Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Questions NOV 2

WGU -p.165

1. Kant's definition of maturity is what?

2. Education, travel, and work share what common purpose, ideally?

3. You're not grown-up if you've not rejected what? 

4. Why should languages and music be learned as early as possible?

5. What is the message of Rousseau's Emile?

6. What does it mean to love a book?

7. The internet, says Nick Carr, is a machine geared for what?

8. If you don't travel you're likely to suppose what?

9. What did Rousseau say about those who do not walk?

10. What is travel's greatest gift?

Discussion Questions
  • What are some other signs of being grown-up, besides the ability to think for yourself? 123
  • Are you good at accepting compromise? Are the adults in your life? 124
  • Have you "sifted through your parents' choices about everything"? 125
  • Do you "love the world enough to assume responsibility for it?" 126
  • Has your educational experience so far broken or furthered your "urge to explore the world"? Do you still "desire to learn"? 127
  • Should corporations like Coca-Cola be allowed to have "pouring rights" in public schools? 132
  • "You must take your education into your own hands as soon as possible." Did you? How? 140
  • Should the age of legal maturity be raised to match the age of brain maturity? 140
  • "Minds need at least as much exercise as bodies..." 141 Do you get enough of both forms of exercise? Too much of one or the other? Do you subscribe to Mens sana in corpore sano?
  • Do you love books and reading? 143 
  • Do you agree with Mark Twain?: "A person who won't read has no advantage over a person who can't."
  • Are you willing to go a month without internet? Or even a day? 148
  • Were Augustine and Rousseau right about travel? 150-51
  • Does group travel "preclude real encounters" with a place? 158
  • Do you hope to live and work one day in another culture for at least a year? Do you think it will contribute to your maturity? 162-3


  1. Section #11

    1. Kant's definition of maturity is the ability to think for oneself is as good a sign of being grown up 'mature' as any other.
    2. The common purposes they all share are: to undercut the dogmatism of the worldviews into which we are born, to learn how people and places differ as well as what they share in common, and to build a backbone for the freedom we need in order to think against the grain.
    3. If you have not changed any of your views or beliefs from what your parents taught you, you have not grown up.
    4. Language and music should be taught at a young age because for one reason if a child can learn two languages before the age of ten it will be easier for said child to learn three or four languages later in life, as for the second reason it would be beneficial for a human to learn languages and music at a young age because the process of learning those skills (New languages, New instruments) require a part of the brain that is strongest and most developing in the early stages of the human's life.
    5. The main message for Emile is, " Nothing in the world is more important than raising a free and happy child."
    6. To love a book means to wrestle with it, to take it seriously enough to be unsettled by it.
    7. The internet is designed as an interruption system, a machine geared for dividing attention.
    8. If you don't travel you are likely to only think like and about the people and perspective of your nation.
    9. Rousseau said that those who do not walk sit inside all depressed and in a cage.
    10. The greatest gift traveling can give you is ' Perhaps they don't want you to understand where you came from.'

  2. 1. Kant's definition of maturity is what?

    "Think for yourself."

    2. Education, travel, and work share what common purpose, ideally?

    To grow up.

    3. You're not grown-up if you've not rejected what?

    Responsibility, maturity. Broadening your perspective by rejecting the traditions your parents have put upon you.

    4. Why should languages and music be learned as early as possible?

    It requires a lot of exercise, and makes it easier to learn other things later in life.

    5. What is the message of Rousseau's Emile?

    Nothing in the world is more important than raising a free and happy child.

    6. What does it mean to love a book?

    To be passive, open up to the author's design, and use imagination as well as reason to think.

    7. The internet, says Nick Carr, is a machine geared for what?


    8. If you don't travel you're likely to suppose what?

    You are likely to suppose your own cultural assumptions to make up human reality.

    9. What did Rousseau say about those who do not walk?

    They sit "Sadly, like prisoners, in a small, closed-up cage."

    10. What is travel's greatest gift?

    Understanding people and where you come from.

    - Kelly Molloy, Section #13

  3. #11
    1. Kant's definition of maturity is what?
    -The ability to think for yourself

    2. Education, travel, and work share what common purpose, ideally?
    -Undercut dogmatism, learn differences of people and what they share, and build backbone for freedom to think against the grain.

    3. You're not grown-up if you've not rejected what?
    -Your parents view

    4. Why should languages and music be learned as early as possible?
    -Experience shapes our brain. Learning languages is easier as a kid.

    5. What is the message of Rousseau's Emile?
    "Nothing in the world is more important than raising a free and happy child."

    6. What does it mean to love a book?
    "Wrestle with it, to take it seriously enough to be unsettled by it."

    7. The internet, says Nick Carr, is a machine geared for what?
    - "Geared for dividing attention."

    8. If you don't travel you're likely to suppose what?
    -If you don't like traveling, you only know one page of a book.

