel like this interest began because I write creatively in my free time as well, and you have to think very thoroughly about every single character, every scene, every action, and so much more in order for a story to work well.
"close to home (a little too close)"--Students often say they chose MTSU because it's closer to home than other places. I think one of the great benefits of higher education is that it offers and opportunity to put some distance (not just geographic) between oneself and one's point of origin. It's good to get away, AND good to remember where you came from and occasionally go back for a visit at least... but without sacrificing the independence of who you've become in the interim.
DeleteHello, my name is Charles Myint, and I am a part of section 006 for Intro to Philosophy. I am a Computer Science major at MTSU. I decided to take this class over other gen-ed selections as it matched my interests more.
ReplyDeleteWhile I have never studied philosophy in depth outside of one or two pages of Meditations, to me, philosophy is the idea of abstraction; by invoking questions or perspectives that push the status quo to form an intimate, intellectual understanding of life itself.
There is much abstract and theoretical thought in philosophy, but the best philosophy tries to be concrete, applicable to daily living. That's pragmatism (with a dash of some of the ancient schools like stoicism and epicureanism).
DeleteHello, my name is Nadia Jones I'm in Section 005 for Intro to Philosophy. I'm currently a sophomore at MTSU and a Video Production/ Film major. I decided to take this class because this subject interests me.
ReplyDeletePhilosophy is not something I know much about and would like to know more. I learned from taking Psychology last semester that I enjoy learning why people think differently, and I think this can also be applied to this class as well.
Yes. Learning why we think differently AND learning to bridge our differences (or at least coexist with them, or some of them).
DeleteHello Everyone! My name is Isaiah Burns Im in Section 007 for "CoPhi". I am currently a sophomore at MTSU majoring in Audio Production and minoring in Mass Communication. I decided to take this class because I would describe myself as an introspective person, and I believe that this class would not only help me understand the world around me better but also myself.
ReplyDeleteI don't know much about philosophy but I do have an intrinsic abillity to sympathize and rationalize certain problems and believe that persepective (or lack there of) is a key barrier that stops us as a society from progressing forward or spreading more love. So I'd like to learn more about moral dillemas and how to navigate them!
Our singular perspective is unique to each of us, but those who are receptive to learning of other perspectives-- not necessarily embracing them, but better understanding their sources and motives-- become the best philosophers.
DeleteHello! My name is Valencia Black. I am in section 005 at 9:40am. I am a freshman majoring in Speech-Language Pathology. My goals are to complete my bachelors and masters degree in SLP and become a travel speech pathologist in pediatrics. MTSU is close to home and was my top university choice.
ReplyDeleteMy understanding of philosophy is the studying and learning existence itself, knowledge, and the reasons things are the way they are. I do not have a favorite philosopher. My goal in this class is to learn about philosophy as a whole and hopefully have more understanding to what it truly is.
Not only why things are as they are, but how we can and should relate to them, to one another, and to life in general and across time, are philosphy's great concerns.
DeleteHey! My name is Briley Chandler, and I am in section 006 at 1:00pm. I am a sophomore double majoring in Psych and PWR. I have decided to take this class because I have always wanted to understand more about philosophy and have always been interested when I hear others talk about it. My understanding of philosophy is that it is the understanding of life, nature, and human existence. I do not know much about it, but I am excited to dive into it.
ReplyDeleteUnderstanding and investment: to love wisdom is to understand and feel oneself a part of life, nature, existence, vitally related to it all... not just peering at it remotely, from a distance.
DeleteHello! My name is Jadyn Cortes, and I am in section 005. I am currently a freshman majoring in psychology to complete both my bachelor's and master's degrees. I chose to attend MTSU because it is somewhat close to home and because it is a good school for psychology. I decided to enroll in this class to fill a required elective, but I chose this class specifically over others because it seems interesting.
ReplyDeleteI'll admit, that I don't know much about philosophy, but I’m excited to learn more about it and explore different perspectives on life, existence, and knowledge. I think philosophy will not only help me develop critical thinking skills but also give me a deeper understanding of human behavior and thought processes, which ties in well with my psychology studies.
