Wednesday, October 27, 2021

How to Talk to a Science Denier | Center for Inquiry

A generation ago, the flat-earther at the end of the bar or the anti-evolutionist in front of a congregation could be ignored. But today's science deniers—climate change skeptics and Covid anti-vaxxers—threaten all of us: solutions to both global catastrophes require the public's collective buy-in. Drawing on the latest academic research and his own experience speaking with those doubtful of established facts—including at a recent Flat Earth convention in Denver—McIntyre outlines the common themes and psychological roots of science denialism, illustrating a throughline from the disinformation campaigns created by tobacco companies in the 1950s to today's climate deniers, anti-vaxxers and Covid-deniers. Importantly, he also offers tools, techniques, and reasoning strategies that are effective in mitigating the effects of scientific disinformation. When science denial becomes a public health threat, all of us—laypeople and experts alike—have a responsibility to help combat it

1 comment:

  1. As an environmental science major, I often encounter people who deny the science of anthropogenic climate change. As I typically approaches any situation with the intention of the possibility to learn, most ignorance I've encountered is a result of those who haven't been exposed to diverse thought. One of the most common characteristics amongst deniers (I've encountered) is that they have travelled little, and consume very little traditional media.
