Up@dawn 2.0 (blogger)

Delight Springs

Thursday, September 23, 2021


 LISTEN. Who could ask for anything more? Cards have now won eleven in a row. I want twelve.

Stoics and Buddhists, according to our new author in Happiness today, want more. But more what? More life? More time? More equanimity? More acceptance? Just more, says Thor. "I just think that’s what being a New Yorker is all about, being hungry for more," says the star hurler with the high school education who is also "a multidimensional human being with feelings and problems and goals outside of sports."

More Than Happiness: Buddhist and Stoic Wisdom for a Sceptical Age is Antonina Macaro's contribution to the growing body of literature commending "mindfulness" and (in the blurbed words of secular Buddhist Stephen Batchelor) "the pragmatic and therapeutic dimensions of philosophy." (continues)

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