Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Midterm report presentations

UPDATE. The tentative reporting schedule is set, make sure you're on it. Let me know if you're not. Those whose topics do not clearly relate to something the class is doing on your designated reporting date: consider changing your topic, if you can't find a plausible connection.


It's time to select and assign report presentation topics. Take a look at the syllabus for October, topics should be related to what we're reading and discussing in class during the month. 

Your ten-minute presentation should tell us something interesting and relevant we'd not have known just from reading our texts. You can prepare a PowerPoint (etc.) if you wish, but that's not required. If your reporting date happens to be on a nice Fall day, consider taking us outside.

Post a brief summary of your topic, with any suggested readings (etc.) and a discussion question or two, in the comments' space below prior to your scheduled reporting date. 

If you have a particular topical interest you'd like to report on, indicate that in the comments space below by the end of this week (Friday the 17th). First come, first served. We want to avoid redundancy.

Topics related to our recommended texts (FL, HWT) are also eligible.

If you do not indicate a particular topical interest, I'll assign it. jpo


4/5 Mill, Darwin, Kierkegaard, Marx-LH 24-27. FL 21-22, HWT 23-24. Presentations begin: #H1 Arielle, JS Mill; Cassandra, Darwin; Natalie, Kierkegaard; Moon, Marx; #H2 Hannah, Happiness; Aniyah, Transience & touching in Japanese philosophy; Camron, Darwin; Aaron, Kierkegaard #H3 Katelyn, African-Americans in the 50s-60s; Lillian, hedonism; Brielle, FL 7-8

6/7 Peirce & James, Nietzsche, Freud-LH 28-30, FL 23-24, HWT 25-26. Presentations continue: #H1 Bryson, Nietzsche; Carlos, free will; Jesse, Descartes; CJ Watkins, Plato's cave #H2 Thomas F., Cosmic philosophy; Chris, C.S. Peirce; Jodi, Impartiality-HWT 25 #H3 Hannah, Freud; Jadon, Personalism; Tyler L, Plato's cave


13/14 Russell, Ayer, Sartre, de Beauvoir, Camus-LH 31-33, FL 25-26, HWT 27-28. Presentations continue: #H1 Stuart, Ayer; Kade-Jah, Camus; Logan, Existentialism; Jordan, Russell. #H2 Beck, Sartre; Natalie, free will; 
Jordan, Augustine; #H3 Nate, Camus; Channing, de Beauvoir; Gabe, Existentialism; Kaitlyn, Ayer

18/19 Wittgenstein, Arendt, Popper & Kuhn, Foot & Thomson-LH 34-37, FL 27-28, WGU Introduction-p.35. Presentations continue: #H1 Luz, Hannah Arendt; Cameron, Foot & Thomson #H2 Wittgenstein; Alana, Hannah Arendt;  #H3 Andrew, Popper & Kuhn; Dominick, Wittgenstein; Madison, Existentialism

20/21 Rawls, Turing & Searle, Singer-LH 38-40, FL 29-30, WGU -p.79. Presentations continue: #H1 Clayton T,, Berkeley; Eboni, Locke; Anna Marie, Hume #H2 Tyler, Peter Singer; Natalie, free will; Jordan, Augustine #H3 Gracie, Rawls; Matthew, Turing; Ryan, Diogenes & cynicism; Lucille, Epicureans


25/26 WGU -p.122. FL 31-32.

27/28 WGU -p.165. FL 33-34.  Presentations conclude: tba. Exam 2

Arielle, JS Mill
Natalie, Kierkegaard
Luz, Hannah Arendt
Moon, Marx
Bryson, Nietzsche
Cassandra, Darwin
Stuart, Ayer
Kade-Jah, Camus
Logan, Existentialism
Jordan R., Russell
Carlos, free will
Jesse, Descartes
CJ Watkins, Plato's cave (not Emil Cuaron?)
Clayton T,, Berkeley
Eboni, Locke
Anna Marie, Hume


Thomas F., Cosmic philosophy
Hannah, Happiness
Aniyah, Japanese transience/touching
Camron, Darwin
Alexander, Wittgenstein
Jodi, Impartiality-HWT 25
Beck, Sartre
Alana, Hannah Arendt
Tyler, Peter Singer
Natalie, free will
Jordan, Augustine


Katelyn, African-Americans in the 50s-60s
Andrew, Popper & Kuhn
Nate, Camus
Hannah, Freud
Jadon, Personalism (Bowne, Brightman, Harkness)
Lillian, Hedonism
Brielle, FL 7-8
Channing, de Beauvoir
Gabe, Existentialism
Kaitlyn, Ayer
Matthew, Turing
Dominick, Wittgenstein
Gracie, Rawls
Madison, Existentialism
Tyler L, Plato's cave
Ryan, Diogenes & cynicism
Lucille, Epicureans


  1. H03

    So for the topics listed above for Little History of Philosophy, How The World Thinks, and Fantasyland do the topics we chose have to be related to a specific chapter or chapters, or can we choose any chapter or chapters of our choice?

    Also, I'm a little confused about the presentation/report. Is the ten minute presentation something we're physically presenting to the class or does that fall into the report that will be posted on the discussion thread?

