Monday, October 30, 2023

Questions Oct 31

  WGU -p.122

1. "The miracle that saves the world," said Hannah Arendt, is ____.

2. For Kant the most important fact about us is what?

3. What is "the metaphysical wound at the heart of the universe"? 

4. How did David Hume dispel "this philosophical melancholy and delirium"? 

5. What did Kant say we must take seriously, in order to grow up?

6. What must reason find intolerable about the world?

Discussion Questions

  • Is Hannah Arendt's emphasis on natality as important as mortality, in defining the human condition? Would it still be, if we ever achieved natural immortality? 80-81
  • Is the US still a proud nation of immigrants, or more like those European nations "struggling with what they regard as the problem of immigration? 81
  • Are there ways other than travel to "experience the world as babies do" etc.? 83
  • Did your upbringing make it easier or harder for you to trust? 86
  • "Once you start asking why, there's no natural place to stop." 88 So why do so many people stop, or else never start?
  • How long would we have to live, to see this as Leibniz's "best possible world" 89
  • Was Hume right about reason being slave to the passions? 93
  • Was Thrasymachus right about justice? 94
  • Do you agree with the cliche about socialism? 100
  • Is Hume's strategy for dispelling melancholy good? 104
  • Has the gap between ought and is narrowed in the world, historically?107
  • Was Nietzsche right about stoicism? 113
  • Is it childish to expect the world to make sense? 114
  • How can philosophy help us grow up? 119
  • Do we have a right to happiness? 122


  1. WGU -122
    1. The miracle that saves the world is supposedly a baby.
    2. That our brains can process things other than ourselves.
    3. We have yet to figure out how to get the is to the ought to be.
    4. A good meal, games, and drinks with friends.
    5. Kant believed we must accept the reality of our world in order to grow up, to prepare for the worst but to hope for the best.
    6. Reason must find the fact that innocent people get harmed in this world and that must be unpleasant.

  2. #11
    1. A baby and the new beginning

    2. Our cognitive capacity and no one is god

    3. "Things are not as they should be and you can neither get the thing or the should out of your heart."

    4. Good meal, a game of backgammon, and a couple of friends.

    5. What is and what's ought

    6. "A world in which those who are worthy of happiness are subject to misery and oppression."

  3. #13
    1. Birth is a miracle
    2. Cognitive capacity. No one is god
    3. Things are not how they should be
    4. good food, games, and friends
    5. expecting the worst and hoping for the best is crucial to growing up
    6. Those who should be happy are subject to misery in the world

  4. #10

    1. According to Hannah Arendt the miracle that saves the world is birth. She states “the birth of new men and the new beginning, the action they are capable of by virtue of being born.”

    2. Kant believed that the most important fact about us is that we can comprehend not just ourselves but the rest of the world.

    3. Nietzsche believed that the metaphysical wound at the heart of the universe is the things that are not as they should be and you can never get the things or the should out of your heart.

    4. According to David Hume, all it takes is a good meal, a game of backgammon, and a couple of merry friends to dispel the philosophical melancholy and delirium is a good meal.

    5. To grow up we must learn the difference between what is and ought without ever giving up on either one by keeping one eye on the way the world ought to be while never losing sight of the way it is. Kant recognized that this requires precarious balance and that growing up is less a matter of knowledge than courage.

    6. Reason finds injustice intolerable in the world.

  5. 1. "The miracle that saves the world," said Hannah Arendt, is ____.
    2. For Kant the most important fact about us is what?
    Our cognitive capacity to process ourselves and others.
    3. What is "the metaphysical wound at the heart of the universe"?
    Things are not as they should be and you can't get it out of your heart
    4. How did David Hume dispel "this philosophical melancholy and delirium"?
    Good food, a good game of backgammon and a couple good friends.
    5. What did Kant say we must take seriously, in order to grow up?
    We must accept reality, what is and what's ought
    6. What must reason find intolerable about the world?
    That those who should be happy are ones who have misery

  6. Section #10
    1. "The miracle that saves the world" is birth.
    2. For Kant the most important fact about us is our cognitive capacity.
    3. "The metaphysical wound at the heart of the universe" is that things are not as they should be, but we cannot get the “should” out of our heart.
    4. According to Hume, good food, a game of backgammon, and some good friends are all it takes to dispel “the philosophical melancholy and delirium.”
    5. Kant said that we must take reality seriously while holding onto our idea of what ought to be. We can’t lose sight of what is true but we also shouldn’t blindly accept the status quo.
    6. Reason must find the idea that good people are subject to misery intolerable.

