Thursday, October 28, 2021

Questions Nov 1/2


Study Questions

1. Kant's definition of maturity is what?

2. Education, travel, and work share what common purpose, ideally?

3. You're not grown-up if you've not rejected what? 

4. Why should languages and music be learned as early as possible?

5. What is the message of Rousseau's Emile?

6. What does it mean to love a book?

7. The internet, says Nick Carr, is a machine geared for what?

8. If you don't travel you're likely to suppose what?

9. What did Rousseau say about those who do not walk?

10. What is travel's greatest gift?

Discussion Questions
  • What are some other signs of being grown-up, besides the ability to think for yourself? 123
  • Are you good at accepting compromise? Are the adults in your life? 124
  • Have you "sifted through your parents' choices about everything"? 125
  • Do you "love the world enough to assume responsibility for it?" 126
  • Has your educational experience so far broken or furthered your "urge to explore the world"? Do you still "desire to learn"? 127
  • Should corporations like Coca-Cola be allowed to have "pouring rights" in public schools? 132
  • "You must take your education into your own hands as soon as possible." Did you? How? 140
  • Should the age of legal maturity be raised to match the age of brain maturity? 140
  • "Minds need at least as much exercise as bodies..." 141 Do you get enough of both forms of exercise? Too much of one or the other? Do you subscribe to Mens sana in corpore sano?
  • Do you love books and reading? 143 
  • Do you agree with Mark Twain?: "A person who won't read has no advantage over a person who can't."
  • Are you willing to go a month without internet? Or even a day? 148
  • Were Augustine and Rousseau right about travel? 150-51
  • Does group travel "preclude real encounters" with a place? 158
  • Do you hope to live and work one day in another culture for at least a year? Do you think it will contribute to your maturity? 162-3


  • What do you think of Marianne Williamson's "basic idea"? 295 Would she have made a good president?
  • Does Oprah live in Fantasyland? 296
  • Is Dr. Oz reliable? 301
  • Is "alternative medicine" respectable? 302
  • Is "the placebo effect" an example of the "law of attraction" in action? 304



  1. Are you willing to go a month without internet?
    - I would like to be able to do that, but so much of my school work is online. I would be unable to go without the internet, but I would have to forsake a month of education and I would probably bored.

    Do you hope to live and work one day in another culture for at least a year? Do you think it will contribute to your maturity?
    - I want to study abroad in Spain for a year. It will contribute to my maturity because I will be forced to make my own decisions. It will also contribute to my education and wil look great on future resumes.

  2. Are you willing to go a month without internet? Or even a day? 

    Not at all. Not with some reward or incentive. I use it far too much to go without it. I know I'd survive. I'd probably even be happier without it. But it's so integral to life as we know it today that I could never drop it.

    Do you love books and reading? 

    I used to. I loved reading, and I did it consistently. But then I got busy. Then I got busier. Most of my life is occupied by other things and what little free time I have is filled in with video games or time with my friends. The little reading I do is all assigned. I miss how enthralled I used to be with books, but I really lack the time and drive it takes to get into anything new that interests me.

    Should the age of legal maturity be raised to match the age of brain maturity?

    By all means, yes. I haven't met a single person who has their lives figured out by 18. I don't think it's possible unless you're forced into a role by society or the people around you. But that means you haven't had room to grow for yourself. The years following highschool, which about the time people expect someone to be mature, are very confusing. No one knows what they're doing. Many people change majors, many people don't even go to college. Many people are still children. I'm 18. I'm still a child. But I'm finding my way through life. I'm more mature than I was years ago. I'm more mature than I was 6 months ago. I'm confident I have yet to reach my full maturity, and it will likely be some time before that comes.

    1. H01
      I have also stopped reading as much as I once did. I lack the motvation topick up a book for fun. There are so many things I rather do, but I will probably regret not reading more.

  3. What are some other signs of being grown-up, besides the ability to think for yourself? 123

    I think one key factor about being grown-up is having a certain level of maturity. I feel like one misconception is that with age comes maturity and that can be true in some cases but I also find that being mature does align with being grown-up regardless of how old someone is.

