Monday, October 18, 2021

Gifts & responsibilities

 LISTEN. Report presentations continue in CoPhi today, and (among others) we'll consider Wittgenstein and Hannah Arendt. But I'm still thinking about the Ezra Klein podcasts I binged this weekend while walking the dogs and biking in the gorgeous sunny crispness of early-Fall. Nick Offerman on Wendell Berry and the power of walking, which "foments so much creativity in me and so many of the people I admire, writers and creative heads"), Holden Karnofsky on effective altruism and future AI (etc.), Richard Powers on taking seriously the gifts and responsibilities of being alive, and more. Delightful conversations all. Happiness is suddenly having so much more to think and talk about than you'd previously imagined... (continues)


  1. H1
    I will agree with the power of walking. I like creative writing, and often times an idea will form when walking my dog. Other times, I will get out of writers block by simpky taking a walk or moving around.

  2. H01
    The question was asked by Pilate referring to Jesus? This shows that back in biblical times people also struggle with what is real and what is an illusion. How the language of words impact us is usually based on how we view the world and the society we were raised in. Knowledge and understanding of how words are used I believe is the key, based on how versed you are, it can free you from the bondage of how it is used to enslave the masses.
