Friday, October 27, 2023


Yet another predictably enervating mass shooting in America, in yet another undeserving "special place." History judges.

"…Maine governor Janet Mills has personal ties to Lewiston, where she worked, met her late husband, and sent their daughters to school. "Lewiston is a special place," she wrote today. "It is a closeknit community with a long history of hard work, of persistence, of faith, of opening its big heart to people everywhere.
"I love this place, just as I love our whole state with my entire heart. I am so deeply saddened. This city did not deserve this terrible assault on its citizens, on its peace of mind, on its sense of security. No city does. No state. No people."


  1. So if 18 people dying from the misuse of a gun means there is a problem with guns, then 153 people dying from the misuse of a vehicle must mean there is a problem with vehicles - right?!? (Data about car crashes in Maine from I also think it is biased to solely talk about how guns have hurt people and not how they have saved many civilian lives. I will mention that it is difficult to pinpoint exactly how many lives are saved from a firearm since in most cases no police report is filed or anything like it since nothing bad happens. Although I was lead to believe that Philosophy is about questioning authority and thinking for ourselves instead of allowing propaganda to lead our thinking. Also in the article posted they are glorifying Biden and how much better he has made the economy, yet does no one remember how bad gas prices were or how much more expensive our groceries have gotten or how much inflation has occurred to our dollar! The last note is that gas prices have only gotten better now that Biden's term is ending and now he is claiming they have always been that way, just something to contemplate.

    1. America obviously has a problem with guns, more precisely with guns in the possession of deranged people who have no business possessing them. And yes, vehicular deaths (and homicides) are also deplorable. Acknowledging these painful truths in no way interferes with anyone's independence of thought or their right to question authority.
