Thursday, November 11, 2021

Final report blog posts

The final report blogpost, worth 20 points, is due Dec. 3. (Last class & Exam 3 is Nov.30/Dec.1). Post early drafts if you want potentially-constructive feedback. In our final class sessions I'll ask everyone to give us a brief teaser/trailer for your final report. I encourage you to read and constructively critique your classmates' final reports.

Indicate your final report topic in the comments space below. You can further develop your midterm presentation topic, OR select something else related to one of our final texts (Why Grow Up? and Sick Souls, Healthy Minds).

If you're not yet an author on our site, request your author invitation.

In your blog post, include bloggish elements (images, videos, hyperlinks to relevant sources).


  1. H03
    I want to expand from my midterm project on Simone de Beauvoir by focusing on just marriage as a whole in philosophy.

  2. H01
    I would like to change my report topic to Immanuel Kant.

  3. H01
    I would like to report on meaningful work.

  4. (H03) I would like to broaden my report on Freud to the overlap in the studies of psychology and philosophy.

  5. H03

    I would like to do my final report post on Peter Singer's philosophy

  6. (H03)

    I would like to further expand my midterm report presentation, but instead of focusing on Tennessee I'll give more key points that influenced why the civil rights movement took place overall.


    I would like to further expand my midterm report presentation on the philosophy of happiness, how to sustain it, what it means and the differing levels of happiness!

  8. H2
    I'd love to elaborate further on my midterm presentation by delving into alien life, kind of like what was talked about today. I'd like to touch on the Fermi Paradox in particular, a possible explanation for where all the aliens are, and what this could mean philosophically for us humans.

    1. H03 Brielle Walmsley
      I am going to report on the book "The American Philosophy" by John Kaag. In it, I will touch on the Hocking Library, Professor John Kaag's journey through the crossroads in his love life, and a philosophical takeaway.

    2. Great... the title is "American Philosophy: A Love Story"

  9. (H02)
    I would like to explore deeper on my midterm presentation with Nietzsche. More specifically, I would like to dive into his idea of an Ubermencsh, or superhuman.

  10. H01
    I would like to expand on the life and philosophy of Soren Kierkegaard.

    1. Trailer:
      Kierkegaard was the founder of existentialism, but what is existentialism? How is it seen today and what role does it play in Kierkegaard's writing, religion, and even the classroom? I will discuss all this and more in my upcoming final blog post.

  11. H2
    I would like to explore pn Charles Darwin for my final presentation, specifically his theories and contributions to human development and behavior.

  12. I would like to do my final report on determinism and free will.

  13. (H2)

    I would like to further expand on my midterm project about the Japanese Philosophy of transience and how we can apply it to our lives and use it to cope with death

  14. Tyler Martin (H02)
    I would like to do my final report on Stoicism.

  15. I would like to continue my midterm presentation topic for my final blog post on Darwin.

  16. (H03)
    I would like to make my subject a more focused biography of Diogenes of Sinope and maybe some more surrounding info on other Cynic philosophers.

    If this does not have enough content, my theoretical backup would be to explore absurdism.

  17. I am going to be continuing my midterm presentation on John Stuart Mill but this time will be focusing more on his view of feminism, his book The Subjection of Women, and also the impact of his wife on his ideas and views.

  18. (H2) I'd like my subject to be on the role location has on our lives in the form of fate/destiny, or the philosophy of those who either choose to leave or to stay.

  19. (H02)

    I would like to research and evaluate the practice (or habit) of yoga. Specifically, I want to learn about the holistic benefits and philosophical components of yoga.

  20. H01 I'd like to further develop and broaden my study of AJ Ayer for my final report post.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. (H1)
    I would like to do my final report topic on the public school system, and how I feel it can inhibit maturing and discourage autonomy, independence, and creativity. This is discussed in Why Grow Up, primarily in the introduction and in the chapter "Becoming Adult."

  23. I would like to further develop my report on Peter Singer, focusing on his view of morality

  24. I would like to further develop my presentation on Hannah Arendt. I would like to focus a bit more on her idea of the banality of evil and the controversy this philosophy sparked in her community.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. I will be presenting on William James' experience with laughing gas and religion

  27. H03
    I am going to further expand on my topic about existentialism and the views of the philosophers that follow it.

  28. H02
    I am going to be doing my blog post on artificial intelligence

  29. H01
    I will be going in depth into perspectivism in my blog post.

  30. H03 I am going to do my post on the first chapter in Susan Neiman's book, more specifically the section titled "What is Enlightenment?"

  31. H02 My blog post will be a deeper dive in into my Midterm report of the relationship between poverty and religion.

  32. I will be covering Taoism in my post.

  33. Taoism as a philosophy existed in parts for hundreds of years before it coalesced into a uniform clump of ideas. The earliest use of Tao as a description came from Laozi an early Chinese philosopher. Historians argue today if Laozi was a real person or if the teachings of many people were accredited to one out simplicity. Either way the legend remains the same, and that is one of a mysterious, encrypted, man, who even Confucius admits he couldn't teach anything. Who was this man that Confucius called the dragon? Laozi was born in the late 5th century BCE. Not much of his life is recorded, but he likely worked as the Keeper of the Archives for the court of Zhou. He wasn’t much of writer though and by the age of 80 he had never written any of his teachings. He saw that society had decayed and decided to travel to the edge of the kingdom and live as a hermit. At the last outpost a guard noticed him and begged him to write down his wisdom, he did and the result was the Tao Te Ching. This is most significant work in the Taoist philosophy and bolsters it into a full-fledged religion.

    Tao literally means way, but is described as being, "The One, which is natural, spontaneous, eternal, nameless, and indescribable. It is at once the beginning of all things and the way in which all things pursue their course." In the Tao Te Ching. Simply, it is the flow of the universe and the practice of this is known as Te. This is the force and the nature of reality of everything, and the way to lead a good life is to follow the Tao. To follow the Tao, you have to practice WU Wei. Wu Wei is referred to as inaction or action without intent. Wu Wei is not calling for us to be lazy, but be flexible accept our world for what it is and to flow around obstacles.

    Another central idea of Taoism is Ziran, this is the concept and practice of simplicity. To shed all selfishness and desire is the idea of Ziran. The three treasures are the virtues that Laozi claimed would lead to a good life. Compassion, moderation, and humility, are the rules of thumb that guide everyday actions.

    In the Tao Te Ching Laozi explains the creation of the world as being “One makes two, two makes three, and three makes ten thousand things”. The One represents the Tao, the force of the universe. The two are Yin and Yang, two opposite and equal forces. The idea of constant recreation and he cyclical nature of the universe and the idea of unity and being a part of each other are also important to Yin and Yang. The three represents the earth and the plains of the universe. The ten thousand things represent infinity and is every individual thing in the universe.