    Have you "sifted through your parents' choices about everything"? 125

    I wouldn’t say I’ve discussed all of my decision making choices with my parents just key moments like what college to go to.

    Do you "love the world enough to assume responsibility for it?" 126

    Not necessarily I don’t find it possible enough to take on responsibility for the world but just myself.

    Has your educational experience so far broken or furthered your "urge to explore the world"? Do you still "desire to learn"? 127

    I do like to learn but I feel like the educational system when it comes to elementary, middle, and high school is not that great and it could discourage people from wanting to learn something new.

    "You must take your education into your own hands as soon as possible." Did you? How? 140

    I feel like I try to take my education into my own hands by doing my own research on things I find to be important, particularly topics I feel aren't discussed or taught enough in a school setting.

    Do you love books and reading? 143

    When I was much younger like in elementary school it felt impossible to put down a book and as I got older I barely even opened one, but now I’m making more of an effort to read even if I’m reading a short story.

    1. H01
      I agree that being mature does not line up with age. You need experience to become mature and some people do not put in the effort to have those experiences. You cannot be mature if you spend your life under a rock shielded from the outside world.

  4. (H03) “Do you love books and reading?”
    Yes. My parents read to me a lot growing up and always encouraged my love of reading and I think that plays a big part in it. I don’t read for pleasure as much now was as I did as a child, simply because I’m too busy. However I have a long list of things I want to read eventually.

    “Do you hope to live and work one day in another culture for at least a year? Do you think it will contribute to your maturity?”
    I hope to study abroad in another culture; I’m not sure if that counts as working but close enough. A big part of maturity is accepting and understanding different perspectives and living in a different culture would give you no other choice than to do that. Studying abroad would definitely help me mature.

  5. H03
    Do you love books and reading?
    Reading is one of the things I think I'll always enjoy doing. The last few months I've been struggling to find time to actually sit down and read, but whenever I do get time I can't put them down.

    Are you willing to go a month without internet?
    If I could be given other options for things that are only online (school work and paperwork), then yes, I could do a month. I'd honestly love to have the chance to not have to worry about everything on the internet.

    Do you hope to live and work one day in another culture for at least a year? Do you think it will contribute to your maturity?
    If I don't get to live in Sweden for at least five years of my life, what's the point? I'd love to bounce around for years to see everything because I do feel like it will help my maturity. It isn't particularly necessary for maturity, but it wouldn't hurt.

  6. H3
    What are some other signs of being grown-up, besides the ability to think for yourself?
    I think some signs of being grown-up include being able to take care of yourself or provide for yourself. Of course people will be dependent on others and that is okay, but specifically, financially, I think to be considered a "grown-up" someone should be able to pay for their needs.

    1. I agree that being able to take care of yourself is a big sign that someone is grown up.

  7. Is "alternative medicine" respectable?

    I was raised by two medical professionals. My dad is a doctor and my mom used to be a nurse. To me, alternative medicine just doesn't make sense and I don't think it's a good replacement for traditional medicine. I can appreciate and respect the fact that people use alternative medicine. Even though I don't think it works, I know a lot of people do and I can respect that.

    Do you hope to live and work one day in another culture for at least a year? Do you think it will contribute to your maturity?

    I would absolutely love to live in another culture for a year. I think that doing so is a great way to expand your knowledge of the world and your own self. I think seeing other parts of the world contributes to maturity a lot. I have traveled to other countries and have seen other cultures I think that has helped me grow as a person.

    1. In response to your first discussion, I liked hearing your perspective. I also know some who do use alternative medicine as well. I think in certain circumstance it works and may be the best choice, but not all of the time. Certain natural cures or remedies are things that have been taught and work. As our society progresses, though, I believe that everyone's bodies are different. So, I don't think alternative remedies are the logical choice for everyone. Additionally, I don't know enough about it to have certainty of its success.


