Saturday, September 18, 2021

Meeting Monday/Tuesday in the library

To help prepare for *October presentations, we'll meet at the library-go directly there on Monday/Tuesday, Sep 20/21:

A visit with librarian Rachel Kirk AND representatives of the Writing Center in LIB 272...

Bring any questions you have about accessing library materials and resources pertaining to your topic, and about how the Writing Center can assist with presentations as well as writing projects.
LISTEN. ...We're going to the Walker Library in CoPhi today and tomorrow, to prepare for October reports. After hearing from the librarians and reps of the writing center, I hope we'll have time to wander into the stacks. That was one of the more important components of my own undergraduate education at Mizzou, just roaming Ellis Library and pulling this or that volume from its random obscurity to see if it had anything to teach me. Kids these days don't do that or know why they'd want to. They don't know what they're missing... (continues)


*There's still time to declare a topic preference... 

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