Monday, September 27, 2021


From The New York Times: When Medical Ethics Collide With Basic Fairness

Too many people remain stubbornly stuck to the steady diet of lies they’ve been fed for months.

...It’s enraging to think of the dreadful job Tennessee governor Bill Lee is doing, even now, to encourage his voters to wear their masks and take their vaccines. It’s enraging to think of how the Tennessee General Assembly will not, even now, expand Medicaid to help keep rural hospitals open and prevent the overcrowding of city hospitals.

And it’s enraging to think of the people who won’t take an “experimental” vaccine but have no problem accepting experimental antibodies to treat an infection they might have avoided altogether. And it’s beyond enraging to know that when they get to the hospital, they will immediately jump to the front of the line.

I know it’s the right thing for hospitals to do. But no matter how ethical it might be, it will never feel fair. 

Margaret Renkl, nyt

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