Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Peter Singer

Philosopher and effective altruist @PeterSinger has won the @berggruenInst prize, a $1 million award for "major achievements in advancing ideas that shape the world". Here's our interview with him on 19th century philosophy (with @philosophybites)
"...To me, it’s not just about trying to win arguments with other colleagues that are going to remain in the academic journals, and pretty much inaccessible to anyone else in the world. It’s about trying to say something helpful in relation to issues that people are already thinking about, questions such as, ‘How should I live? What should my goals be? To what extent should I be working for others rather than thinking only about myself?’ And also the broader social questions that we might discuss in the community: ‘When is it justifiable to use military force? What should we do about inequality and poverty? Are there limits to freedom of expression?’ I think philosophy has things to contribute to all those questions, and if it remains locked away in academia, it’s not really contributing in the way that it should be..."

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