Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Questions Nov 10/11

Kaag, Sick Souls (K) Prologue; William James (WJ), Is Life Worth Living? (Link to full text below... or you can order the Library of America's terrific William James : Writings 1878-1899... vol.2 is William James : Writings 1902-1910).

1. Young William James's problem, as he felt "pulled in too many directions" and worried that we might be nothing but cogs in a machine, was ____.

2. What is distinctive about "our age" that makes James particularly relevant?

3. What happened on Feb. 6, 2014 that prompted Kaag to write this book?
4. "Too much questioning and too little active responsibility lead" to what?

5. Human history is "one long commentary on" what?

6. A "wider world... unseen by us" may exist, just as our world does for ___.

7. The "deepest thing in our nature," which deals with possibilities rather than finished facts, is a "dumb region of the heart" called (in German) ___.
Discussion questions:

  • Have you ever felt "pulled in too many directions"? 2 How did you respond?
  • Do you approach philosophy as a "detached intellectual exercise," an "existential life preserver," or something else?
  • Where would you place yourself on the spectrum between "sick soul" and "healthy-minded"? Does that change, over time?
  • Can belief that life is worth living become self-fulfilling?
  • Do you know any "sick souls"? 3 Or "healthy minds"? 4 Are they the same person?
  • Do you agree that believing life to be worth living "will help create the fact"? 5
  • Do you like WJ's answer to the question "Is life worth living?" 9
  • Is suicide always "the wrong way to exit life"? 10
  • Have you ever visited the Harvard campus? What were your impressions?
  • Is "maybe" a good answer to the eponymous question of James's essay below?
  • Do you like Whitman's poetic expression of "the joy of living"?
  • Have you ever been as happy as Rousseau at Annecy?
  • Do you agree that nature cannot embody the ultimate "divine" spirit of the universe? What if you remove (or re-define) "divine"? 489
  • Do you agree that "sufferings and hardships do not, as a rule, abate the love of life..."? 491
  • Does the "purely naturalistic basis" suffice to make life worth living? 494
  • Does life feel like a "real fight" to you? 502

When Mr. Mallock's book with this title appeared some fifteen years ago, the jocose answer that "it depends on the liver" had great currency in the newspapers. The answer which I propose to give to-night cannot be jocose. In the words of one of Shakespeare's prologues,—
"I come no more to make you laugh; things now,

That bear a weighty and a serious brow,

Sad, high, and working, full of state and woe,"—

must be my theme. In the deepest heart of all of us there is a corner in which the ultimate mystery of things works sadly; and I know not what such an association as yours intends, nor what you ask of those whom you invite to address you, unless it be to lead you from the surface-glamour of existence, and for an hour at least to make you heedless to the buzzing and jigging and vibration of small interests and excitements that form the tissue of our ordinary consciousness. Without further explanation or apology, then, I ask you to join me in turning an attention, commonly too unwilling, to the profounder bass-note of life. Let us search the lonely depths for an hour together, and see what answers in the last folds and recesses of things our question may find... (continues)


  1. (H03)”Do you agree that believing life to be worth living "will help create the fact”?”
    Yes. If you act on the belief that life is worth living it will become a self fulfilling prophecy. I believe this is the type of situation in which believing something is the same as it being true, at least true for your own life.
    “Does life feel like a "real fight" to you?”
    At the moment, no. At different times in my life I would have answered differently and my answer to this question may change again in the future.

  2. Where would you place yourself on the spectrum between "sick soul" and "healthy-minded"? Does that change, over time?

    I feel like I'd be self-diagnosing myself, but I feel like I fit this category with my overall feelings and attitude. I don't want to go all out and say that my soul is sick, but I definitely feel it very often. I'd like to say my mind stays pretty healthy, too. I know I'm smart and intelligent, for the most part. At least academically this is so.

    Do you agree that believing life to be worth living "will help create the fact"? 5 AND Can belief that life is worth living become self-fulfilling?

    I think it's up to us to create our own reasons to live life. We give ourselves our own purpose, and it's unhealthy for that purpose to be created for us. This may sound like an argument against religion, but we as people can choose to make our religion our purpose. It should not be just because it's preached to be that way though. This all applies to finding our own purpose for living life, and for finding ways to prosper.

    Is suicide always "the wrong way to exit life"?

    I can't think of any justification for it if you are healthy. However, if you are in a position of immense suffering with no chance of living whatsoever, I don't see why you would see it through to the end if you had no purpose to. But this only comes down to physical wounds. Emotional wounds, which are the primary reasons anyone would commit suicide, are a whole different story. I hate to believe that there are people that have followed through with it, and that they were backed into that corner. And I hate to admit the thought has crossed my mind. We're our own worst enemies, so we need to keep ourselves in check. Or at least try our hardest. Having a good network of people helps with this so they can help catch you when you fall too far.