  7. the birth of a baby is the miracle that saves the world

    the fact that we can perceive and understand ourselves as well as others.

    things are not as they should be

    a good meal a game of backgammon and a few good friends

    we must accept the reality of what is and what's ought

    the people who deserve happiness are the ones who have misery

  8. 1. Birth or a baby

    2. Our cognitive capacity

    3. Things are not how they should be

    4. Good meal, a game of backgammon, and a few good friends

    5. We must accept reality, what is and what's ought

    6. "A world in which those who are worthy of happiness are subject to misery and oppression".

  9. #10

    1. "The miracle that saves the world," said Hannah Arendt, is ____.


    2. For Kant the most important fact about us is what?

    We can comprehend and think about things other than ourselves.

    3. What is "the metaphysical wound at the heart of the universe"? 

    Things are not as they would be.

    4. How did David Hume dispel "this philosophical melancholy and delirium"? 

    A good meal, friends, and games.

    5. What did Kant say we must take seriously, in order to grow up?

    Expecting the worst and wishing for the best.

    6. What must reason find intolerable about the world?

    Those who should be happy have misery.

  10. 1. "The miracle that saves the world," said Hannah Arendt, is a baby.
    2. For Kant the most important fact about us is our cognitive capacity.
    3. "The metaphysical wound at the heart of the universe" is things are not as they should be.
    4. David Hume dispelled "this philosophical melancholy and delirium" with a good meal, backgammon, and friends.
    5. Kant said we must take reality seriously in order to grow up.
    6. Reason must find that idea that those who should be happy have more misery intolerable.

  11. #11.
    1. Birth is a miracle that saves the World.
    2. The most important thing about us is our cognitive capacities.
    3. things are not as they as they should be, and you can neither get the things or the should out of your heart.
    4. a good meal, a game of backgammon and a couple of merry friends.
    5. the is and ought must both be taken seriously in order to grow up.
    6. a world in which those who are worthy of happiness are subject to misery and oppression

  12. Section 11
    2. Our cognitive abilities
    3. How some things are not what they seem and have a deeper meaning
    4.He called it a good meal
    5. Both need to be serious to move on as they grow
    6. Those who deserve to be happy actually deserve to be Miserable

  13. 13
    1. birth
    2. cognitive capacities
    3. things arent as they should be
    4. good meal
    5. must be serious about reality to grow
    6. people who deserve happiness deserve the miserable experience that make happiness so valuable

  14. #11

    1.“The birth of new men and new beginning, the action they are capable of by virtue of being born.”
    2. He thought our cognitive capacities are “fitted to comprehend something so utterly distinct from them-rest of the world- was almost enough to make a argument for the existence of god”
    3.It means there is a huge gap between the way the world is now and how it should be.
    4.A good meal, a game of backgammon and friends.
    5.He said we need to take reality seriously to grow up.
    6. Those who are happy or are to be worthy, should suffer from being miserable.

  15. #13
    cannon cofran

    1. "The miracle that saves the world," said Hannah Arendt, is ____.
    A baby and the new beginning that comes with new life
    2. For Kant the most important fact about us is what?
    Cognitive ability and that there is no one that is god
    3. What is "the metaphysical wound at the heart of the universe"?
    “Things are not what they should be and you can neither get the thing or the should out of your heart”
    4. How did David Hume dispel "this philosophical melancholy and delirium"?
    Good food, fun games, and the accompaniment of close friends.
    5. What did Kant say we must take seriously, in order to grow up?
    Expecting the worst and hoping for the best
    6. What must reason find intolerable about the world?
    People that deserve to be happy but live life in misery and oppression

  16. Section 13
    October 31
    1. "The miracle that saves the world," said Hannah Arendt, is ____.
    The miracle that saved the world is birth, according to Hannah Arendt.
    2. For Kant the most important fact about us is what?
    For Kant, the most important fact about us are our cognitive abilities.
    3. What is "the metaphysical wound at the heart of the universe"?
    “The metaphysical wound at the heart of the universe”, is that things are not as they should be.
    4. How did David Hume dispel "this philosophical melancholy and delirium"?
    David hume dispels the philosophical melancholy and delirium by having a good meal, and the company of good friends.
    5. What did Kant say we must take seriously, in order to grow up?
    Kant says we need to take reality serious in order to grow up.
    6. What must reason find intolerable about the world?
    People that deserve to be happy but yet are miserable is intolerable about the world.

  17. #13
    1.The birth of a new beginning
    2. The most important thing to Kant is cognitive ability
    3.There's a huge gap between the way the world is, and the way the world ought to be.
    4. by relaxing the mind an having good company
    5.He said we need to take the world seriously to grow up
    6.People deserve to be happy but live a life of misery
