Wednesday, September 20, 2023


"…Four days ago, Vice President Kamala Harris kicked off a month-long tour of college campuses to mobilize younger voters to "fight for our freedoms." Today is National Voter Registration Day, and in Reading, Pennsylvania, she noted that young people have spent their whole lives in the climate crisis, have seen the Supreme Court stop recognizing the constitutional right to abortion, and have spent their earlier years practicing active shooter drills. They are now stepping up to lead the country toward solutions.

Harris told a cheering, overflow audience at the Reading Area Community College that voting "determines whether the person who is holding elected office is going to fight for your freedoms and rights or not. Whether that be the freedom that you should have to just be free from attack, free from hate, free from gun violence, free from bias, free to love who you love and be open about it, free to have access to the ballot box without people obstructing your ability to exercise your civic right to vote, in terms of who will be the people holding elected office and leading your country."

The political power of young voters will be important in determining the outcome of the 2024 elections..."


  1. #11
    Although it is hard to imagine that one vote, your vote, could make much of a difference in the outcome of who wins presidency and tip the balance, it is not only a constitutional right, but duty of the American people to vote. Politicians are sometimes hard to read and understand if they're being honest about their intentions, but it is better to pick a candidate and choose who you think is better than sit on the sidelines.

  2. "One vote" can be decisive, in the sense that all who conclude their vote is meaningless and thus disenfranchise themselves constitute one huge block of voters who collectively might make the difference in an election.