Hey! My name is Lindsey Fox and I am in Section 007. I am a sophomore transfer student and I am excited to be starting at MTSU! I don't know a lot about philosophy, but it has always sounded very intriguing. In my understanding, philosophy is seeking to understand truths about human nature and the relationships with people around you.
ReplyDeleteMy name is John Gabriel, I had to pick electives and thought philosophy sounded cool so i picked it.#5
ReplyDeleteHello! My name is Grace Alexander and I am in section 005. I am a sophomore studying criminal justice with a minor is criminology. I don't know a lot about philosophy just that it's the study of morals and ethics. I am very intrigued by philosophy so I am excited to be in this class.
ReplyDeleteCriminal Justice is also my major! Do you have any plans for law school after MTSU? Or are you looking to get a job straight out of college?
DeleteHello! My name is Devin Walker and am in section 005. I am a freshman majoring in Accounting and a high jumper for the men's track team. I chose MTSU for it being close and in-state, and the cost of tuition. I chose this class because it seems like a general ed class I can enjoy learning in. I do not know too much about philosophy. My knowledge of the study is surface level but I am excited to expand that and learn more.
ReplyDeleteHello. My name is Benjamin Stinson, but I just go by Ben and im in Section 005. I'm from St. Augustine Florida and I've been living in Murfreesboro for over 10 years now. I'm attending MTSU to further my possible career of physical therapy. My knowledge on Philosophy is very limited since taking it in high school, but I know of some philosophers like Karl Marx, Hippocrates, and Socrates. Philosophy is a word of many different meanings. I believe that philosophy is the questioning of the ways of life. What's seemingly true or false and why.
ReplyDeleteHello! My name is Brady Moore and I am a Criminal Justice major. This is my second semester at MTSU and I commute from home to class. I have lived in Murfreesboro my entire life, and went to Rockvale High School. I am in section 005, and am here because I have always been interested in the idea of answering the big "life" questions. If I had to give philosophy a definition, I would say it is a way that people answer questions with no correct answer. Looking forward to a great semester!
ReplyDeleteHey there! My name is Lilian Michel, though I go by Lily. I am majoring in Animation and am currently in my second semester of junior year. I am part of Section 5 (9;40 am to 11:05 am). Animation has been a huge part of my life since m childhood and I seek to use my degree in either an illustrative field or to specialize in creature design. While I don't have a favorite philosopher, I am a huge fan of speculative thinking and paradoxes. I spend lots of time watching and listening to in depth analysis videos on various topics. I look forward to what this class can teach me and how it will challenge my thoughts.
ReplyDeleteHello, my name is Noah Bettencourt, and I am a freshman elementary Education Major with a Music industry minor. I am in section 006 and I decided to take this class to further my understanding of human nature and beliefs. I decided to come to MTSU initially as a Music Education major, but I decided to switch due to realizing my love for music was not enough to be a professional love for it.
ReplyDeleteTo my understanding Philosophy is the study of human knowledge and beliefs. It also includes how humans view the world and how different beliefs intertwine.
As for my personal philosophy, I believe that everyone should be given a chance to do what they love and what they believe their purpose in life is.
I actually work at an elementary school as an after program teacher. Do you want to teach music to elementary students?
DeleteHello my name is Larry Lehmann III or Trip and I amin section 005. I am currently a sophomore who is majoring in cybersecurity with a minor in business & photography. During the latter half of high school I had the opportunity to take a philosophy class and ended up incredibly pleased with how much it was able to expand my already open mind. I am taking this course again in college due to my deep interest in the topic and my need to pursue philosophy further.
ReplyDeleteMy name’s Bailey, I’m a junior in section 5 majoring in Aerospace Maintenance Management. I’m originally from Wyoming but moved to TN a couple years back. As far as I can tell I am here because my parents said I am one day and I’ve just been doing my thing since. I don’t know a lot about philosophy but I’m hoping it will be one of my more interesting gen-ed classes.
ReplyDeleteHey my name is Cameron, I am a real estate finance major, and i am in section 5. This is my second semester at mtsu as a freshman. I have always been told that I think about things that most people are too afraid to talk about or they don’t understand it enough to talk about when it comes to life. Philosophy to me means understanding life enough to live peacefully knowing that everything happens for a reason.
