Monday, October 23, 2023

Betraying higher education

"What we do [in the liberal arts] is empower [students] to think about themselves not just as someone who needs a job, but someone who wants to contribute to society," said Ann Kennedy, a gender studies professor at the University of Maine at Farmington whose position was eliminated. "The lesson of the liberal arts is that we can all contribute. And that may not be in your job, it may be in other ways."

West Virginia University Is Everything That's Wrong With Higher Education Today


  1. Racheal Clark
    Section #10
    Wholeheartedly, may humanitarian education live on. It'll never die out as humans so long live.

  2. I agree with this. Honestly, I like learning just to gain more knowledge. Yes the job part is a huge bonus but I just like being able to learn and share what I learn with other people.