  3. Is suicide always "the wrong way to exit life"?
    I would have to say yes. Suicide is never the answer. Life does suck, but in my opinion, it's not worth leaving. There are so many people in this world that are willing to listen and help people struggling with suicide. This life isn't easy, that's why it's so important to find community and the love from friends, family, neighbors, etc.

    Have you ever visited the Harvard campus? What were your impressions?
    I have not visited the campus, but I have seen pictures and videos and I find it very intimidating. I do love the architecture and unique structures, but I don't think I could handle living and studying there. I always relate it to the Hogwarts school from the Harry Potter books. The elegancy associated with Harvard is extravagant, but the thought of gaining an advanced study just gives me the chills.

    Does life feel like a "real fight" to you?
    I would say life is a constant fight. Whether or not you realize you're in the fight, there is constantly a struggle. I find it a "real fight" because it can mentally and physical consume you.


    1. I agree that there are many resources for people with suicidal thoughts, but suicide may be the answer for terminally ill people in pain. Sometimes it can be easier on a person and their family to end their lives on their own terms. Many terminally ill patients travel to the Netherlands to have assisted suicide procedures preformed because it is legal there.

  4. Have you ever felt "pulled in too many directions"? 2 How did you respond?

    Yes, especially when I was in high school when trying to figure out the next steps of my life when going to college to further my education. How I responded at first was I panicked but I soon realized it was best for me to not overwhelm myself by being worrisome.

    Where would you place yourself on the spectrum between "sick soul" and "healthy-minded"?Does that change, over time?

    Personally for me it depends on the mindset I’m in. I do try to be healthy-minded though to help improve my mental health.

    Can belief that life is worth living become self-fulfilling?

    Yes, it can really help particularly in times when someone could be going through a tough moment or times in life.

    1. After reading the comments I think everyone was pulled too many directions in high school, but I liked how you were able to realize that you were panicked and then relieve yourself. You seem like a very well put together person.

  5. H03
    Have you ever felt "pulled in too many directions"? 2 How did you respond?
    Cut off everything but one. Might not be healthy, but it gets things done.

    Does life feel like a "real fight" to you?
    Sometimes. It honestly depends on where my mind is at the time. I was working full time and playing soccer during junior year and the end of senior year, but I only felt like I was drowning only for the first.

    Can belief that life is worth living become self-fulfilling?
    I think you can convince your mind if anything if you do it long enough. If you actively search for things that make life worth living, you'll eventually find something.

  6. Have you ever felt "pulled in too many directions"?

    I actually am currently pulled in too many directions. I feel like every class I have wants me to do more and more work. I have just so many things due in the next few days I don't know were to start. How I'm gonna deal? Probably get 4 hours of sleep each night and work my butt off to get everything done.

    Does life feel like a "real fight" to you?

    I think in the past it didn't feel like a fight at all. But recently, it has started to feel like a fight. With all the challenges of moving out, working, and being a full time student, life certainly has gotten harder.

    Is suicide always "the wrong way to exit life"?

    First of all, it's terrible to think that people are in so much pain either physically or mentally that they feel the need to commit suicide. As a nation I think we need to put more effort into mental health and take better care of the people who are suicidal. Personally, I don't think it is the proper way to die. I think there is always a reason to stay in this life fighting and to keep living.

  7. H2. Have you ever felt "pulled in too many directions"? 2 How did you respond?

    I have felt “pulled in too many directions” multiple times throughout my life. A recent instance happened towards the end of my senior year in high school. So many people were telling me various things, ranging from which college I should attend or major I should choose to the community service or extracurricular activities they suggested for my resume. Although it was a stressful time, I decided to take a step back and actually consider what I wanted to do and achieve in my lifetime. This allowed me to reduce some of the pressure placed on me and navigate through my shift from high school to college accordingly.

    Can belief that life is worth living become self-fulfilling?

    Although it ultimately depends on the specific person, I believe this statement to be true. Allowing yourself to believe life is worth living could provide you with reasons to continue living and possibly developing a more content mindset. In addition, this fulfillment could lead to you discovering more about your “true” self and finally achieving personal goals or objectives.

    Does life feel like a "real fight" to you?

    Despite life’s good moments and bad moments, I do view life as a “real fight.” There are so many different things that can occur in your life, some expected or not so expected, and you must be able to overcome and defeat those challenges. These obstacles, however, can be difficult to combat and surpass which is why I believe life to be a “real fight.” Currently, my life is relatively peaceful, and I do feel like I am in a constant fight, even so this state in my life could shift overtime as life progresses.

    1. H01 I agree, life is a real fight. I think also sometimes when life gets tough, the peaceful times feel that much more peaceful when compared to daily struggles.

  8. 1. Have you ever felt "pulled in too many directions"? 2 How did you respond?
    Yes. In high school I was playing soccer, doing college applications, planning my future, leading a local chapter of an organization. I had to manage and organize every aspect of my life and it was too much for me to handle at times. I responded by balancing it all the best I could.