ReplyDeleteHello! My name is Will Phillips, I am in section 005. I am a freshman majoring in sports media major. I chose to take this class because I have always had a great fascination with philosophy and how different people view the world.
ReplyDeleteI see philosophy as the way one views the world and those around them. My favorite philosopher is Miyamoto Musashi. I am currently reading the book of 5 rings. One of my favorite quotes from him is "Everything is within. Everything exists. Seek nothing outside of yourself." In terms of my own personal philosophy I believe that life is your own adventure, only you decide your path.
Hello! My name is Holland Kroese, and I am in section 006. I am a sophomore majoring in business administration. I won't lie, I took this class to fulfill a general education requirement; that being said, I do love philosophy and discussion based classes. I just can't say I took this class out of passion. I don't have a favorite philosopher. I love discussing thoughts and opinions and why those feel a certain way, as well as how to think differently, etc.
ReplyDeleteHi! My name is Mallory Southerland and I’m a freshman Nursing major (at the moment). I’m debating on changing my major to either Forensic Science with a Criminal Justice minor or the opposite, but that’s not 100% yet. Honestly, I took this class as a gen-ed to complete the prerequisites and true blue core. I have absolutely no clue about anything to do with philosophy. Due to that, I don’t have a favorite philosopher.
ReplyDeleteHello, I am Darvon Hassan! I am a student in section 005. This is my first year in college making me a freshman, I'm majoring in Computer Engineering Tech. I chose to partake in this course because of a requirement, that being said it was a recommended to me by my sister. I do have an interest in Philosophy, before this course I summed Philosophy to something akin to the way of life. Seeing this it is obvious there just is not much I know of it; with that I currently do not have a favorite philosopher, but I would like to change that with this course.
ReplyDeleteHi, I’m Marshay and I’m in section 5 this semester and I’m a 29 year old mom, pursuing dentistry. I’m really big in my faith so I believe I’m here by Gods design and purpose to be a light to those around and salt to the earth. I’m a senior this year, and have much more schooling to go to, but I served in the Navy for 10 years and decided to pursue my dream healthcare just in teeth. What I understand about philosophy is usually it’s up to interpretation of one’s wisdom, since I am faith based I believe that wisdom truly comes form God and it is spread out as a gift to others. I also believe knowledge of any kind bring sorrows of some sort which Solomon the wise king said.
ReplyDeleteI am Daniel Williams. I'm in section 005. I chose to take this class as a gen ed because I have an interest in philosophy but am not well-versed in the history nor do I have much in-depth knowledge on specific philosophers, just a general/surface-level understanding of a lot of their ideas. The way I've always thought about philosophy is thinking about and analyzing the way we view and operate in the world around us and within ourselves. I don't have a favorite philosopher but in recent years ideas from Buddhism, stoicism, and absurdism have changed the way I think and helped me become closer to my ideal version of myself.
ReplyDeleteHello, my name is Chris, I am in section 007. I am originally from New Haven, CT. I am excited for this class because philosophy is I believe it improves our contextual understanding of more abstract things like math and science. My favorite philosopher is Aristotle because of his emphasis on personal action and practicality. I spent 6 years in the US Army before getting out last February. Currently, I am a freshman at MTSU studying to be a nurse.
ReplyDeleteHello, my name is Daniel Schuster and I am in section 007. I am from Mount Juliet, TN which is a easy 40 minute drive north of here. I chose MTSU to obtain an education in Aviation Maintenance Management. I understand that that the subject of Philosophy is used everyday due to every single human being alive has their own personal philosophy 0f some sort.
ReplyDeleteI am Kripa Sarkar, and I am in section #006 of the Intro to Philosophy course. I am pursuing an Aviation Management undergraduate degree here at MTSU along with pilot training, and I am specifically here in this class because it was one of the humanities course options that grabbed my attention. I think I am on planet Earth to live and experience what life has to offer to me, and if I can, help society and nature/ environment positively.
ReplyDeleteTo me, philosophy is a modern word given to what humans have been doing from the time they’ve existed. I have never studied Philosophy in the past, and that is why I chose to be part of this class, but from what I understand, philosophy is a pursuit to learn who we are on the inside, and how that affects how we perceive the world.
