Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Charles Feeney, Who Made a Fortune and Then Gave It Away, Dies at 92

"…Unlike philanthropists whose names are publicized, celebrated at banquets and emblazoned on building facades and museum wings, Mr. Feeney gave anonymously to universities, medical institutions, scientific endeavors, human rights groups, peace initiatives and scores of causes intended to improve lives in the United States, Vietnam, South Africa, Australia, Israel, Jordan and other lands…"
Charles Feeney, Who Made a Fortune and Then Gave It Away, Dies at 92


  1. It is inspiring to see someone act so selflessly in the good for education and knowledge, wanting to improve chances for everyone around him, and that helped him rest easy. There needs to be more people like that in the world.

  2. Racheal Clark
    Section 10
    Essentially, he was brave for this. He had the effort and energy required to not think about himself, but others. What he gave, ultimately does help the human population, despite if we deserve it or not. All too often, not just celebrities, but the average person engages into mindless expenditures. Bravo to his execution.
