Monday, October 9, 2023


Alternative treatments are sometimes best…


  1. When it comes to something like anxiety, honestly not one size fits all, sometimes the anxiety is too big or maybe way too small. Therapy may be what you need, or maybe just a quiet walk. It all depends on the person! As long- as those coping mechanisms are healthy and not harming you or others.

  2. Anxiety, in my opinion, is an obstacle that must be overcome. Although the method may differ from person to person, it is imperative that one pushes through their feeling of anxiety. Pushing yourself out of your comfort zone is a great way to experience growth. If you never experience new things because you are anxious or scared, you may never experience growth. You would be effectively cheating yourself out of a very important aspect of life if you didn't learn and grow as a person.

  3. The earlier web address was incorrect. Should work now.
