Wednesday, September 6, 2023

The secret to life, according to Russell

Bertie actually had more interesting things to say about this in his Conquest of Happiness...


  1. I think what Bertie is saying here is the path to happiness is too address and accept the world can be a horrible place, and that there are somethings you cannot control, but by accepting that the world is horrible you can now make steps to make your own world, happy.

  2. Matteo D'Urso (Section 13)September 6, 2023 at 8:15 PM

    Yes, the world is a horrible place, but you should do what you can to make it just that little bit better, and by doing so, you will be happy.

  3. I agree with this because the world is horrible and to be happy we have to accept something we can't change, which would be the world. To accept the ugliness of the world you can start to find something other than ugliness.

  4. I agree, I think I understanding how cruel/unfair the world can be is important to true happiness, as well as just not letting certain things being you down.