    1. Your topic needs to be related to a specific class assignment. For instance, if you wanted to report on (say) Simone de Beauvoir we'd schedule it for Oct.13/14.

      These are in-class presentations.

    2. Thank you. Also I have an idea of what topics I would like to cover for Fantasyland Chapters 21 and 22 but with more so a twist of the contributions African Americans made during the 1950-70 era.

  2. H01
    I would like to do my presentation on John Stuart Mill.

  3. H02

    So, in class we've talked about the cosmos a lot, could I do my topic relating to this? If not, I could certainly find something else of interest.

  4. H01

    I would like to focus on Kierkegaard for my presentation.

  5. H01

    I would like to do my presentation on Arendt. Thank you.

  6. H03. I would like to do my presentation on Popper & Kuhn

  7. H03. I'd like to present on Camus

  8. H03. I would like to do my presentation on Freud.

  9. H01 I'd like to present about Marx

  10. [H01} I would like to do my presentation for Nietzsche.

  11. I was wondering if I could do Boston personalism in regards to Borden Parker Bowne, Edgar S. Brightman, and Georgia Harkness (H03)

  12. H01

    I choose Camus for mine

    I would like to focus on the study/ideal of true happiness, diving deeper into Socrate's, Aristotle's and Pyrrho's perspectives on it, as well as my own. I will do more research and find some different texts to find more thoughts and opinions from the three of them.

  14. (H2)

    I would like to do my midterm over the Japanese philosophy of transience and the art behind "touching"

  15. (H3) I was wondering if I could do my presentation on the good and bad of hedonism.

  16. I was wondering if I could do my presentation on existentialism, or is that too broad of a topic that would dip into others presentations?

    1. No, a little dipping is okay if you also do some original research.

  17. H03
    I would like to do my presentation on FL chapters 7-8

  18. H1
    I would like to report on Russell.

  19. I’d like to present on Plato’s theory of the cave and its impact on pop culture

  20. (H03)
    I have been considering trying a report or project on Diogenes the Cynic because I think at least some of us have heard about him but only jokes. That could tie into cynicism but I'm not sure if it would fit into the class schedule. Generally his history and personality and how he impacted cynicism and philosophy.

    1. Maybe compare Diogenes' version of cynicism with modern-day "cynics"... Are they cynical in his sense of the word?

  21. H1
    I would like to do my report on René Descartes

  22. H2
    I would like to do my presentation on free will.

  23. H1, can you assign me a philosopher to do my presentation on.

  24. h2
    I would like to do my presentation on Darwin.

  25. Section #?

    Can you find something in October's schedule to relate Plato's cave t0o?

  26. (H2) I would like to have my presentation be based on Wittgenstein.

  27. H03
    I would like to do my presentation on existentialism.

  28. H01
    I would like to do my presentation on John Locke.

  29. H3
    I would like to do my presentation on logical positivism from Ayer.

  30. Tyler Martin H02
    I would like to do my presentation on Peter Singer

  31. (H1) I thought I already said who I want to do but I cannot find that post now. I could like to do my presentation on David Hume.

  32. H03
    I would like to do a presentation on Ludwig Wittgenstein

  33. Berkley- Clayton Tiller (H1)

  34. (H02) I would like to do ch 25 of HWT on Impartiality

  35. H2 I would like to do Kierkegaard.

  36. H02
    I would like to do my presentation over Nietzsche

  37. H02, Chris Miller
    I do not have a topic and would like one reccomedned/assigned.

  38. H01 I would like to do my presentation over Foot and Thomson -Cameron Barnes

  39. H02, Beck Marable
    I would like my topic to be Sartre

  40. I would like to do my presentation on Hannah Arendt

  41. [H01] My midterm report project is on Nietzsche. Nietzsche is a nihilist which means he rejects fundamental aspects of human existence. He is often quoted on saying "God is dead." but the whole quote is actually "God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him. Yet his shadow still looms." This shows how he views the world. He says science was created by man and science disproved the existence of God and now we must throw away all aspects of morality set up by God. Do you believe you that since God has been "disproven" that all aspects of Christianity should now be questioned? Did humanity actually kill God by explaining phenomena with science or could science just be a tool used by God to manipulate existence?

  42. (H02) I am doing my presentation on C.S. Peirce, who is known as the father of pragmatism. I will be examining his life, his philosophy (specifically pragmatism), and his differing views with later pragmatists, specifically William James.

    Discussion Question: Do you agree more with Peirce that pragmatism should be used purely within a scientific context to examine how concepts are understood and employed, or do you agree more with James that pragmatism can be applied more broadly in philosophy to examine the consequences of belief and look at human action?

  43. Tyler Lansford - H03October 13, 2021 at 2:27 PM

    Tyler Lansford - Plato's Cave - H03

    My presentation is over Plato's Allegory of the Cave, in which a prisoner in a cave who has only ever seen shadows is released and goes on to see the reality of the world above the ground. He returns to tell his fellow cave dwellers of the truth, but they end up killing him.


    Why do you suppose the prisoners so quickly reject the teachings of the freed prisoner and kill him? Where do you see similar jumps to violence in today's culture?