    9. What did Rousseau say about those who do not walk?
    -People who do not walk sit sadly like prisoners in a closed up cage

    10. What is travel's greatest gift?
    -"Perhaps they do not want you to understand where you came from."

  4. 1. Kant's definition of maturity is what?
    Ones ability to think for themselves
    2. Education, travel, and work share what common purpose, ideally?
    undercut dogmatism, learning differences between people, and building a backbone for your ow thought, freedom.
    3. You're not grown-up if you've not rejected what?
    what your parents have taught you while growing up, rejecting their views and what they put upon you.
    4. Why should languages and music be learned as early as possible?
    They should be taught early on because it's easier to learn as a child compared to learning as an adult, a child can learn multiple more languages compared to an adult.
    5. What is the message of Rousseau's Emile?
    "Nothing in the world is more important than raising a free and happy child."
    6. What does it mean to love a book?
    To wrestle and be unsettled by it, to love it and too question the author, and to read it seriously, as well as touring you imagination with it.
    7. The internet, says Nick Carr, is a machine geared for what?
    to divide attention
    8. If you don't travel you're likely to suppose what?
    you have a small opinion and only think about yourself
    9. What did Rousseau say about those who do not walk?
    they sit like prisoners in a cage
    10. What is travel's greatest gift?
    to understand where you came from

  5. 1. The Kant's definition of maturity was the ability to think for ourselves.

    2. To undercut the dogmatism of the worldviews into which we are born, to learn how people and places differ as well as what they share in common, and to build a backbone for the freedom we need in order to think against the grain.

    3. Our parents beliefs or choices

    4. Learning languages and music are easier as a kid.

    5. Nothing in the world is more important than raising a free and happy child.

    6. The willingness to accept an author's design before your own imagination.

    7. Geared for dividing attention

    8. That all people think like you do or like the people around you.

    9. Rousseau said that they sit sad like prisoners in small cages.

    10.Perhaps they do not want you to understand where you came from.

  6. section 11
    1. To think for ourselves

    2.To grow up

    3. Our parents beliefs

    4.The younger we are the easier it is.

    5. Raising a free and happy child

    6.to get a better understanding of the author before you rely on your own ideas

    7.Dividing attention

    8.Everyone thinks like each other

    9. They are basically chained waiting to be free

    10. To know where you are from

  7. 13
    1. ability to think for yourself
    2. undercut dogmatism, learn differences of people, gain the ability to self-think, and to grow
    3. our parent's beliefs
    4. its easier to learn as a kid
    5. raising a happy child who is free
    6. accept the author's design before relying on yours
    7. made to divide attention
    8. Everyone goes with the flow of others around them
    9. they are chained and imprisoned
    10. knowing where you come from

  8. #10

    1. Kant's definition of maturity is what?

    Being able to think for yourself.

    2. Education, travel, and work share what common purpose, ideally?

    Undercut dogmatism, learn differences of people, and to build a backbone for freedom.

    3. You're not grown-up if you've not rejected what? 

    Our parents beliefs/ideologies.

    4. Why should languages and music be learned as early as possible?

    Easier to learn as a child.

    5. What is the message of Rousseau's Emile?

    “Nothing in the world is more important than raising a free and happy child."

    6. What does it mean to love a book?

    Get a solid understanding of the author rather than going off of your own views.

    7. The internet, says Nick Carr, is a machine geared for what?

    Dividing attention.

    8. If you don't travel you're likely to suppose what?

    Everyone thinks the same.

    9. What did Rousseau say about those who do not walk?

    Chained and not free.

    10. What is travel's greatest gift?

    Understanding where you came from.

  9. 1.Maturity is the ability to think for oneself, a sign of being mature and grown up
    2. Undercut dogmatism of the worldwide views of which we are born into, and learn how places differ along with what they have in common
    3.In order to grow up you must figure out your own views different from your parents
    4. Learning a language will help children learn more easier on in life, along with learning music will develop a very strong part of the brain early on
    5. Nothing in the world is more important than raising a free and happy child
    6. Loving a book is wrestling with it, and taking it serious is to be unsettled by it
    7. Interruption system, a machine for dividing attention
    8. Not traveling will halt you for creating a open perspective of the world
    9. Those who do not walk sit inside all depressed and in a cage
    10. "Perhaps they don't want you to understand where you came from."

  10. 1. Kant's definition of maturity is the ability to think for yourself.
    2. Education, travel, and work all undercut dogmatism, learn differences of people, and to build a backbone for freedom.
    3. You're not grown-up if you've not rejected you parents' views.
    4. Languages and music be learned as early as possible because it is easier to learn as a kid.
    5. The message of Rousseau's Emile is that nothing is more important than raising a free and happy child.
    6. To love a book is to get a better understanding of the author before you rely on your own ideas.
    7. The internet, says Nick Carr, is a machine geared for dividing attention.
    8. If you don't travel you're likely to suppose that everyone thinks the same.
    9. Rousseau said those who do not walk sit like prisoners in small cages.
    10. Travel's greatest gift is understanding where you came from.