My favourite philosopher is Swami Vivekananda, a Hindu monk, philosopher, author and a major figure to being the science of Vedanta and Yoga in the Western world. I don’t have a personal philosophy but I am willing to develop one by the end of this class.
Hello everyone my name is Patrick Shannon and I am in section 6. I am pursuing a Finance degree and chose to take philosophy as it sounded intriguing. I don't know much about philosophy or philosophers as a matter of fact. An easily summarized term that I have come to terms with is "embrace the suck". Other than that I look forward to expanding my knowledge with this topic that I don't know much about.
ReplyDeleteHi, my name is Jonathan Dopp and I am here at MTSU to get into the world of business. My degree is in Business Administration and I am taking this class because I thought it would be an interesting class that will get me to think more and express those thoughts more efficiently.
ReplyDeleteI think philosophy is just the way we get to understand things better with each other. It is a way for us to get to know how others think and maybe make our own thoughts have stronger backing. As for my favorite philosopher, I don't know yet. I haven't read much from different philosophers to have a favorite to pick. As for my own philosophy, I believe that taking everything one step at a time and really going through everything a bite at a time is a very good way of looking at things.
I am also in section #007. Sorry, got lost when writing.
DeleteHello everyone, my name is Hoang Tong and I'm in section 005. I'm currently a freshman and my major in finance. The reason that I chose this class is because I don't know much about philosophy and would like to know more about it. I see philosophy as what we know about the world and how can we connect to it.
ReplyDeleteHello! My name is Henry Hamlin and I am section #006. I am a freshman studying finance with a focus on real estate and I chose this class out of pure random interest. I don't know a single thing about any philosophers or philosophy in general but am excited for that to change. Ive learned a few things so far that I lean on. God is good, getting uncomfortable in life causes you to grow, and if it was hard everybody would be doing it.
ReplyDeleteHello, my name is Ryan Manivong in section 006. I'm here studying business at MTSU and plan to branch out into areas of finance. I'm a contract based drone pilot here in Tennessee and mainly focus in construction. I don't really have any philosophy grasp but it was an intriguing gen-ed class I thought would be fun to take. My moral compass revolves around God and just trying to be a better person everyday. I believe as long as you're trying your best everyday to be better than yesterday, that's all that matters. I also believe to stand firm in what you believe in, but always listen to the other side of arguments before deciding the conclusive result. I'm super excited to meet everyone and hopefully make some new friends!
ReplyDeleteHello, my name is Liz and I'm in section 006. I'm a second semester freshman majoring in Anthropology and minoring in Classics. I have always been interested in Philosophy so I decided to take a class to see if I liked it.
ReplyDeleteAlthough I don't know many Philosophers, I've always enjoyed learning about Socrates.
Hello, my name is Ariyanna, I'm in section 007. I'm here at MTSU to study Nursing and stay close to home. Philosophy seems like an interesting subject and I'd definitely enjoy studying it, especially since I like to read and write, that sort of thing. Unfortunately, though, I don't have a favorite philosopher in particular and I dont know much about philosophy in general, but I chose this course so that I could learn about it.
ReplyDeleteHello, my name is Hayden. Section 6. I am taking this course because I need some elective credits. This class stuck out to me the most because I have had an interest in philosophy, but have never really dived into it. I've only seen quotes and short sentence from philosophers like Voltaire or Marcus Aurelius.
ReplyDeleteHello, I am Mac Mantia. I am a VFP Major and was recommended this course by a friend who really enjoyed it last semester. I hope to approach this course with an open mind and a willingness to learn different perspectives. I heavily associate the term philosophy with thinking and communication. Something integral to working alongside others, especially in fields as social as film. I don't necessarily have a favorite philosopher however I love how the piece 'A Modest Proposal' by Jonathan Swift uses satire to produce a somewhat philosophical introspection in the readers who benefitted from the horrors 18th century Irish citizens faced.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Elijah Carney. I am a sophomore in the classroom here at MTSU. My freshman year of college I went to Bethel University in west Tennessee. I am here because Bethel was certainly not the place for me as I was miserable everyday and my coaches were not the best. At all. So I walked on the football team here in the fall and I have loved it so much. I have grown as a player and a person and I love God very very much. Maybe I should have put that first sentence.
