Monday, October 18, 2021

Arendt on apathy

"Evil thrives on apathy and cannot exist without it."
- Hannah Arendt


  1. H01
    This quote does make me think of may people's interpretation of the horrors committed in Nazi Germany. Some posit that there was only a few who pushed to commit them, but those who couldn't care less who could have stopped it is what allowed it to pass through. Also similar to MLK Jr.'s sentiment in the Letters from a Birmingham Jail. In which he argues that the real preventers of progress are the moderate whites who don't care to push for racial equality but claim to support the movement.

  2. H01 evil does strive on apathy and it can be seen reflecting in today's society of which people are less interested in helping or looking out for other individuals, which could be viewed from to points. First, total investment in one's self interest that they don't see the need of others and the second, fear of being ridiculed for giving attention to a situation that is percieved as being none of your concern.

    1. And that's why we have an obligation to call out conspiracy fanatics who thrive on lies and would subvert our democracy. We cannot afford to be apathetic in the face of the kind of assault on our institutions that transpired on Jan.6.

    2. One of this things that this immediately brings to mind is the rise of the 'I feel no need to explain anything mentality". Whenever I encounter anyone with this mindset, it shines a light on why it is so easy for people ignorant to a given subject to become apathetic.
