Monday, November 8, 2021

Five (!) gold gloves



The Cardinals became the first team in history to have five Gold Glove winners in one season. Only catcher Yadier Molina finished as a finalist for St. Louis but did not win.


  1. Finally my team the Braves decided to step up this year it only took them 26 years to return to the top. The last World Series they won was before my time in 1995 against the Cleveland Indians.

  2. If we are to invest ourselves in sports then this is a respectable feat that represents how well they did during the season. However, no team did better than the Braves. If Aristotle said that eudaimonia was based upon how well your sports teams did, as a Braves, Titans, Volunteers, and Grizzlies fan; I would say mine is pretty high.
