Up@dawn 2.0 (blogger)

Delight Springs

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Ken Burns: Being an American means...


  1. When you look at the way somewhere like Germany treats its history, it is sad how Americans ignore the atrocities committed on our soil. After World War II, the Nazi party was and still is held accountable for the things they did. Americans that were aggressors during the Japanese internment camps or during slavery got away with a slap on the wrist. Even now the nation still struggles to accept basic human decency as a moral. We sweep everything under a rug, deeming it inappropriate to teach children and then children grow up learning that racist behaviors are okay because nobody was corrected on their atrocities. Acknowledging the country's past does not make you anti-American. It makes America a better place.

  2. When history atrocities are hidden it allows room for the people who committed the crimes to hide and to be free. While the victims have to suffer, to themselves or their people around them. Even if the history is ugly it should be taught the way it happened so in the future the same evils won't happen again, and the right people will get punished.