    2. Can belief that life is worth living become self-fulfilling?
    I think believing life is worth living and be self-fulfilling but not always. People can go through phases of depression and it is not always that easy as just deciding life is worth it. Some people need other people and help the see the beauties of life and see that life is worth living. But once you see the things that make life worth it I think it does make it easier.


    "Have you ever felt "pulled in too many directions"? 2 How did you respond?"

    Of course. Between dealing with undiagnosed mental health issues during my childhood for many years and helping my family, I felt like life was a tug-o-war where I always lost. I responded by tackling my mental health first by coming out to my parents about my serious problems at in high school, and suddenly dealing with my family became much easier. You must try to defeat things one at a time, not all at once, and even if you cannot defeat them, try to conquer the harder parts. Patience is also key.

    "Where would you place yourself on the spectrum between "sick soul" and "healthy-minded"? Does that change, over time?"

    I'd hate to always be in the grey-area for every major question, but I am in this case. I never quite feel on one side or the other for long-enough amounts of time. I hope that it does eventually turn to healthy-minded over time, as with age you get to know yourself better and have more inner-strength to prioritize and reevaluate your issues. I don't like to place myself in an either/or mindset; it helps me deal with my issues.

    "Can belief that life is worth living become self-fulfilling?"

    Yes. It is often the hardest step in conquering suicidal thoughts or a depressive mindset.

  10. H3
    Is suicide always the wrong exit to life?
    I think it is, my parents have always told me that suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

    Have you ever felt pulled in too many directions?
    Yes I have. Especially this year as I am navigating freshman year. Trying to study and focus on classes while also having a social life.

    Do you agree that believing life is worth living will help create the fact?
    Yes I agree because if you are telling yourself something negative it will affect the way you view life.

    1. I completely agree with your parents when it comes to the permanency of suicide. It really is permanent to things that can get better. It is sad sometimes though when people have no one to help them realize this.

  11. (H03)

    Have you ever felt "pulled in too many directions"? 2 How did you respond?

    I have felt like that, especially in school with work meshing with my personal work and procrastination. Recently I've had to pull several all-nighters to get on track. Other than that, I've generally had to heavily up my game and focus level. I try to get through all directions.

    Is suicide always "the wrong way to exit life"?

    I think that it can depend. I know that historically, suicides have been used by those without power to make a statement such as suicides of oppressed women to bring attention to the faults of their husbands. I think that generally, it is not the answer but it will not be stopped.

    Can belief that life is worth living become self-fulfilling?

    Often yes, as being optimistic about life will help you actually enjoy it. The placebo effect is very real, and encouraging yourself to assume something is worth it will increase the chance that you take advantage of everything that you can.

    1. I agree that in certain situations suicide is a reach for attention of a certain sad event that has happened. I do not think this is the right answer either. But sadly it makes sense because many people do not feel heard.

  12. Have you ever felt "pulled in too many directions"? 2 How did you respond?
    -Yes, in high school I felt pulled in too many directions between school, work, the pandemic, and volunteering. I responded by managing my time and using my spare time to go on walks to relieve stress.

    Can belief that life is worth living become self-fulfilling?
    -Yes, your attitude has a big impact on your life. Having that belief can change the way you act and help you to see the better things life has to offer.

    Does life feel like a "real fight" to you? 502
    -Yes, I am fighting against a lack of motivation and stress every day.

    1. H01 Yes, i often feel pulled in many direction. It's very difficult at times, juggling so many things. It's nice sometimes to only have to focus on one thing.

    2. Life to me sometimes feels like a real fight when things aren't necessarily going my way. I think that school will always be a battle, but it has a great reward at the end.

  13. Does life feel like a "real fight" to you?
    Sometimes it does feel like a real fight. There are always things swinging my way and things I have to fight back at.
    Can belief that life is worth living become self-fulfilling?
    If you make a reason for your life sometimes it can feel like there is a purpose but it is not always so simple. You cannot always just make a purpose.

  14. Do you agree that believing life to be worth living "will help create the fact"?

    Whether life is or isn't worth living is based on our what we make of it. I think most of our reality and our feelings of life and meaning are based in our mind, so if we can convince our mind that we have meaning, then we will.

    Do you agree that "sufferings and hardships do not, as a rule, abate the love of life..."?

    I somewhat agree and disagree, I think suffering and hardships definitely affect your love of life, but mostly for a temporary time being, in most cases. I think they also make you stronger as a person and build character.

    1. I think sufferings and hardships help us grow as people and learn from past mistakes. Everyone has rough patches in their lives, so it may in that time make you hate life. However, there are also high points in life that make us love life. I am in the middle of the two extremes to agree or disagree!

  15. Is suicide always "the wrong way to exit life"? 10
    I do not think it is the wrong way to exit life. Everyone has a different opinion on this, and I believe that if you choose to commit suicide, everyone has their reasoning. Do I wish that people would choose to fight for their lives? Yes. However, some situations where people are living in their own personal hell justifies their choice. I don't think that anyone should have any stance on saying suicide is the wrong way to exit life, because for some people it is their only way to find peace.
