Monday, November 1, 2021

Grantland Rice

 It’s the birthday of the sportswriter Grantland Rice (books by this author), born in Murfreesboro, Tennessee (1880). The most popular sportswriter of his day, he wrote an estimated 67 million words in his 53-year career. In 1925, when other newspapermen were happy with a weekly salary of $50, Grantland Rice was making $1,000 a week, about the same as Babe Ruth.

He was known for the extravagant style he used to describe sporting events; he once compared four Notre Dame football players to the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. And in addition to his newspaper articles, he also wrote many poems about sports. The well-known saying “It’s not whether you win or lose, it’s how you play the game” originated with his poem “Alumnus Football,” which ends with the lines: “For when the One Great Scorer comes / To write against your name, / He marks — not that you won or lost — / But how you played the game.”

Grantland Rice’s own favorite sport was golf. He wrote: “Golf is 20 percent mechanics and technique. The other 80 percent is philosophy, humor, tragedy, romance, melodrama, companionship, camaraderie, cussedness, and conversation.” WA


At the corner of Church and College:


  1. H01 Barnes
    Discussion Question:
    With the argument of everyone has the right to life, why is it ok to take the life of a person who is connected to you with no consent and not ok to perform an abortion with a fetus who formed with no consent?
    Does anyone have the right to step in and intervene a situation leading to death of one or more people, or should we stand aside and watch the events unfold? Would you be the person to save five people at the cost of one or claim to not play God and watch as five died but could have been saved?

    1. Posting this here for today's class. This is also a wonderful read about Grantland Rice as this is something new I learned about regarding the history of Murfreesboro and its citizens. Rice's quote you mentioned was another piece of information I did not know its origins from but it has been said numerous times through my childhood playing soccer.
