Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Tennessee, on the cutting edge…

of anti-democracy in America.

"…Tennessee shows what gerrymandering does at the state level. There, Republicans tend to get about 60% of the votes but control 76% of the seats in the House and 82% of the seats in the Senate. This supermajority means that the Republicans can legislate as they wish.

Gerrymandered seats mean that politicians do not have to answer to constituents; their purpose is to raise money and fire up true believers. Although more than 70% of Tennessee residents want gun safety legislation, for example, Republican legislators, who are certain to win in their gerrymandered districts, can safely ignore them.

Tennessee shows the effects of gerrymandering at the national level as well. Although Republican congressional candidates in Tennessee get about 65% of the vote, they control 89% of Tennessee's congressional delegation. In the elections of 2022, Florida, Alabama, and Ohio all used maps that courts have thrown out for having rigged the system to favor Republicans. The use of those unfair maps highlights that the Republicans took control of the House of Representatives by only the slimmest of margins and explains why Republicans are determined to keep their gerrymanders.
Because their seats are safe, Republicans do not have to send particularly skilled politicians to Congress; they can send those whose roles are to raise money and push Republican ideology. That likely explains at least a part of why House Republicans are no closer to agreeing on a deal to fund the government than they have been for the past several months, even as the deadline is racing toward us, and why they are instead going to hold an impeachment hearing concerning President Joe Biden on Thursday..."


1 comment:

  1. #10
    Things like this happen and continue to happen because of the two party system the country runs off of. The American political system is flawed and has been for a long time. Politicians pull stunts like this all the time. They a loyal to red or blue and they do everything they can to make sure their party stays in power. My favorite singer Patrick Stump says in his song 'People Never Done a Good Thing,' "Politician is a fancy word for crook." and I couldn't agree more. Hopefully we can get some new, uncorrupted faces in office to help build to a better future.