  11. #13
    1. Maturity is being able to think for yourself in Kant's eyes
    2. These things undercut Dogmatism help learn the differences in people and help create a backbone for freedom
    3. You have not "grown up" until you have rejected your parent's views
    4. This would help a child's ability to learn increase at such a young age
    5. That nothing in the world is more important than raising a free and happy child
    6. To understand the author instead of going off of your own views
    7. A machine for dividing attention, the interruption system
    8. Everyone would think the same
    9. That those who do not walk sit like prisoners in cages
    10. To understand where you came from

  12. #11
    1. Kant's definition of maturity is what?
    The ability to think for oneself
    2. Education, travel, and work share what common purpose, ideally?
    It ideally undercuts dogmatism and learn more about different cultures as well as encouraging original thought
    3. You're not grown-up if you've not rejected what?
    rejected your parent's views.
    4. Why should languages and music be learned as early as possible?
    It would increase a child's capacity to learn
    5. What is the message of Rousseau's Emile?
    "Nothing is more important than raising a free and happy child"
    6. What does it mean to love a book?
    To understand where the author is coming from and their viewpoint instead of just relying on your own
    7. The internet, says Nick Carr, is a machine geared for what?
    A machine for dividing attention
    8. If you don't travel you're likely to suppose what?
    Everyone sees things the same as you
    9. What did Rousseau say about those who do not walk?
    They sit like prisoners in a cage
    10. What is travel's greatest gift?
    Knowing where you came from

  13. 1. “Think for yourself”
    2. Undercut dogmatism, learn differences of other people, gain ability to self-think, and to grow up
    3.Our parents beliefs
    4.It's easier as a kid. Our brains are still learning and developing. That's why we are put into school at such a young age.

    5. Nothing is more important than raising a free and happy child.

    6. To get an understanding of the author and book before your own imagination and ideas.

    7. Dividing attention

    8. Everyone is supposed to think like each other

    9.He said they sit as prisoners in small cages

    10. To know where you came from

  14. #13
    Cannon Cofran

    1. Kant's definition of maturity is what?
    He said that maturity is the ability to think for yourself
    2. Education, travel, and work share what common purpose, ideally?

    They all share the common purpose to help us change the direction of our thoughts away from what our society has tried to shape, to learn how people and places differ as well as what they share in common and to build up the foundation of the freedom we utilize to publicly formate thought contradictory to what we’ve been told.

    3. You're not grown-up if you've not rejected what?

    If you do not hold any opinions abject to those your parents hold

    4. Why should languages and music be learned as early as possible?

    Because the brain of a child learns language faster and easier than adults.

    5. What is the message of Rousseau's Emile?

    “Nothing in the world is more important than raising a free and happy child”

    6. What does it mean to love a book?

    It means to wrestle with it and be conflicted by the things within it, to take it seriously enough that it changes you

    7. The internet, says Nick Carr, is a machine geared for what?

    Interruption system, a machine geared for dividing attention

    8. If you don't travel you're likely to suppose what?

    You are likely to only think like those of the people in your vicinity

    9. What did Rousseau say about those who do not walk?

    He said that those who do not walk sit depressed in a cage

    10. What is travel's greatest gift?

    The best gift is understanding people and where you come from.

  15. #13
    1.one's growth in autonomous thinking and in one's ability to use and trust his reason rather than be led and taught by others.
    2. All of these have the same common ideal that it helps you connect with others socially and emotionally.
    3. You are not grown up if you have not rejected your parents views.
    4. Languages should be learned at a younger age because it is easier to retain the information at a young age.
    5.Rousseau's aim throughout Émile is to show how a natural education, unlike the artificial and formal education of society
    6. To understand the author and the things they are writing about.
    7. He believes that the internet is shallowing our brains
    8. you are more likely to think like those around you
    9. Those who don't walk suffer like a prisoner in a cage.
    10. To understand where you can from and the people all around the world.

  16. #11

    1. Kant's definition for maturity is the ability to think for oneself.
    2. Education, travel, and work have a shared purpose; to undercut the dogmatism of the worldviews into which we are born, to learn how people and places differ as well as what they share in common, to build a backbone for the freedom we need in order to think against the grain.
    3. If you dont reject any of your parents choices, you are not grown up. Their choices were made in a time that isnt this one.
    4. Language and music are regressive and require tedious exercises that must be repeated
    5. Nothing in the world is more important than raising a free and happy child.
    6. To love a book means to wrestle with it, to take it seriously enough to be unsettled by it.
    7. The internet is an interruption system, a machine geared for dividing our attention. Grabbing our attention only to scatter it.
    8. If you do not travel you are likely to suppose your own cultural assumptions to make up human reality.
    9. Those who do not walk, sit sadly, like prisoners in a small, closed up cage.
    10. the best gift of travel in understanding people and where you came from