    "What are some other signs of being grown-up, besides the ability to think for yourself? 123"

    A feeling of responsibility and acceptance of adult reality are often two common realizations that come along as signs of being grown-up. Life is unfair, work hard to get what you want in life, forgive family, assess your family function, look out for yourself, etc. are all things that tend to come along the older you get.

    "Are you good at accepting compromise? Are the adults in your life? 124"

    Typically, I'd like to think I am good at compromise; more-so for my own well-being. However, my parents, in my opinion, are so-so in that prospect. It varies between all the adults in my life, so I learned to have my own value in compromise.

    "Have you "sifted through your parents' choices about everything"? 125"

    Of course. I try to learn and take note from my parents' choices. Some I agree with, others I don't, some I would do differently. However, I feel as we get older, the more that we either want to become or avoid becoming our parents, so either way we analyze their decisions and form our own.

    1. I feel like I am already becoming my mom. I have tried to make my own decisions and have my own opinions on her decisions though. I am slowly seeming to be more like her though but in the good ways. The ways I disagree with her though I have decided to be different than that.

    2. H01
      Yes I have realized I think about what my parents would do in a situation. I respect a lot of decisions they have made and I guess it has rubbed off.

  9. (H03)

    What are some other signs of being grown-up, besides the ability to think for yourself?

    I think that another sign of being grown-up would be the ability to ACT for yourself, as well as for others, and separate personal good from wider good. It is important to growth to be able to actually act for your personal goals, independently and without guidance. Plenty of teenagers think for themselves (perhaps destructively), but most do not act for themselves or others in any meaningful or productive way that would signal maturity or growth.

    Are you good at accepting compromise? Are the adults in your life?

    I am generally good at accepting compromise in conversation and in acts, as are many of the adults that I know. It comes with being more laid back in most situations. The stipulation would generally be matters that I cannot afford to compromise on. I generally hate not being able to exit a conversation or deal with the other participant being unsatisfied or hurt (unless for some reason I truly detest them), however there are several adults (including a family member) that I have met who seem to treat every interaction as a dual, leading to very different ways and results of communication and dealings with them.

    Do you agree with Mark Twain?: "A person who won't read has no advantage over a person who can't."

    I would agree with change, that "change" being that a person who won't would likely have more reservations to action in general. One who cannot do something may learn, or may be barred but make up for this in other places. One who can't has made their choice and will not be likely to amend any decision.

    1. I think some other signs of being grown up are being able to understand the world around you as something to learn from. Not everything will go your way, and once you are mature enough and think for yourself to grow and become a better person it is a sign of being grown up. Children get upset when they finally realize the world is not fair, but once it becomes a reality and you use it to make yourself a better you, I think you have matured!

  10. What are some other signs of being grown-up, besides the ability to think for yourself?
    I would say a big sign of being grown-up is the change in your personal freedom over the years. Such as the freedom to drive to make your own decisions grows as your freedom grows in your family.

    Do you love books and reading?
    I love reading and books in general because I feel like it allows us to connect to themes and worlds that we necessarily can’t get involved with today. It opens up other realms in our imagination and reality as well.

    Are you willing to go a month without internet? Or even a day?
    I know for a fact that I would have to prepare for this, but I know I would be ready for this. I have gone 6 months without a phone so I know what it’s like.

    1. In response to your third discussion choice, I am the same. I would have to prepare, but I don't think it is out of the question. If I had to, I could; however, I have not gone that long without a phone. For me, I have gone 6 months without certain apps and social media, but I think it's notable that you have done this. I don't know anyone who has gone that long without their phone.

  11. H03: Do you love books and reading?

    Yes. My mom is a librarian so reading has always been a big part of my life. Of course, I have gone through phases of not reading as much. But when those times happen there is always a book that sparks my love and appreciation for reading again. I love reading because it’s a way to immerse myself in environments and people's stories that I would never have before. We live in one track reality where unless we actively pursue other cultures, environments, communities we will never experience anything other than what we already know. Reading is a way of branching out as well as traveling.

