Monday, September 13, 2021

Free (Augustine, Boethius...)

Freedom and/or free will seem to me inseparable from the pursuit of happiness, though philosophers like Boethius and Spinoza seem to have a different notion. But aren't we glad those 9/11 heroes weren't stoic determinists! 

LISTEN (9.21). A good night's sleep, especially after a bad one, is restorative. Of perspective, and cheer, and gratitude. I got one last night. Thank goodness, or just good fortune.  Either way, acknowledging and expressing gratitude is itself restorative, as I heard A.J. Jacobs saying in the middle of the night Saturday on my smart speaker when (I hypothesize) our Ubered Paneer Masala wasn't sitting quite right. Among the wise insights he shared with TED was the Jamesian psychology he paraphrased: it's easier to act your way into a new way of thinking than the reverse. Maybe that's how Augustine of Hippo finally consummated his conversion and stopped acting licentiously...  (continues)

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