I am a philosophy major. I was originally an English major but after a very long paper, I realized that although I enjoy writing, English was not they way for me to go. Around the same time I read St. Augustine's Confessions. It changed my life and I have been intrigued by philosophy ever since.
To me philosophy is the pursuit of truth. I just want to know the truth. In all things. To me, philosophy is everything then nothing. It ends where God starts. My personal philosophy??? Without God, without Jesus Christ, life, utterly, has no meaning at all.
I do not yet have a favorite philosopher but I'm sure I will. When it comes to bioethics, I not sure exactly how it fits into philosophy. In intro we talked about active vs. passive euthanasia. Is that bioethics
Good evening, I'm Nate Griffin from section 007. I have a 3 year old daughter at home and a son due in late May. I served 5 years in the USMC as a cryptological linguist (Iraqi Arabic) and got out in 2023. I am an economics major and this is my first semester at MTSU. I jumped at the opportunity to take this class because I've had a longstanding interest in philosophy and wanted to explore it in an academic setting for the first time. To me, philosophy means one's own views on the human condition. I don't have a favorite philosopher as of now and I don't know if I'd ever choose one. If I had a personal philosophy it would be: life is meant to be shared with others.
ReplyDeleteHello! My name is Caitlyn Williams from Section #7 aka 2:40pm class. I am a freshman here at MTSU and I am from Memphis, TN. I am an Exercise Science major, and I originally planned to explore a career in Physical Therapy, but since I have learned that Physical Therapy is just an umbrella for many other jobs. I am still exploring what I really want to do in my future profession. I came to MTSU mainly because I loved the environment from the moment I stepped on campus due to all of the good things I have heard and saw the many opportunities this school offers. This school happens to be close to family as well.
ReplyDeleteThough I have heard the term Philosophy many times, I have never taken a class that deep dives into the subject. This will be my first time taking this class ever. I don't know much about Philosophy, but I do have a gist of its importance and some of the philosophers that helped shape it. I like to have group discussions which is why I chose this class. I like to hear different perspectives from peers.
From what I heard about this topic, Philosophy is just exploring many perspectives of others or trying to understand different views. This is why I think I will enjoy this course. I do not have a favorite philosopher whatsoever, but I have heard of many names. I am willing learn about their contributions, work, and ways of thinking.
Can't wait to learn something new!
Hello everyone! My name is Ernesto Gonzalez - Esteva and I'm from Section 6. I'm here mostly because I never knew much about philosophy and by that I think philosophy means a way of thinking about life. I thought that since I'm majoring Political Science this class might teach me something important for my future career. I don't have a favorite philosopher but hopefully by the end of this semester I'll have one.
ReplyDeleteName is Joey Ferrara.
ReplyDeleteI'm here, on earth, to hopefully leave it a little better then when i entered it.
My definition on Philosophy would basically be: The Art Of Thought.
I don't really have a favorite philosopher, I've not read any philosophy books, but I've read a number of philosophy quotes and my favorite is by Albert Camus:
The evil in the world comes almost always from ignorance, and goodwill can cause as much damage as ill-will if it is not enlightened.
Another is from an anime I saw years ago called Naruto: When Justice is born of Vengeance it only begets more Vengeance.
My personal philosophy is slightly long but I still like it: Do what you can to help who you can, You'll get burned, But it's worth it. For all kindness leaves a mark on those you helped.
I'm in section 6
DeleteMy name is Serenity Fortner, I usually go by Ren, and I am in section 006. I am a sophomore chemistry major at MTSU, and I came here because I was interested in doing medical research after I had worked as a paramedic for about 2 years. My favorite Philosopher is Friedrich Nietzsche. His outlook that we as humans can never have a full understanding of each other, because we all see things from different perspectives, has always resonated with me.
ReplyDeleteHello, my name is Amir Saleib in section 006. I am here because, for one, I have to, but other than that, philosophy is really a door opener to a lot of things. I feel like with one good quote, you can make or help someone go through something. I don't have a favorite philosopher. I would call this a philosophy, but I am a big believer that hard work pays off.
