Thursday, November 4, 2021

Questions Nov 8/9

WGU conclusion

Study Questions

1. What mixed messages keep us in states of immaturity?

2. The older you get, the more you know what?

3. What does the U-bend tell us about aging?

4. Growing up means realizing what?

5. Philosophy is an attempt to wrestle with what three questions, according to Kant?

6. The young have only vague and erroneous notions of what, according to de Beauvoir?

7. Shakespeare's As You Like It is a gloss on what modern message?

8. Philosophers seek answers to children's questions such as what?

Discussion Questions:

  • "Children make more compliant subjects and consumers." 193 Are we a nation of children, in this sense? 
  • Do you know any adults who never grew up, or who say they admire Peter Pan, or who are "young at heart" and "open to the world"? 194 Or any young people who missed out on the joys of childhood? 
  • Do you wish you looked older than you do? Why?
  • Is life like a journey in Neurath's boat? 196
  • "Maturity cannot be commanded, it must be desired." 198 Do you desire it?
  • "I wish I'd known enough to ask my teachers the right questions before they died." 198 Do you (now) have questions for people it's too late to ask? 
  • "Most people grow happier as they grow older." 198 Does this surprise you?
  • "Growing up means realizing that no time of one's life is the best one," just as each season of the year brings its own unique joys. 202 "To be interested in the changing seasons is, in this middling zone, a happier state of mind than to be hopelessly in love with spring." (George Santayana) Do you agree?
  • Do you understand what Kant meant by saying you have duties to yourself? 203
  • Have you yet discovered the pleasures of generativity and generosity? 204
  • Do you know anyone who treats people as means to their own ends? 206 Do you want to?
  • Did you grow up in "a home filled with good books and articulate people"? 209 Do you intend to provide such a home for your children? 
  • If musicians and bilingual speakers have more neural connections than others, why aren't music and languages more heavily emphasized in our schools? 210
  • Do you see college as an opportunity to "expand your judgment and enlarge your mind"? 213
  • Is "think for yourself" necessarily vague? 215
  • Are you glad you didn't live before the Enlightenment, when your life would have been largely determined by your father's (and his, and his...)? 216
  • Do you agree with Leibniz, that most people would choose on their deathbed to live their lives again only on the condition that they would be different next time? 
  • Do you prefer Nietzsche's version of eternal recurrence (220), or Bill Murray's in Groundhog Day, or Hume's preference for the next ten years and not the last (221), or none of the above? 
  • Do you enjoy the music of any older popular musicians (Dylan, Springsteen...)? 225
  • "The fear of growing up is less a fear of dying than a fear of life itself." 230 Agree?
  • Was Shakespeare really saying life sucks and then you die? Or was he mocking that view?



  • If/when you become a parent, will you be "anxious, frightened, overprotective" and constantly worried about the threat of child-napping? 326
  • What do you think of "the message of The Courage to Heal"? 328
  • What accounts for the "rising chorus of panicky Christian crazy talk"? 330
  • Do you know any real "Devil worshippers"? Do you believe devils exist? Why? 334
  • What do you think of Bakersfield's "big outbreak" and LA County's "Satanic Panic"? 337
  • "Younger people know nothing about [our Satanic Panic of just a generation ago], and almost nobody is aware of its scale and duration and damage." True? 340
  • What's the harm of obsessing about flying saucers etc.? 345
  • Do you know anyone who believes that "everybody has been in on" a one-world government conspiracy orchestrated by space aliens? 347-8
  • Were the Branch Davidians fundamentally different from mainstream Protestantism? 350
  • What do you think of The X-Files? 354


  1. Do you wish you looked older than you do? Why?
    I think I'm fine looking the age that I do. I've heard I look younger than I am and I've heard that I look much older. I've heard similarly with how I act and behave. It doesn't bother me either way.

    "Most people grow happier as they grow older." 198 Does this surprise you?

    Not at all. Generally it seems that people tend understand things better as they age. Issues that I'm faced with aren't as big of a deal to older people. I'm on edge about my future, my relationship with people I know today, my school work, my job. People generally become more secure as they age. But of course there are outliers

    Do you know any adults who never grew up, or who say they admire Peter Pan, or who are "young at heart" and "open to the world"? 194 Or any young people who missed out on the joys of childhood? 

    I know plenty of people. Adults that are children at heart are the easiest to get along with. They're fun. But they have an edge of maturity to them. Anyone who idolizes Peter Pan though, I'm unsure. I've never heard anyone mention it. At least nothing I've retained in my own memory.

  2. H03
    Do you wish you looked older than you do? Why?
    Always. My parents are young and look young, along with all of my grandparents, so I've accepted my baby-faced-fate, but I do wish I looked older. Everyone always says that it's "great when you're older", but I do not care.

