Monday, October 2, 2023

Maybe in Your Lifetime, People Will Live on the Moon and Then Mars

Will they be happy to be there?

"We're at a pivotal moment, and in some ways it feels like a dream sequence," said Niki Werkheiser, NASA's director of technology maturation. "In other ways, it feels like it was inevitable that we would get here."
Maybe in Your Lifetime, People Will Live on the Moon and Then Mars

1 comment:

  1. #10
    My fifth grade superlative was "most likely to colonize the moon" which I feel gives me a little bit of background in this subject. Sure it would be a huge step to permanently plant people on the moon or Mars, but I feel like there are major set backs. First of all, humans are social creatures. Total isolation is a horrible idea. Isolation from most of the population, as we have learned in recent years, can really get to your head. It could potentially solve overpopulation, but at the cost of separating families and disturbing way of life. Then you have to consider the fact that we have destroyed this planet and will probably destroy the next. It won't make us happier. It will just give us more space to keep doing what we already do.