ReplyDeleteMy name is John Davidson, however I've always been called my middle name which is Michael. I am in section 007. I am a music business major here at MTSU and I am at the back end of my sophomore year. I've been playing music for several years, I play in a handful of local bands, I've even gotten to go play in Los Angeles with a singer/songwriter girl that I play guitar and piano for. Other than simply needing the credit for this class, I chose philosophy over all the other options because the search for understanding things in interesting to me. I took a psych class in high school and the first section of that class they taught us about the major philosophers and I thought it would be interesting to expand onto that knowledge. Excited about this semester!
ReplyDeletePosted for Claire:
ReplyDeleteThank you for your response. This is my introduction: My name is Claire Murray. I'm at MTSU to be an audio producer. My understanding of philosophy is different ideas from different people coming together. I don't really have a favorite philosopher or concise personal philosophy right now but Im looking forward to gaining these things in this class. Im very interested in philosophy but I know very little about it so this will be a great class for me. #7 2:40 pm
My name is Emmanuel Joseph and I am in section 6. I am from the Bahamas so you might be able to imagine how I feel about the current weather. I came to MTSU to study in the Professional Pilot Concentration. My goal is to be an astronaut for any space company like NASA or SpaceX. I am a Catholic Christian so I believe my purpose on this Earth is to glorify God in everything I do and say, even in my future career.
ReplyDeleteI was first introduced to philosophy as I began my personal studies in Christian Apologetics a few years ago. Recently, after beginning my conversion to Catholicism, I developed an interest in scholastic philosophy from those of St. Thomas Aquinas who I would consider my favorite. I even started reading his "Summa Theologica". I picked this class so that I can have a philosophical foundation to understand these works.
Hello, my name is Aaron Mathys. I am in section 5, and I grew up mostly in Indiana, but moved to St. Louis about 9 years ago. I'm technically a sophomore, but I'm still in my first year at any college, let alone MTSU. I'm here for the audio production program, and I'm excited to see where it can take me globally. As far as philosophy goes, I am very new to the concepts. I took this course to experiment with the concepts of existentialism and ethics that I see in a lot of the media that I consume, including dystopian books, video games, and shows like Breaking Bad and Dexter. I guess my first experience with deeper philosophical thinking is in the form of a YouTube series named "Unus Annus", which translates to "one year" in latin. The point of the series was to publish a new video every day for one year, at which point the channel would be deleted and the content would be lost. It strived to push the message of coming to terms with death, life is lived in memories, and that time is often wasted doing useless tasks. It was very effective in not only its literal success, but its metaphorical success as well, in that it changed my whole outlook on how I, and others, live a life.
ReplyDeleteHi! My name is Lore Caruthers and I am in section 7. I am an Audio Production major but I have a deep love for philosophy, specifically political philosophy. I have been getting more into philosophy over the past year or so and to me philosophy is a fundamental study of existence. With most of my knowledge of philosophy being mostly political based my personal favorite philosopher is Karl Marx. I have read through a lot of his writing and I find his teachings and ideas to be fascinating. When I was given the opportunity to take a philosophy class I was ecstatic, so I am really looking forward to this semester!
ReplyDeleteMy name is Edwin Pena Salvador and I'm from section 6. I am a freshman here at MTSU and I am majoring in biochemistry. What I believe is the definition of philosophy is the ability to think on one's existence . I'm here to go into research because I believe it is what I am meant to do. I don't have a favorite philosopher but I know the importance of philosophy and I am familiar with philosophers like John Locke, Rousseau, and Hobbes.
ReplyDeleteHello, my name is Koathar Alasadi and I'm in section 007. My major is computer science but I'm more passionate about natural science in general. I'm here because I have to complete some general classes and philosophy stuck out to me since it was something I felt curious about, always liked the idea of it, and would love to learn more. I want to build on what I already know and believe in after learning more from here. I don't really believe there is a grand reason why were here on Earth or a specific goal we must achieve. I believe everything exists as it is and for its own unique purpose to balance things out in the environment and we can just live pressure free while looking for our own purpose if one chooses to.