    Do you enjoy the music of any older popular musicians?
    Fleetwood Mac, Creedence Clear Water Revival, ABBA, Dolly, and Queen are my favorites. Specifically Fleetwood Mac, since I named my car after Stevie. The rest of my music taste is full of absolute garbage, though, so I always feel bad lumping these artists in.

    If musicians and bilingual speakers have more neural connections than others, why aren't music and languages more heavily emphasized in our schools?
    School systems sometimes seem to focus on the wrong things, perpetrating these values on education that are expected of them rather than doing things differently. If ACT scores are what's going to get kids into college, then standardized tests are all they will focus on. I was lucky enough to go to a magnet school when I was younger where Spanish was necessary every single year and you had to pick an instrument to play by third grade. I do find the foreign language, especially, has helped my general understanding and learning of other topics. I think it's part of the reason I'm more of an English/History kind of person.

    1. H01
      You have an immaculate taste in music.

    2. H01
      I agree that schools seem to focus more on test scores now then they should and I think you have an interesting experience from the magnet school, but I think the reason that it is not as focused on in school is more so because it is harder from some students than it is for others. I love Spanish because it was easy for me to wrap my head around the grammer and memorization, but not everyone feels the same. In the same note, I played the french horn in middle school and it was fustrating to say the least. I was unable to practice at home and even if I could I did not want to. On the other hand, my brother was able to play the trumpet immediantly. At the end of the day, both language learning and instrument learning are difficult and these skills require a lot of practice and a little talent. These skills are difficult to grade, so they do not fit well in the modern schools.

    3. I wish I would have a "baby face." Ive always been told I look older than I am, even though I think I look like an average 21 year old. Don't take it for granted!! Haha

  3. (H03)”The fear of growing up is less a fear of dying than a fear of life itself." 230 Agree?”
    I disagree. We are afraid of living because we only get once chance at life (because we die). So that would mean our fear of growing up ends of really being a fear of death.
    “Do you wish you looked older than you do? Why?”
    No. There is plenty of time to look older when I am older. Its going to come anyways so why rush.

  4. H03

    Do you know any adults who never grew up, or who say they admire Peter Pan, or who are "young at heart" and "open to the world"? 194 Or any young people who missed out on the joys of childhood?

    I do have friends who weren’t able to enjoy their childhood because they had to take on so many responsibilities due to their parents' lack of parenting.

    Do you wish you looked older than you do? Why?

    Sometimes I wish I looked older because it’s sometimes annoying with people reminding me how young I look.

    "Maturity cannot be commanded, it must be desired." 198 Do you desire it?

    I do desire to be more mature because I do want to be able to have some type of mental growth for myself.

    "Most people grow happier as they grow older." 198 Does this surprise you?

    I’m not shocked because I feel as you get older you’re able to add more forms of happiness to your life.

    If/when you become a parent, will you be "anxious, frightened, overprotective" and constantly worried about the threat of child-napping? 326

    Yes and no. I grew up with one of my parents being overprotective and sometimes it was overwhelming dealing with that because my mom was also worried about something bad happening. But I do feel my mom had her reasons because the world does have its dangers, however, if I do ever become a parent I think I would find ways to not be an overprotective parent while making sure my child or children are protected.

  5. If musicians and bilingual speakers have more neural connections than others, why aren't music and languages more heavily emphasized in our schools?
    In my opinion, I think it's because these aren't meant for everyone. Personally, I'm better at understand music and playing instruments than speaking another language. Art is a choice, whether we choose to accept it or not. Art unlocks those parts in the brain, so forcing or heavily emphasizing on art can lose the true meaning and purpose behind the art and the artist.

    Do you see college as an opportunity to "expand your judgment and enlarge your mind"?
    I sure do. Coming from another state, it definitely opens those doors that I probably wouldn't have experienced back home. I'm sure I could've by the people I met, but living in another state broadens the horizons. You get a different perspective on the world, even if it isn't that far.

    Do you enjoy the music of any older popular musicians (Dylan, Springsteen...)?
    I absolutely do. I feel like it's kind of important that we do so that that art/music isn't forgotten. The music that many young teens and children listen to is completely different than it used to be, so by listening to the older musicians, it allows us to reflect on our history and past. I am a big fan of music so I really enjoy those older songs too.


    1. H01
      I agree, but also I think school should require music class early in childhood, even if it's not very intense learning, but just to give the student a feel of what music is.

  6. H02
    LG Willis
    I do believe we have become an infantile nation. We are raised in institutions that teach us to comply. We are exposed to the injustices of the world, but we are offered no solace besides "it is what it is". We are punished when we act out (via the threat of being fired or imprisoned) and rewarded when we do good (via paychecks and acceptance). Most people my age have already prepared themselves for the repetitive cycle of the work week and weekend.

