Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Mohap Siddig's MidTerm Blog Post

My name is Mohap. I invited Kurt Anderson over for tea. He was a really good friend of mine and I wanted to have a talk with him. He brought over with him Authors I’ve always wanted to meet, and he knew that, so he brought them over. They were Nigel Warburton and Julian Baggini.

Coffee Or Tea: In Dickens' World, It Might Be A Choice Between Good And  Evil : The Salt : NPR 

Mohap: What am I seeing right now.


Kurt Anderson: These are the authors you’ve always wanted to see.


Mohap: Oh My God!!! Nigel Warburton and Julian Baggini.


Nigel Warburton and Julian Baggini: Yes, we are. How are you?


Mohap I am really good. What about ya’ll? 


Nigel Warburton and Julian Baggini: We are fine.


Mohap: Its good Kurt brought ya’ll here today I was going to ask him some questions and I guess I can ask ya’ll to because it will have something to do with ya’ll to.


Nigel and Julian: It’s an Honor to be here.


Mohap: Here here have some tea.


Mohap: So the question I am going to ask is “ Do you think philosophy can help people learn to respect truth, facts, reality, and one another, and to reject falsehood, superstition, selfishness, polarization, partisanship, and mutual hostility based on differences of race, religion, ethnicity, nationality, belief, etc.? If so, how? If not, why not? Kurt you can go first.


Kurt Anderson: Ok. That is an amazing question and I would love to go first. I don’t think that Philosophy can help people learn to respect truth fact and etc. I say this because “If I think it’s true, no matter why or how I think it’s true, then it’s true, and nobody can tell me otherwise.” (Fantasyland 49) If those people think that it is true what they think about all that then nobody can tell them it’s not true. 


Mohap: Ok I see what you are saying. Let’s see Julian’s response to this. Go ahead Julian


Julian Baggini: I really like how you answered that Kurt however, I disagree with you. I feel like Philosophy really can help people learn to respect truth and etc. “So, to understand time and space in oral philosophical traditions we have to see them less as abstract concepts in metaphysical theories and more as living conceptions, part and parcel of broader wat of understanding the world.” (How the world thinks 111) If the people learn to change their thoughts about truth and etc., they can have a broader understanding of that and can learn to have respect.


Mohap: That was a really amazing though Julian. Now Nigel it’s your turn.


Nigel Warburton: I kind of agree with Julian Baggini. I say that people can learn only if they understand that philosophy is based on arguments, reasoning and asking questions. “The kind of wisdom that its values is based on argument, reasoning and asking questions, not on believing things simply because someone important has told you they are true.” (A little History of Philosophy 3). So if these people learn to respect truth and etc. from believing things because philosophers or someone like that told you then you can learn from it but, if you learn to respect truth by asking questions or for reasoning and arguments then you will learn the true value of respect. 


Mohap: I see what all of ya’ll are saying but I mostly agree with Julian Baggini and what he said. If you think about it in a more as living conceptions way than you can really understand and respect the truth and etc. 


Mohap: I have one more Question. How would you answer William James’s “really vital question for us all: What is this world going to be? What is life eventually to make of itself”?


Kurt Anderson: I think this world is like a James Bond movie. That gives a really good explanation of what this world is.


Mohap: I like how you worded that. To end off I will answer this question. This world is going to be nothing at one point of everyone’s life. This is because we are all going to die and once you die This world is going to be nothing. 


Kurt Anderson, Nigel and Julian: OH! I really like that answer.


  1. “If I think it’s true, no matter why or how I think it’s true, then it’s true, and nobody can tell me otherwise.” Andersen is not endorsing this anti-philosophical view, he deplores it. It's a "fantasy"...

    What is the "living conceptions way"?

    What is the James Bond explanation, in a few words?

    "once you die This world is going to be nothing" - what's to "really like" about that?