ReplyDeleteDespite always being curious about philosophy, I never went out of my way to learn about it so I don't know much nor have a favorite philosopher. But for now, Id say Aristotle because he shaped a lot of things for modern science and his own philosophy about the natural world resonates with me.
Hi all, my name is Joshua Steger and I'm from Section 006. I am a Psychology major and a Junior this year. I am here because of the fantastic Psychology programs that MTSU offers as well as an interest in some of the grad school opportunities I may be able to earn after finishing my undergraduate degree. I am interested in Philosophy as well because I am a very empathetic person who loves to ponder the perspectives of others in regards to our reality. I am only just dipping my toe into Philosophy as a subject, but asking questions and listening to people has always been a part of who I am. Because I am new to the subject, I have yet to find a favorite philosopher who really rings true to me. My own personal philosophy is akin to Humanism.
ReplyDeleteI believe that the best parts of life are because of people, and the best part of people is diversity. I am a huge advocate for individual agency and making a mark on the world in your own unique ways, so I tend to love learning about each person I meet and am able to talk to for an extended period. I look forward to this semester most of all because I will be able to learn a larger variety of personal conviction, as well as decide if I'd like to declare Philosophy as one of my minors.
Hi, my name is Carter and I am in this class because I had needed it for a credit and also was intrigued by what I could learn. I am also at MTSU because of my love for music and interest in the Recording Industry program here. What I know about Philosophy is very little, however, I tend to ask as many questions as possible and listen to everyone I come across. I believe that the best way to understand the human condition and the world we live in is to listen and take notes from its people. I learn more and more every day, and I hope to learn every day I spend on this earth. I also believe that the most important aspect of life is love and caring for others, but in a way that is putting them above yourself. I am from section #7.
ReplyDeleteHey Everyone! My name is Kal. I am in this class because i needed an elective and one of my friends told me to take this one. I am at MTSU to for their aerospace program. I am working to become a pro pilot. I do not know much about philosophy or have a favorite philosopher. The only personal philosophy i go by is the golden rule. I am in section 006.
ReplyDeleteHi! My name is Jackson Pittman.
ReplyDelete(Section 006)
I am here at MTSU because I wanted to further my education. I am here in this class as philosophy is something I know little of in a formal context and wish to know more about it. Defining philosophy I feel is up to interpretation based on the person you ask, so I don't actually know how I would define it.But I'm very excited to learn what it means!
Hello everyone! My name is Emalee, and I am in section 007. I am a freshman health science major. I decided to take philosophy to fulfill general education requirements but also because I’ve always wanted to take a philosophy class. Though I don’t know of many specific philosophers, I’ve always liked the idea of gaining a deeper understanding of our existence through different perspectives - which is what I generally understand philosophy to be. There are lots of big questions to be asked about how we fit into and operate in the world around, and at the moment I wouldn’t even know where to start. Also, because I hope to work in medicine after graduation, I am interested in taking bioethics in the future, as I feel that it is important to emphasize the care and treatment of patients as people rather than illness alone. I look forward to getting to know you all better!
ReplyDeleteHi guys, my name is Zach. I graduate in 2028 and I am an accounting major. I am really excited about this class because I consider myself somewhat of a philosopher. I am a Protestant Christian which I shape my worldview with. Recently I read meditations by Marcus Aurelius which was great and I strongly recommend it, other than that I don't have much experience with philosophy which is why I am so excited to learn more about it.
ReplyDeleteHello! My name is Keyleigh and I am a nursing major. I am taking philosophy to meet my general education requirements and it seems like a topic that I'm interested in getting to understand better. I am in Section 007 and I am excited to learn more throughout the semester!
ReplyDeleteHello, I’m Aubree Jones (I added this course just in time). My section is 006 1:00-2:25pm. I am taking this class because it seems to be the most interesting option among those required for my Fine Arts credits. I am attending college to open the door to career opportunities. I am here on Earth to live. I think philosophy is the study of meaning or morality or thoughts… or something like that. I am not familiar with many philosophers. My personal philosophy is that meaning is subjective, and no one really knows anything. I look forward to working with everyone!