    It makes me wonder. If we are a nation of children, who is raising us? Is it capitalism, lost religion, or the democratic republic we find ourselves in that has weathered down our maturity. Is there any power that is strong enough to "set us straight"? Many of us feel lost and vulnerable. For a while, we relied on our "God" for comfort. I believe, with the decline of religiosity, we have become a nation with no guidance. We allow each other to live in fantasyland because we are happy there.

    All this being said, we do not have to be a nation of children. We can choose to grow up, to think for ourselves, to consider alternative realities, and to change our lives. It all begins with our mindset.

  7. H3
    Do you wish you looked older than you do?
    I do not wish I looked older. As I age I hope I do not show my age as much by excessive wrinkles or other things like this.

    Do you know anyone who treats people as means to their own ends? Do you want to?
    I do not want to know someone who regards people only in ways of which they can benefit from.

    Do you enjoy the music of any older popular musicians?
    Yes, Abba is one of my favorite bands. I started listening to their music after watching the movie Mammamia with my mom.

  8. H03
    I think young people that miss the joys of childhood people because of their living situations. Many kids who have a bad home life are forced to grow up too quickly. Some kids have very irresponsible parents and that leaves the kids to fend for themselves, take care of their siblings, and even watch out for their parents. A lot of young people who are ‘very mature for their age’ are a result of childhood trauma.

  9. (H03)
    Children make more compliant subjects and consumers." 193 Are we a nation of children, in this sense?

    This is a true but extremely terrifying study result that has been taken advantage of for at least two generations. We are not a generation of children in the physical sense which is most important here, however to advertisers, the nation of children, the young, is the primary target.

  10. H01

    Do you enjoy the music of any older popular musicians?

    Yes very much, I think older music is way better than todays music, older artists were definitely more talented than most new artist.

    "The fear of growing up is less a fear of dying than a fear of life itself."

    I agree 100%, I'm very afraid of growing up, at least right now, because I hardly even have a plan of what I want to do. I'm not really afraid to die, I'm just afraid of not living a good life before dying.

    1. Though older musicians are talented I think that it is an overstatement to say they are more talented than today's artists. What can be heard of older artists is a small collection of the biggest hits because that is what was abe to withstand the tests of time. I imagine future generations will make the same comparisons when hearing the greatest hits from the 2020s as we make from listening to the music from the 80s, 90s, and even 2000s

    2. I agree with Natalie, the 'sample size' of music we listen to from the past is super small. If you took some time to really dig I'm certain you can find loads of bland songs that copied what was popular at the time. While nowadays you can dig to find some really unique bands that haven't gotten the recognition they deserve yet. I will say that it does feel like that nowadays the music that gets spread the farthest isn't as interesting, but the stuff that is harder to find is just as interesting as the hits from the past.

  11. H01
    Do you wish you looked older than you do? Why?
    - It depends on the situation. When I am at work I wish I looked older because it would bring a little more authority and respect, but otherwise, I like being young and being able to express myself how I like.

    "Maturity cannot be commanded, it must be desired." 198 Do you desire it?
    - Yes, with maturity comes respect and opportunities that cannot be offered to people seen as young and immature. It is not easy to be seen as mature because you must take on responsibilities that can be draining.

    "Most people grow happier as they grow older." 198 Does this surprise you?
    - No, with age comes responsibility, but you also gain new freedoms. As a child, I had to live at home and tell my parents where I was going and follow their rules, but now I can go where I want when I want to.

    Have you yet discovered the pleasures of generativity and generosity? 204
    - Yes, I enjoy volunteering and helping others, and I wish people would join me to experience the joys.

    Do you see college as an opportunity to "expand your judgment and enlarge your mind"? 213
    - Yes, I came here for a diploma that I can use to get a job, but I also want a new perspective from communities that I could not find elsewhere.

    "The fear of growing up is less a fear of dying than a fear of life itself." 230 Agree?
    - Yes, life is scary because you never know what is around the corner.

  12. Do you know any adults who never grew up, or who say they admire Peter Pan, or who are "young at heart" and "open to the world"? 194 Or any young people who missed out on the joys of childhood?

    Not to be too specific but I personally know good examples of both. Where the adult was someone who took too little responsibility and the young person took on too much to make up for it. Because the child took responsibility on so early they never had a chance to learn on their own. As in, they had to get hurt in an environment where failing wasn't acceptable. Where the adult never learned how to deal with failure because they had never taken any responsibilities where it was likely they would.

    1. I also know of people who fit both of these situations, and it is sad for those who didn't truly get to experience childhood because they had to grow up quickly and be responsible for things a child shouldn't be responsible for.

  13. Do you wish you looked older than you do? Why?
    I do not wish I looked older. I feel like I look my age, 21, and am really not looking forward to getting wrinkles. I see my mom freaking out about looking old even though she doesnt, so I just want to prolong my youthful looks as long as possible.
