Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Questions Oct 26

NOTE: I'm just noticing that the Why Grow Up questions posted earlier, for today and last time, were out of sequence... Sorry for the confusion. The following are the correct questions.


1. After Plato, the next philosopher to turn his attention to the details of child-rearing was who?

2. What's the first step of human reason, according to Kant?

3. If we have hope for moral progress, what do we want for the next generation?

4. What was Orwell's nightmare?

5. What "perfidious reversal leaves us permanently confused"?

6. What are you committed to, if you're committed to Enlightenment?

7. What is freedom, according to Rousseau and Kant?

8. What's the key to whether or not we grow up?

Discussion Questions
  • Should philosophers pay more attention to child-rearing and parenting? 36
  • What do you think Cicero meant by saying that philosophy is learning to die?
  • Do you feel fully empowered to "choose your life's journey"? If not, what obstacles prevent that? 37
  • In what ways do you think your parents' occupations influence the number of choices you'll be able to make in your life?
  • If you've read 1984 and Brave New World, which do you find the more "seductive dystopia"? 39
  • Are we confused about toys and dreams? 40
  • Do others make the most important decisions for you? 41
  • Do you "make a regular appointment with your body"? 42
  • Do you trust anyone over 30? 45
  • Is it "reasonable to expect justice and joy"? 49
  • Are you "committed to Enlightenment"? 51
  • Do the passions for glory and luxury make us wicked and miserable? 53
  • What does it mean to say there are no atheists in foxholes? Is it true? 54
  • Was Rousseau right about inequality and private property? 55
  • Should philosophy be taught to children, so as to become thinking adults? 57
  • Should children "yield to the commands of other people"? 61
  • Should parents "let the child wail"?
  • Are Rousseau and Kant right about the true definition of freedom? 62
  • Is Rousseau right about desire? 65
  • Did Rousseau's abandonment of his children discredit his thoughts on child-rearing? 69 Or show him to be a hypocrite for saying no task in the world is more important than raising a child properly? 72

1. What percentage of evangelicals believe "Jesus will return no later than he year 2050"?

2. Who's "the most prominent blame-the-victims horror-storyteller"?

3. How many Americans say they believe in the devil  or demonic possession?

4. How many people in the U.K. said they have no religion?

5. What's the latest scholarly consensus about America's exceptional religiosity?


  1. #10

    1. After Plato, the next philosopher to turn his attention to the details of child-rearing was who?


    2. What's the first step of human reason, according to Kant?

    We choose how our journey plays out.

    3. If we have hope for moral progress, what do we want for the next generation

    We want to see improvement in the next generations compared to previous generations.

    4. What was Orwell's nightmare?

    People competing for Big Brother.

    5. What "perfidious reversal leaves us permanently confused"


    6. What are you committed to, if you're committed to Enlightenment?


    7. What is freedom, according to Rousseau and Kant?

    Freedom is not having your thought and ideas affected by someone else’s.. or “filtered” in with someone else’s..

    8. What's the key to whether or not we grow up?

    Whether we strive to be better, it’s our choice.

  2. #11
    1. After Plato, the next philosopher to turn his attention to the details of child-rearing was who? Rosseau

    2. What's the first step of human reason, according to Kant?
    We have to map out our own journey

    3. If we have hope for moral progress, what do we want for the next generation? We would hope for the improvement of future generations.

    4. What was Orwell's nightmare? The big brother competition

    5. What "perfidious reversal leaves us permanently confused"?

    6. What are you committed to, if you're committed to Enlightenment?
    7. What is freedom, according to Rousseau and Kant?
    Having our own uninfluenced thoughts
    8. What's the key to whether or not we grow up?
    trying to be better by our own choice

  3. #11
    1. Rousseau

    2. Humans have the capacity to choose their own life journey.

    3. To be better than the previous generation.

    4. "Scores of people in several countries competing for a place in reality tv show named for the Big Brother..."

    5.Childish dreams being discarded for real business' acquiring toys and finding a steady job that fixes place in economy. Life

    6. Understanding the world in order to improve it

    7. Controlling your own thought

    8. Striving to be better

  4. Section 13
    1. After Plato, the next philosopher to turn his attention to the details of child-rearing was who?
    After Plato the next philosopher to turn his attention to the details of child-rearing was Rousseau.
    2. What's the first step of human reason, according to Kant?
    The first step of human reason according to Kant is realizing that we have the capacity to choose our own destiny.
    3. If we have hope for moral progress, what do we want for the next generation?
    If we have hope for moral progress, we want for the next generation to better off than we were.
    4. What was Orwell's nightmare?
    Orwell’s nightmare was big brother.
    5. What "perfidious reversal leaves us permanently confused"?
    The perfidious reversal that leaves us permanently confused is material desires and consumer culture.
    6. What are you committed to, if you're committed to Enlightenment?
    If you are committed to enlightenment, you are committed to learning.
    7. What is freedom, according to Rousseau and Kant?
    According to Rousseau and Kant, freedom is controlling your own thoughts.
    8. What's the key to whether or not we grow up?
    The key to whether we grow up or not is determined by our strive to self-improvement.

  5. 1. Rousseau
    2. Choosing our own life journey
    3. To be better than the last
    4. People competing for Big brother
    5. Life
    6. Learning
    7.Freedom is controlling your own thoughts
    8. Striving to be better
