Thursday, November 18, 2021

Following your gut

 Thinking with your gut is not generally a good idea, as Carl Sagan said in Demon-Haunted World

But sometimes, to feel at home in your world, you've got to follow it. That's what William James's meant about paying attention to your "eagerness" if you want to experience "zest"... and of course you do.

It's also the message in this short film from my favorite YouTuber.

Trout and Coffee

1 comment:

  1. Tyler Martin H02
    I disagree with Sagan. I believe that a person's gut is more than a random instinctual decision made on the fly. It is an instinctual decision based upon subconscious motives and experiences. The most successful people on our planet did not become successful by listening to reason. They became successful by following their gut when it told them to do something no one else was.