  12. H03:
    Do you love books and reading?
    I personally love reading. Books can change your perspective on reality, which I value. There is always a book for something that I am wondering about. I also like to immerse myself into books centered around different cultures, government, and time periods than my own. It is the closest thing to travel that I have during the times when I can't afford it.

    1. I adore reading! It is something I do to distract me and put me in a "new world." I get so invested in the story that I usually read the whole book in one to two sittings.

    2. H01
      I love the idea of reading but I always get distracted when trying to read. I guess it's something I could work at.

  13. Are you good at accepting compromise? Are the adults in your life?
    I am much better at this than I was when I was younger although sometimes I respond to it with a passive aggressive attitude.
    The adults in my life are sometimes good at this although they also react with passive aggressiveness sometimes.
    Should the age of legal maturity be raised to age of brain maturity?
    No, because female and males mature at different times. It would be strange to have a different genders have a different legal maturity. Also I think the age we have now is fine because it is how society naturally decided it to be.

  14. Are you willing to go a month without internet? Or even a day?
    I have gone a few days without the internet multiple times when in a different country. However, I use the internet for basically everything so I know I COULD do it, but I would prefer not to.

    Are you good at accepting compromise? Are the adults in your life?
    I think I am pretty good at accepting compromise, but it honestly depends on the situation. In my opinion, adults that are on the younger side accept compromise much better than adults who are older. This is because the culture and ideas that are commonly accepted now are different than those back then, and lots of people don't want major change like this. It isn't a bad thing, it is just that everyone has their own interpretation of compromise, confrontation, and argument.

  15. H01
    Are you willing to go a month without internet? Or even a day?
    I could, but I would definitely feel very disconnected. It also depends what I'm doing during that time, if I'm with family or friends I would probably be perfectly fine. I've done a few retreats where I didn't have access to my phone or even the time for 3 days.

    Do you hope to live and work one day in another culture for at least a year? Do you think it will contribute to your maturity?
    I don't know yet whether I would want to do that, but I do think it would contribute to maturing. I think being in unfamiliar situations or just getting out of a pattern always helps me grow and mature.

  16. H01
    Are you willing to go a month without the internet? Or even a day?
    I've taken extensive breaks from social media at various points of my life, and I've noticed that I'm more productive and less irritable the less I'm on the internet. If I am ever in the position to go without using the internet at all, that would be amazing, but everything is on the internet these days, and I don't think the opportunity to completely unplug is in my near future.

    Should the age of legal maturity be raised to match the age of brain maturity?
    I personally think it should be raised. As a 17 year old, I can confidently say that the decisions I make now probably aren't the best for my future, and I highly doubt that being a few months older will somehow make me more capable of making responsible decisions. We're living in a time now where we're seeing the age of legal maturity fluctuate. The minimum voting age was lowered to 18 just fifty years ago, but two years ago, the minimum age to purchase tobacco products rose to 21. The difficulty with setting a new age of maturity would be figure out what age is appropriate and whether it should apply to every minimum age requirement because the system we have now where people are 18 to be responsible enough to vote and ruin their credit but not responsible enough to drink or smoke seems like it preys on people who genuinely do not know better.

  17. H2 Are you willing to go a month without internet? Or even a day?

    I would like the opportunity to go a month without internet because I believe it would have a beneficial effect on my current life. However, I’ve already come to terms that I would not be able to go without internet for a month. I rely too heavily on the internet for entertainment and to access important files or assignments for school. Furthermore, with society becoming more digital, it would further add to the difficulty of going a month without it. Although I may not be able to go a month, I do think I could survive a day without internet.

    Do you hope to live and work one day in another culture for at least a year? Do you think it will contribute to your maturity?

    Absolutely. Experiencing a new culture and environment sounds incredible, especially since I’ve lived my entire life in Tennessee and haven’t really traveled that much out of the state. In addition, I do believe it would contribute to my maturity because I would become exposed and more open minded to new costumes and beliefs.
